48-59 roman law

A detailed illustration of ancient Roman law in a courtroom setting, with legal scrolls, a judge, and citizens engaged in legal discussions.

Quiz on Roman Law Principles

Test your knowledge of Roman law and its principles with this engaging quiz! Delve into various facets of legal traditions such as inheritances, obligations, and contracts.

Key Features:

  • Multiple-choice questions
  • Explore the historical context
  • Challenge your understanding of legal concepts
10 Questions2 MinutesCreated by LearningLaw234
Legacies were in Roman law:
An optional component of the last will
a mandatory component of the last will
An alternative form of a mortis causa disposition to a last will
The recognition of right to inherit by a child that has already been conceived when the succession is opened
Was a specific idea of roman law
Has its origins in Christianity
Is a universal principle of law
The intestate succession in Rome
reflected the political organization of the society
reflected the understanding of family
Focused on the transfer of assets between spouses.
The formal nature of a last will:
Reflected the formalism of archaic Roman Law
Has been rejected in modern codifications of civil law
In Rome were two sources of obligations, I.e. Contracts and torts
Correct only for Justinian's law
The enforceability of agreement based in Rome on
Specific form of agreement
Specific form of agreement or element of content determined by law
Consent between parties – only
The enforceability of a innominate contract resulted from
Mutual nature of duties and the payment by one party
Formal nature of the promises
Mutual nature of duties
The development of contract law in late Roman republic reflected:
political changes in Rome
changing the economic model
transfer of Greek legal institutions to Rome
new understanding of public moral
The agreement of exchange was in Roman law:
unenforceable agreement
The contract enforceable by law in result of the consent
The contract enforceable by law in result of the performance by one party
The origins of the principle of contractual freedom lie in:
Doctrine of glossators
Medieval practice of canon lawyers
Modern doctrine of natural law
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