Your Relationship to Money Quiz

Where are you in your business?
I'm just starting out. I dont have a formal structure just yet, I'm just figuring things out.
I have a business and I have products and services. I am making money.
I have a 6 figure/multiple 6 figure business
I have a 7 figure and higher business
Tell me the state of your business book-keeping
I don't have many transactions, and they are up to date or reasonably so. I do it myself.
I have several transactions and they are up to date or reasonably so. I do it myself or I have some help from a bookkeeper/accountant.
I am 3 months behind, I may be 6 months behind.
My books are current and I have a bookkeeper/accountant [You MUST have a dedicated business accountant on a monthly or quarterly retainer]
I have a financial team that handles it all [You must have a dedicated financial team for your BUSINESS - financial planner, bookkeeper, accountant, banker etc]
What is the state of your records and your filing system? [With respect to your business only]
I don't have much right now, so I do it myself
I have a small pile, but I know/I think I know where things are.
I have piles and I'm behind. About 3 months or so behind. Maybe 6 months.
Done & current, I have some help.
Done & current - I have an organizer, bookkeeper, filer - specialized help
How often do you look at your business numbers [I dont mean just sales, I mean your entire financial situation]
I don't have much to look at right now
As and when I have time to update my records, not as often as I would like
Okay, okay, never. Until I have my yearly meeting with my accountant [I dont like this question]
Monthly at the very least. Weekly or daily if possible.
Can you tell me your Net Worth right now?
What is net worth?
What is your feeling about debt in general?
Its a bad thing. I have debt and it weighs me down.
Its a bad thing. I've almost paid it all off or I am currently debt-free.
Its a good thing. I'm not against it, but I'm not completely in favor of it either.
Its the best thing. I know exactly how to use debt to my advantage.
I don't need debt at this stage of my life, but my various business ventures know how to leverage it.
How comfortable are you in talking about money and your numbers [not to your accountant, but overall] For e.g. Would you post about money and your numbers on social media or talk to a friend about it?
Absolutely Not.
No, but I'm learning to be comfortable talking to those closest to me.
I can talk about it with advisors and social media with some effort.
Yes, I talk about it openly on social media and with friends.
I talk about it easily - its no different than talking about health, family etc.
How is your asset allocation? [Business and personal]
Huh? English please.
Getting started with it [Pick this option if neither of the 2 below apply to you but you have investments ie 401k, tax deferred plans, pensions, retirement or superannuation plans etc]
Not as diversified [Pick this option only if you have a business and/or stocks, bonds and real estate investments]
Diversified [Pick this option only if you have businesses, stocks, bonds, real estate, charitable foundations, foreign investments etc]
What is your underlying feeling about money as a whole?
It scares me a bit. Or a lot.
Its exciting to see that I can make it
Its a tool
I love it.
I can't get money to stay away from me, we're best friends!
No quiz is complete without you telling me how you feel about these questions:
Sounds like you're fishing for compliments. Are you?
Great questions
They all suck
{"name":"Your Relationship to Money Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Where are you in your business?, Tell me the state of your business book-keeping, What is the state of your records and your filing system?","img":""}
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