EXAM 2027

Diabetes Insipidus is generally caused by a decrease in the hormone known as?
Cortisol levels are controlled by negative feedback. Which hormone stimulates the release of cortisol
Adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH)
Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus is an incorrect term to use for differentiating diabetes mellitus. This is because
The preferred term is juvenile diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is controlled by diet and lifestyle
Insulin is only used in type 1 diabetes
Both type 1 and type 2 may use insulin
Portal hypertension has several potential complications such as
Liver cancer
Oesophageal varices
Reduced INR levels
Select the most likely cause of renal acute kidney injury
Renal calculi
Cardiac failure
Antihistamines are used in the treatment of which hypersensitivity
Trachoma prevention includes
Sanitation and prophylactic antibiotics
Sanitation and isolating families
Better access to medical treatment
Use of facial masks and santitation
Diabetic retinopathy is caused by
Damage to retinal blood vessels and vessel proliferation
Only T1DM as this has an autoimmune component
Increased intraocular pressure
Protein denaturing of the lens of the eye
Characteristic of Polycystic ovarian syndrome include at least two:
Polycystic ovaries on ultrasound AND type two diabetes mellitus AND hypoandrogenism
Oligo-ovulation or anovulation AND hyperandrogenism AND polycystic ovaries on ultrasound
Polycystic ovaries on ultrasound AND high BGLs AND hypoandrogenism
Oligo-ovulation or anovulation AND polycystic ovaries on ultrasound AND type two diabetes mellitus
A medication given for benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) that inhibits the enzyme that converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterons decreasing the amounts circulating and in the prostate glands
5-a-reductase inhibitors (finasteride)
Beta blockers (metoprolol)
A-adrenergic receptor blockers (alfuzosin or tamsulosin)
Eflornithine hydrochloride
Diabetes insipidus may be caused by
Hypersecretion of antidiuretic hormone
Hyposecretion of antidiuretic hormone
Hypersecretion of thyroid hormone
Hyposecretion of thyroid hormone
Which one of the following is a common cause of hypercortisolism?
Corticosteroid medications
Low ACTH levels
Injury to the kidney
Thyroid gland tumor
Which of the following are symptoms of hypocortisolism? (hint: it may be more than one)
Salt craving
high BGL
Low blood pressure
Which of the following are a treatment for hyperthyoidism? (hint: it may be more than one!)
Radioactive iodine
This disorder is characterised by tachycardia, weight loss and protruded eyes
Addison's disease
Graves disease
Hashimotos syndrome
Cushing's Syndrome
Type 1 diabetes is when cells that make insulin (beta cells) in the pancreas are destroyed. What destroys them?
Free radicals
Toxins in the environment
The immune system
Which of these can raise blood sugar?
Oral steroid medicines
Thyroid medicines
Why is insulin important for your body to use blood sugar? Select one:
It helps blood sugar enter cells
It raises cholesterol levels
It lowers blood pressure
It keeps sucrose levels normal
A diabetic patient is fasting after midnight for surgery. The patient has a morning dose of Actrapid pre breakfast. The nurse looking after the patient should
Administer oral glucose then the dose of insulin
Withhold the dose of insulin
Administer the dose of insulin and request the BGL be monitored intraoperatively
Administer the dose of insulin as per medication chart
Diabetes happens because of which of these?
Your body can't use blood sugar the way it should
Your muscles use too much blood sugar
Your liver doesn't make enough blood sugar
Your body makes more insulin than it needs
Hepatic encephalopathy is defined as
loss of brain function due to increased toxins the liver is unable to remove
decreased glucose released by the liver
scarring of the liver
decrease in brain perfusion due to shunting of blood to the liver
The cause of cirrhosis may be (may be more than one!)
Hepatitis C
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Liver cancer
A cirrhotic liver has
Creates symptoms early and is easy to detect
extensive scarring and reduced function
is enlarged
Ascites is always caused by liver disease
Vitamin K/ Phytomenadione is used in liver disease to Question Select one:
To supplement the bodies ability to absorb vitamins
Promotes the formation of coagulation factors
to increase the absorption of calcium
to decrease the risk of hepatic encephalopathy
The leading cause for acute kidney failure is
Prolonged use of nephrotoxic medications
A state of hypoperfusion causing renal cell death
Diabetes Mellitus
The nurse identifies the patient with the greatest risk for a urinary tract infection as a
72-year-old woman hospitalized with a stroke who has an indwelling catheter
26-year-old pregnant woman who has a history of urinary tract infections.
69-year-old man who has urinary retention caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia.
37-year-old man with renal colic associated with kidney stones.
This disorder affects the glomeruli (clusters of microscopic blood vessels with small pores through which blood is filtered). Glomerulonephritis is characterized by which of the following?
Oedema, hypertension, oliguria
Oedema, hypertension, haematurea
Oedema, hypotension, salt craving
Dehydration , hypotension, proteinurea
Upper urinary tract infection involves
Kidney and ureters
Kidney and bladder
Bladder and ureters
Ureters and urethra
A woman complains of severe menstrual cramps. What uterine structure is responsible for this complaint?
Internal os
Uterine fundus
These are specific glycoproteins found in plasma and produced by B cells when body detects non-self cells
Inflammatory mediator
Main function is to recognise cells as self or non self
T cell
Immune system
Cytotoxic T cells are crucial in what type of immunity
humoral immunity
Innate immunity
Adaptive immunity
immediate immunity
This medication is important post receiving grafts because it suppresses the immune response and enhances graft success
The patient of blood group O is receiving a blood transfusion when the nurse noticed he started having shortness of breath and itchiness. The nurses' immediate reaction should be
Administer antihistamines
Stop the infusion
Administer oxygen
Administer adrenaline
A person who is using atropine eye drops has a poor consensual light response. What is this finding considered to be?
Evidence of optic nerve damage
Normal because of the eye drops
. Difficulty with depth perception
Evidence of retinal degeneration
A person with a sore throat is complaining of ‘trouble hearing.’ What might this person be experiencing?
Infected tonsils
An outer ear infection
A middle ear infection
. Sinusitis
During a Weber test, an older person is found to have increased hearing in the right ear. With what is this finding consistent?
Possible buildup of cerumen or otitis media in the right ear
Sensorineural hearing loss in the right ear
Conductive hearing loss in the left ear
Perforated left ear drum
A person is having difficulty maintaining equilibrium. Which part of the ear is involved with this symptom?
Oval window
A man’s prostate specific antigen (PSA) level is elevated. The nurse realises that this man most likely will need which of the following diagnostic tests to accurately diagnose the presence or absence of cancer?
Semen analysis
Prostate ultrasound
CT scan
A man has an infection of his epididymis. Because of this infection the person will have a reduction in what?
Testosterone production
Sperm production
The ability to ejaculate
Mature sperm
During an assessment, the woman asks why the nurse is ‘feeling her armpit.’ Which of the following would be an appropriate response for the nurse to make to this woman?
‘I'm checking your chest muscles.’
€�Breast tissue extends into this area.
I'm assessing for changes to hair distribution in this area
Don't you feel your own armpits?’
An elderly man comes into the emergency department for an oedematous and painful scrotum. The scrotum transilluminates. What is this man’s scrotum filled with?
Prostatic secretions
A mass
Urinary filtrate
Serous fluid
{"name":"EXAM 2027", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Diabetes Insipidus is generally caused by a decrease in the hormone known as?, Cortisol levels are controlled by negative feedback. Which hormone stimulates the release of cortisol, Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus is an incorrect term to use for differentiating diabetes mellitus. This is because","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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