ADV CC WH Test: Ancient Greece

Which phrase correctly completes this chart? [Monarchy: exercise of central power by a hereditary ruler] [Aristocracy: rule by a privileged minority or upper class] [Oligarchy: ?]
A concentration of power in the hands of the wealthy
B rule of officials elected by the people of a country
C state of lawlessness and disorder
D control of power by a hereditary landholding elite
"All goes wrong when, starved for lack of anything good in their own lives, ment run to public affairs hoping to snatch from thence the happiness they hunger for. They set about fighting for power and this... Conflict ruins them and their country. The life of true philosophy is the only one that looks down upon offices of state." ---Plato, The Republic Based on this passage with which of the following statements would Plato agree?
A People who seek public office cannot be trusted to act for the common good.
B Citizens are the best judges of who should rule over them.
C Power is best left in the hands of the aristocracy because they know how to use it.
D Philosophers would not hold public office because they do not respect it.
Why was the phalanx an effective military formation?
A The use of shields protected soldiers and helped maintain formation.
B Heavy infantry was used in the center thereby drawing the enemy in closer.
C Soldiers would break formation and attack once the enemy was in sight.
D Light infantry was placed in front, thereby saving the heavy infantry.
Philip II of Macedonia ruled from 359-336 B.C.E . . . Philip's army was greatly outnumbered by the Athenian and Theban forces yet his phalanxes overwhelmed the Athenians the Thebans. Athens and Thebes were forced to become subjects of Philip and Macedonia, leaving Sparta as the only Greek state not under Macedonian control. The event was significant because it
A marked the beginning of an age in which Greek culture spread widely.
B demonstrated the superiority of the Macedonian navy.
C ended the Peloponnesian war.
D led to the establishment of democracy in Athens.
Which statement describes a reason for women in ancient Sparta to engage in this activity?
A They were expected to produce healthy sons for the spartan army.
B They were supposed to run the day-to-day affairs of the city-state.
C They had to compulsorily serve in the Spartan army for 20 years.
D They worked as indentured servants and the fittest women received the best jobs.
Which statement is true of the city-states on this map?
A They were separated from one another by 100-foot-high walls.
B Together, the city-states formed a large empire ruled by Sparta.
C Each of them comprised a city and ts surrounding countryside.
D The city-states often came under attack from Mongol invaders.
Based on this map, the two city-states that came to dominate ancient Greece were
A centers of gold and silver mining.
B separated by more than 100 miles of rugged terrain.
C founded on separate islands.
Located on the shores of the Aegean Sea.
Athenian domination of the Greek world lasted
A from he reign of Solon until the start of the Persian Wars.
B from the formation of the Delian League until the end of the Peloponnesian War.
C from the Age of Pericles to the Hellenistic age.
D from the end of the Persian Wars until the conquest of Greece by Philip of Macedon.
"If you have any complaint to make about the results of your efforts hitherto, or about myself as your commander, there is no more to say . . . . Are you afraid that a few natives who may still be left will offer opposition? Come, come! These natives either surrender without a blow or are caught on the run--or leave their country undefended for your taking; and when we take it, we make a present of it to those who joined us of their own free will and fight on our side." --Alexander the Great to his troops What does the above speech suggest about Alexander the Great?
A He was an inspiring leader who sought to motivate his troops.
B He was a master of military strategy and tactics.
C He was determined to complete the conquest of all Greece.
D He was a ruthless conqueror and harsh commander.
"Our citizens attend both to public and private duties, and do not allow absorption in their own various affairs to interfere with their knowledge of the city's life. We differ from other states in regarding the man who holds aloof from public life not as 'quiet' but as useless" --Pericles, Funeral Oration Which statement best sums up the main idea of the passage?
A In Athens, citizenship is extended to anyone who wishes to take part in government.
B In Athens, democracy has led to happiness and prosperity.
C In Athens, all citizens have the right to vote.
D In Athens, all citizens have a responsibility to take part in government.
Cyrus the Great ruled _____ in the mid-sixth century, B.C.E.
A Athens
B India
C Perisa
D Egypt
Which of these conquered the Greek city-states?
A Alexander the Great
B Cyrus the Great
C Philip II
D Darius
Which of these men dominated Athenian politics in the fifth century, B.C.E.
A Solon
B Aristophanes
C Philip II
D Pericles
The Peloponnesian Wars were between _____.
A Athens and Sparta
B Greeks and Persia
C Myceneans and Trojans
The Delian League and Athens
The Peloponnesian Wars ended with the defeat of _____.
A Athens
B Sparta
C Perisa
D The Delian League
Which of these was a large kingdom at the northern edge of Greece?
A Sparta
B Macedonia
C Thessaly
D Ionia
A polis was a Greek _____.
A naval vessel
B sporting event
C city-state
D town council
Which of these philosophers lived in Greece's fifth-century classical period?
A Aristotle
B Plato
C Socrates
D Zeno
The great Greek philosopher who tutored Alexander the Great was _____.
A Plato
B Aristotle
C Socrates
D Xenocrate
The author of the Odyssey was _____.
A Homer
B Aristotle
C Plato
D Sophocles
Like Hammurabi, Cyrus the Great used _____ to bind his empire together.
A Harsh rule
B a single currency
C a road system
D laws
Unlike earlier empires in the region, the Persian Empire _____.
A was centered in the Tigris and Euphrates valleys
B forged direct contact between south Asia and Africa
C included diverse peoples
D included both Egypt and Mesopotamia
The Olympic Games are an example of _____.
A Greek rivalries
B Greek religious festivals
C a shared Greek culture
D collaboration among city-states
Compared to usual relations among Greek city-states, the Peloponnesian Wars were _____.
A an amplification.
B unprecedented
C typical
D unusual
Like the Qin Empire, Alexander's rule was _____.
A known for its harshness
B ethnically very diverse
C short-lived but highly influential
D divided among three successors
Hellenistic culture is best characterized as _____.
A a mixture of Greek and Persian culture
B Greek culture blending with many other traditions
C Greek philosophy blending with Zoroastrintinisim
D Babylonian science reinvigorated with Greek rationalism
A key factor in the thriving international commerce in the territories conquered by Alexander was _____.
A the power of Alexander's successors
B the legacy of Persia
C a single ruler
D a common culture
Socrates, Aristotle, and Plato all approached knowledge by focusing on _____.
A spirituality
B reason
C ancient texts
D social networks
The political systems of classical Greece and Persia were _____.
A roughly similar
B based on the same principles
C nearly identical
D distinctly different
Ultimately, rivalry between Sparta and Athens led to _____.
A both city-states growing stronger
B a period of cultural flowering
C Athenian dominance
D their defeat
{"name":"ADV CC WH Test: Ancient Greece", "url":"","txt":"Which phrase correctly completes this chart? [Monarchy: exercise of central power by a hereditary ruler] [Aristocracy: rule by a privileged minority or upper class] [Oligarchy: ?], \"All goes wrong when, starved for lack of anything good in their own lives, ment run to public affairs hoping to snatch from thence the happiness they hunger for. They set about fighting for power and this... conflict ruins them and their country. The life of true philosophy is the only one that looks down upon offices of state.\" ---Plato, The Republic Based on this passage with which of the following statements would Plato agree?","img":""}
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