NBDHE board exam questions Part II

The artificial sweetener xylitol prevents dental caries by:
A. Depriving cariogenic bacteria of easily digestible carbohydrates
B. Acting as a surfactant which prevents bacteria from adhering to tooth surfaces
C. Directly remineralizing compromised enamel with xylitol particles
D. Breaking down the intercellular matrix of colonies of S. mutans
Identify the correct sequence of the blood flow through the heart, to the lungs, its return to the heart and out of the heart to systemic circulation
A. Inferior vena cave, left atrium, bicuspid valves, left ventricle, pulmonary trunk to pulmonary circulation, return via pulmonary veins to the right atrium, tricuspid valve, right ventricle and out through the ascending aorta
B. Inferior vena cava, right atrium, tricuspid valves, right ventricle, pulmonary trunk to pulmonary circulation, return vial pulmonary veins to left atrium, bicuspid valves, left ventricle and out through the ascending aorta
The pressoreceptor system
A. Responds to an increase in blood pressure at the area of the aortic arch and carotid bodies
B. Operates through the vasomotor cente
C. . Responds by decreasing the heart rate, strength of contraction, and peripheral resistance
D. All of the above
Select the accurate statement about the relationship between independent and dependent variables.
A. The dependent variable is the intervention and influences the independent variable
B. The dependent variable is the result of interest and influences the independent variable
C. The dependent variable is the result of interest and is influenced by the independent variable
D. The independent variable is the intervention and is influenced by the dependent variable
Select the correct pressure point statement:
A. Inferior to the angle of the mandible for carotid arteries to the head
B. Inferior border of the angle of the mandible at the junction of the medial and lateral thirds for the facial artery to the face
C. Superior and deep to the clavicle for the subclavian artery to the arm
D. All statements correctly describe pressure points
Mean arterial blood pressure is regulated by
A. Neural mechanisms that control constriction of the arteries
B. Principle of capillary dynamics that regulate blood pressure
C. Renal and hormonal mechanisms that regulate blood volume and arteriolar constriction
D. All of the above
Diastolic blood pressure is maintained at levels above zero by
A. Peripheral resistance
B. Elasticity of arteries
C. Viscosity of blood
D. All of the blood
Which of the following valves prevent backflow of deoxygenated blood?
A. Pulmonary and aortic valves
B. Pulmonary and right atrioventricular valves
C. Right and left atrioventricular valves
D. Aortic and left atrioventricular valves
Cardiac output is the product of the
A. Heart rate and peripheral resistance
B. Heart rate and stroke volume
C. Heart rate and strength of contraction
D. Heart rate and vascular dilation
Oxygenated blood flows through which of the following structures
A. Pulmonary valve
B. Right atrioventricular valve
C. Pulmonary artery
D. Coronary arteries
Digestion means
A. Splitting large chemical compounds in foods into simpler substances that can be absorbed
B. Absorption of small molecular weight end products into body fluids
C. hydrolysis
D. only A and C
All of the following are concerned with protein digestion except
A. pepsin
B. trypsin
C. chymotrypsin
D. amylase
Rate of gastric emptying is affected by
A. The quantity of liquid in chyme
B. Neural and hormonal reflexes from the small intestine
C. The quantity of chyme present in the small intestine
D. All of the above
Which of the following is not a negative effect of polishing?
A. Heat production
B. Loss of tooth surface
C. demineralization
D. Aerosol production
Which of the following is contraindicated for polishing?
A. newly-erupted teeth
B. Overlapping teeth
C. orthodontia
D. Active periodontal disease
Which of the following is not a function of the pancreas?
A. Secretion of digestive enzymes
B. Secretion of insulin
C. Secretion of bile
D. Secretion of glucagon
Which gastrointestinal hormone controls secretion of water and bicarbonate by acinar cells of the pancreas
A. gastrin
B. secretin
C. pancreozymin
D. cholecytokinin
An enzyme that hydrolyzes polysaccharides is
A. lipase
B. amylase
C. protease
D. trypsin
Functions of the adult liver include all of the following except
A. Bile formation
B. Reticuloendothelial activity
C. glycogenesis, glycogenolysis and glucogenesis
D. erythropoiesis
The swallowing mechanism involves which of the following cranial nerves?
A. trigeminal
B. facial
C. glossopharyngeal
D. All of the above
An accumulation of collecting ducts, as seen on gross examination of a kidney is called
A. pelvis
B. calyx
C. cortex
D. pyramids
Reabsorption of water in the distal convoluted tubules and collecting ducts is regulated by
A. Adrenocorticotropic hormone
B. Antidiuretic hormone
C. aldosterone
D. angiotensin
Sodium ions are reabsorbed, and potassium and hydrogen ions are secreted under the control of
A. Antidiuretic hormone
B. thyroxin
C. epinephrine
D. aldosterone
Functions of the kidney include all of the following except
A. Regulation of hydrogen ion concentration
B. Regulation of body fluid volumes
C. Regulation of serum calcium levels
D. Regulation of serum sodium levels
Parasympathetic innervation to the lacrimal glands and the secretory glands of the nose and palate is transmitted via the
A. Trigeminal nerve
B. Abducens nerve
C. Facial nerve
D. Glossopharyngeal nerve
What is the optimal concentration of fluoride in a community water supply?
A. 0.12 ppm mg/L. 0.12mg/L or 0.12ppm (measured in mg/L OR parts per million )
B. 0.7 to 1.2 ppm mg/L. 0.7 to 1.2 mg/L or 0.7ppm to 1.2
C. 0.7 ppm mg/L. 07 mg/L or 0.7 ppm
D. 0.2 to 1.7 ppm mg/L. 0.2 to 1.7 mg/L or 0.2 ppm to 1.7 ppm
What is the primary theory of motivation called?
A. Locus of focus
B. Locus of motivation
B. Locus of motivation
D. Locus of control
Who is usually affected by X-linked recessive inheritance?
A. males
B. females
C. uncles
D. aunts
The sympathetic innervation to the face and head structures is transmitted via nerves that have cells of origin in the
A. Submandibular ganglion
B. Superior cervical ganglion
C. Oxic ganglion
D. None of the above
The area of the brain stem that contains cells of origin for the nerves that control motor activity for swallowing is
A. cerebellum
B. Trigeminal nucleus of the pons
C. The nucleus abiguus of the medulla
D. Hypoglossal nucleus of the pons
All of the following are properties of a good disinfectant EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?
A. Has a residual effect
B. Kills all microorganisms
C. Environmentally compatible
D. broad-spectrum antimicrobial
One of the disadvantages of steam sterilization is that it:
A. May not kill spores
B. Produces a strong odor
C. Has a long exposure time
D. Corrodes carbon-steel instruments
Teeth should be air-dried before a fluoride varnish is applied.
The misalignment of teeth and jaws is having a "bad bite." What is the proper name for misaligned teeth and jaws?
A. occlusion
B. Centric occlusion
C. malocclusion
D. Static occlusion
What chemical level type destroys all microorganisms?
A. sterilant
B. high-level
C. intermediate-level
D. low-level
What controls the migration of cells?
A. Vasoactive amines
B. chemokines
C. Chemical mediators
D. Arachidonic acid
Filled sealants with high spots after placement can be worn down with occlusal wear.
A needs assessment is conducted using the dental caries index Decayed Missing Filled Teeth (DMFT). What could be inferred from scoring a high 'M' rate after reviewing the results?
A. There is a need for improved treatment or access to care
B. The dental care available is being utilized
C. There is no need to implement a community program
D. There is a need for improved education among the population
Which of the following is an ACCURATE statement about chlorhexidine gluconate?
A. Chlorhexidine gluconate should be stored well below room temperature to maintain efficacy
B. The patient should be encouraged to rinse with water after using chlorhexidine gluconate to reduce the bitter aftertaste
C. Chlorhexidine gluconate is beneficial for reducing calculus buildup in addition to reducing gingival inflammation
D. It is not yet known whether chlorhexidine gluconate is passed through breast-milk from a nursing mother to her baby
Which waste disposal category should be disposed of in a biohazard bag?
A. liquid
B. Regulated waste
C. non-sharp solids
D. sharps
All of the following are examples of biohazard waste EXCEPT one. Which is the EXCEPTION?
A. A needle
B. A moist facial mask
C. A gauze square dripping with blood
D. An extracted tooth
Why would a "dental hygienist" be fired?
A. Practicing at two different dental offices
B. Practicing without a dentist physically present
C. Practicing on a geriatric
D. Practicing without a license
A patient, age 55, has a pulse rate of 52. This pulse is considered
A. normal
B. Above normal
C. Below normal
D. Normal for a 9-year-old
Which item below is not a denture cleaner classification?
A. Alkaline perborates
B. alkalinehypochlorites
C. Dilute acids
D. Undiluted acids
Occlusion is the relationship between what two facial bones?
A. Zygomatic and mandible
B. Maxilla and mandible
C. Temporal and zygomatic
D. Vomer and palatine
Blood pressure measures the force exerted by the blood circulating against the arterial walls during relaxation and contraction. The systolic pressure involves the ventricles relaxing to fill with blood returned by circulation.
A. Both statements are true
B. Both statements are false
C. The first statement is true and the second statement is false
D. The first statement is false and the second statement is true
In the event that a patient has a disability or age-related cognitive impairment, the dental clinician should seek consultation with and consent from the legal guardian or caregiver.
The closer the correlation coefficient is to either +1 or -1, the stronger the correlation. 
Why is being double￾blinded the best way to prevent bias in an experimental study?
A. Two or more of the study subjects don't even know a study is going on
B. Neither the researcher nor the study subjects know who is in which group, whether experimental or placebo
C. The researchers are aware of who is in which group, but the study subjects are not
D. The results of the study cannot be known to anyone until many years later
The health promotion healthcare model places primary emphasis on education rather than on the treatment and prevention of disease.
A class III furcation is characterized by all of the following EXCEPT one. Which is the EXCEPTION?
A. clinically-visible
B. a Naber's probe can enter the furcation
C. a Naber's probe can pass through the furcation
D. Clinical attachment loss
Referring to Angle's classification for occlusion for the permanent dentition, a Class II, division II denotes a:
A. Prognathic profile
B. Mesognathic profile
C. Retrognathic profile with one or more teeth protrude facially
D. Retrognathic profile, with one or more teeth inclined lingually
When dissimilar molecules are chemically attracted to one another this is called:
A. cohesion
B. adhesion
C. syneresis
D. imbibition
Linguopalatal sounds are made with which part of the mouth?
A. lips
B. tongue
C. palate
D. teeth
Linguodental creates what anatomic sound?
A. Th
B. Sh
C. F
D. B
Program appraisal is only effective when done at the conclusion of the community health program
Clinically, the dental hygienist finds evidence of decay on the proximal surface of tooth #8, not involving the incisal edge. The G.V. Black Classification of this decay is:
A. I
The initial stage of plaque begins with:
A. Acquired pellicle
B. Bacterial adhesion
C. Bacterial colonization
D. gram-negative motile rods
Ginglymodiarthrodial joints connected the lower jaw to the skull. What type of movement do these joints display?
A. sliding
B. immovable
C. Freely movable
D. gliding
Of the following types of interdental cleaners, which is BEST suited for removing biofilm from a type III gingival embrasure in a periodontal patient with arthritis?
A. A gauze strip
B. Waxed tape floss
C. Knitting yarn ties to a piece of floss
D. An interdental brush
Which of the following tissues is MOST sensitive to radiation?
A. kidneys
B. intestines
C. heart
D. Nerve tissue
Which of the following calculus-detecting explorers is best to use between numbers 4 and 5?
A. pigtail
B. orban-type
C. Shepherd's hook
D. None of the above
Which of the following techniques limits radiation exposure to the operator?
A. Positioning at an angle of 90-135 degrees to the beam
B. Beam collimation
C. Lead apron
D. Position indicating device
What is polyvinylsiloxane used for?
A. Centric positioning
B. pantographs
C. Bite registration
D. Bridge registry
What is the third step in the learning process?
A. self-interest
B. awareness
C. action
D. involvement
Attached plaque cells divide to proliferate and create:
A. Bio sheets
B. Vertical stratifications
C. Horizontal stratifications
D. biofilm
There is a 4mm pocket measurement on the direct facial of #20. In addition, there is recession on the direct facial measuring 2mm. What is the total clinical attachment loss?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. none
The dental hygienist is planning to use an ultrasonic scaler on his/her next patient. What motion and which sides are active in the magnetostrictive ultrasonic scaler? Motion is:
A. Linear with all sides active
B. Elliptical with all sides active
C. Linear with lateral sides active
D. Elliptical with lateral sides active
Which statement correctly describes a positive correlation?
A. As the x value decreases, the y value remains the same
B. As the x value increases, the y value remains the same
C. As the x value increases, the y value decreases
D. As the x value increases, the y value increases
The dental hygienist has just removed the instrument cassette from the autoclave. The indicator tape on the wrapping has turned brown. One can be assured of which of the following?
A. The instruments have been sterilized
B. The instruments have been heat processed
C. All microorganisms, except spores, have been killed
D. All microorganisms, except tuberculosis has been killed
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