A detailed illustration of an Airbus A350 interior featuring emergency equipment, cabin crew in action, and safety procedures depicted visually.

A350 Safety Procedures Quiz

Test your knowledge of the A350 safety procedures and enhance your understanding of emergency protocols! This quiz covers essential information for cabin crew regarding safety equipment, evacuation processes, and emergency response.


  • 30 questions
  • Multiple choice format
  • Immediate feedback on your answers
49 Questions12 MinutesCreated by CheckingFlight42
The minimum cabin crew complement for A350 is:
Should the normal power fails, the batteries (EPSU) continue to supply emergency lights for at least:
20 minutes.
15 minutes.
10 minutes.
The ​land evacuation primary​ exits on the A350 are:
Doors 3 left/right
Doors 1, 2, 3 and 4 left/right
Doors 1, 2 and 4 left/right
The​ ditching evacuation primary​ exits on the A350 are:
Doors 3 left/right
Doors 1, 2, 3 and 4 left/right
Doors 1, 2 and 4 left/right
The ​Emergency Locator Transmitters​ are located at door areas:
1R and 4L.
1L and 4R.
2L and 4R.
The​ Emergency First Aid (EFA 79) kits​ are located at door areas:
1R, 2R, 4L and 4R.
1L, 2L, 3L and 4L.
2L, 2R, 4L and 4R
The​ Supplementary Survival Kits​ are located at door areas:
1L, 1R, 2L, 2R, 3L, 3R, 4L and 4R.
3L and 3R.
1L, 1R, 2L, 2R, 4L and 4R.
Where are the ​Megaphones​ located in the cabin?
At Doors 1 Left, 2 Left and 4 Left.
At all Left hand side doors.
At Doors 1 Right, 2 Left and 4 Right.
What is the purpose of the​ Inflatable Free Aisle Restrictor (IFAR)​?
To reduce the width of each doorway so that only one person can access the slide-raft at a time.
To block the exit when slide is unusable.
To protect the Primary crew from falling out.
The​ Inflatable Free Aisle Restrictor​ ​(IFAR)​ is a part of the head end of the single-lane slide-raft. Where are they located?
Doors 1, 2 and 4 Left & Right.
Doors 3 Left & Right.
Doors 1 and 3 Left & Right.
Before closing the door, the gust lock has to be released by:
Pulling on the gust lock lever.
Squeezing the gust lock push button located on top of the hinge arm.
Squeezing the gust lock push button on the assist handle located on the hinge arm.
If the door control handle is lifted up with the slide arming lever in the "ARMED" mode, what indication is available?
"Cabin pressure" light flashes red.
"Slide armed" indicator light comes on steady white.
"Slide armed" indicator light comes on steady white and an aural warning sounds.
If the slide arming lever is in the ​"ARMED"​ mode and the door is opened from the ​outside​, what will happen?
The slide arming lever will remain in "ARMED" and the escape slide/slide-raft will deploy and inflate.
The slide arming lever will disarm automatically.
The door control handle will be jammed by the safety override features.
To operate the door in an emergency mode, check the slide arming lever is in "ARMED"​:
Lift the interior door control handle to "OPEN" and manually push the door open.
Lift the interior door control handle to "OPEN" and release.
Lift the interior door control handle to "OPEN" and pull the manual inflation handle.
If the door fails to open automatically when operated in the ​"ARMED" mode, what should be the follow-up action?
Redirect passengers to other usable exits.
Manually push the door open.
Inform the Chief steward.
When the door is opened in "ARMED" mode and the slide-raft deploys but fails to inflate automatically, what should be your follow-up action?
Pull the manual inflation handle on the girt of the slide-raft.
Redirect passengers to other usable exits.
Instruct passengers to go down the un-inflated slide-raft.
Where is the ​A350​ cockpit escape rope stowed?
Above Captain's and First Officer's sliding windows.
Next to the cockpit escape hatch.
Below Observer's seat.
What is the dial code to​ alert ​all crew from the cabin?
"EMER" - press and hold (for approximately one second).
Select "PRIO CAPT" on the handset.
Select "55" on the handset.
A350: The emergency dial code to contact the cockpit is:
"PRIO CAPT" and send.
During post-decompression duties, the cabin crew can manually release oxygen masks from the PSU by:
Inserting the Manual Release Tool (MRT) into the Manual Release access to disengage the door latch.
Pulling down the door stop.
Pulling a Manual Release lever.
When the "Push" ​button inside the Cabin Crew Rest Facility (CCRF) fails to open the door:
Push the override mechanism and open the door.
Lift the override mechanism and open the door.
Slide the override mechanism and open the door.
In the event of a keypad malfunction at the entrance to the Cabin Crew Rest Facility (CCRF)​:
Lift the protective cover, rotate lever clockwise and slide the door open.
Lift the protective cover, slide mechanism to the right and slide the door open.
Lift the protective cover and slide the door open.
What are the safety equipment found in the ​Cabin Crew Rest Facility (CCRF)​?
One water and one halon extinguisher, two smokehoods, two flashlights and one manual release tool.
One halon extinguisher, one smokehood, one flashlight, one manual release tool and one oxygen bottle.
One halon extinguisher, two smokehoods, two flashlights, one manual release tool and one oxygen bottle.
The crew occupying the Cabin Crew Rest Facility (CCRF) ​must remain in the facility when:
A decompression occurs.
Smoke warning is detected in the CCRF.
'low flow' in the air conditioning is detected.
What are the indications in the ​Cabin Crew Rest Facility (CCRF) ​during a decompression? All oxygen masks drop automatically,
A continuous buzzer and a pre-recorded announcement will be activated.
A continuous high chime and a pre-recorded announcement will be activated.
A chime and buzzer will activate for 30 seconds accompanied by a pre-recorded announcement.
What are the aural warning/s available when the Cabin Crew Rest Facility's (CCRF)​ smoke detector is activated?
A single triple low chime (smoke alarm) followed by a sequence of 4 low chimes (wake up chimes) and a repetitive triple low chimes every 30 seconds.
A repetitive triple low chime (smoke alarm) will sound every 30 seconds.
4 low chimes (wake up chimes) sounds for 30 seconds.
To open the emergency hatch of the Cabin Crew Rest Facility (CCRF) from the cabin? After removing the emergency hatch cover,
Unlatch the sliding latches and hold loops to remove emergency hatch.
Pull pins to release lanyards, unlatch the sliding latches and hold loops to remove emergency hatch.
Pull pins to release lanyards, rotate handle clockwise and pull loops to remove the emergency hatch.
To operate the emergency hatch from ​inside the ​Cabin Crew Rest Facility (CCRF), ​firstly remove carpet, followed by:
Unlatching the emergency hatch and kicking hatch to open.
Unlatching the emergency hatch, grasping both handles to remove the hatch then kicking the hatch cover and releasing the securing lanyards.
Grasping both handles and removing the hatch and kicking the hatch cover.
In the ​Overhead Flight Crew Rest (OFCR)​, there are two emergency escape routes. Which is the​ primary ​escape route?
Either exit can be used.
The emergency hatch located beside the crew seat.
The stairway in the OFCR.
To open the cockpit escape hatch:
Pull open the cushion cover and push hatch to open.
Open ceiling panel by pressing release handle and rotate hatch handle to unlock position and lower the hatch.
Press and release lever
To open the​ cockpit escape hatch​ for evacuation,
Remove cushion, unlatch the sliding latches and lower the hatch.
Pull ceiling panel to open, turn hatch handle to unlock and push the hatch upwards.
Press release handle to remove ceiling panel, turn hatch handle to unlock and lower the hatch.
To open the decompression and evacuation panel on the privacy door in an emergency (from the flight deck privacy area)multiple choice
Release the two sliding latches and kick the panel open.
Rotate to unlock and remove the panel.
Kick the panel to open.
The privacy door must be opened and securely latched for:
Taxi, Take-off and Landing.
Cruise phase only.
Take-off and Landing only.
How is the slide-raft disconnected from the aircraft during a ditching evacuation?
Untie the re-entry/mooring line.
Raise cover, pull disconnect handle and cut the ditching line.
Use the knife to cut off the girt flap.
When the doors are closed and locked, the door locking indicators appear:
The ​emergency evacuation signalling system​ is utilised in the case of:
A toilet fire.
An emergency evacuation of the aircraft.
A decompression.
What are the indications in the cabin when the ​Emergency Evacuation Signalling System ​is activated from the cockpit?
The "EVAC CMD" switch flashes on the FAP and the audio horn is heard throughout the cabin.
The "EVAC RESET" switch flashes on the FAP and AAPs, the "EVACUATION ALERT" message is displayed on all AIPs with the red indicator flashing and the audio horn is heard in the cabin.
Only the audio horn is available.
Smoke detection system in the lavatory will provide:
Warning signal which will be transmitted to the Flight Deck.
Aural warning in the cabin.
Warning signal which will be transmitted to the Flight Deck, together with aural and visual indications in the cabin.
If the "Cabin Pressure" warning light at the door flashes (RED)​, the crew should:
Report to the cockpit crew and do not open the cabin door.
Not open the cabin door.
Report to the cockpit crew.
To use the​ Emergency Locator Transmitter ADT406S (ELTA) ​on land, ensure antenna is erect and:
Select switch to "ARMED".
Select switch to "ON".
Immerse transmitter in bag filled with water.
To use the Emergency Locator Transmitter, ADT406S (ELTA) on water, unfasten velcro strap, pull firmly to break metallic strap and:
Select switch to "ON" and place in water.
Secure lanyard to tethering point, ensure transmitter in "ARMED" and place in water.
Immerse transmitter in bag filled with water.
How do you know if the Emergency Locator Transmitter ADT406S (ELTA) is transmitting?
An aural signal will sound.
No indication available.
LED will illuminate RED.
When the test lever is opened on the door of the oxygen masks container and a red wire is visible, it indicates:
There is a decompression.
There is no oxygen flow to the container.
There is a loss of pressure in the respective oxygen cylinder.
How do you activate oxygen flow from the drop mask in the PSU?
Pull the mask down.
Attach mask to the outlet.
Nothing needs to be done.
How do you know if there is oxygen flow to a mask?
The green flow indicator on the mask tubing is visible.
The reservoir bag is inflated.
There is no indication.
How do you check the serviceability of the​ Air Liquide Smokehood (PBE)​?
Check that the seal is not broken.
Check that the condition indicator is green.
Check that the yellow serviceability indicator is intact.
What is the indication when oxygen flow to the ​Air Liquide Smokehood (PBE)​ has started?
The LED light illuminates.
You can hear a slight click.
You can hear a whoosh sound.
How do you know if the oxygen generation in the ​Air Liquide Smokehood (PBE)​ is depleting?
The red LED illuminates.
An audible sound is heard.
The sound of oxygen flow stops.
How do you switch on the emergency light system if it fails to come on in the cabin during an emergency?
Press the EMER hard key on the sub panel of the FAP.
Press the LIGHT TEST hard key on the FAP.
Press the LIGHT key on the FAP.
{"name":"A350 CONVERSION", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Test your knowledge of the A350 safety procedures and enhance your understanding of emergency protocols! This quiz covers essential information for cabin crew regarding safety equipment, evacuation processes, and emergency response.Features:30 questionsMultiple choice formatImmediate feedback on your answers","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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