An Adventure in the Shiredom

As you walk through the Shiredom, the smells and sounds from the nearby Inn tempt you inside. The wooden sign above the door reads the Traveller’s Notch Inn. A friendly Innkeeper tends the bar, and looks up to greet you, with a ruddy face crinkled from many years of large smiles. “Hello friend! Come on in! Where do you hail from Traveller?”
€�I hail from Corvus, a moon-soaked city brimming with libraries, inventions, and knowledge!”
€�From the Woods of Wyrd, the magical forest where nature has a mind of its own."
€�I grew up in Foxford, a colourful city filled with festivals, troubadours, and merriment!”
€�A beautiful kingdom far from here, where the buildings are as distinguished as its people!”
€�The road is my home. I’m always on the lookout for the next adventure!”
€�You must be mistaken. I am already home as I’m from this cosy Shiredom, born and raised!”
The Innkeeper takes the stained rag from their shoulder and wipes the bar top down so you may sit. “Ah, well it’s lovely to meet you! What can I get you to eat?”
€�Could I possibly try a little bit of everything? I’m not fussed about eating a lot, I just want to try it all!”
€�Lots of greens! A salad, or some steamed veg perhaps. The fruit salad looks wonderful too!”
€�Why settle for food when you can drink? I’ll take some of those delicious looking snacks to have with my Mead!”
€�Those cakes and pastries look delectable! I’ll take mine with fresh berries and cream please!”
€�Do you have anything cured? I’ll be on the road for a while, and it’ll be good to take something that’ll keep!”
€�A bowl of that hearty stew please! I could smell it from afar and it reminds me of my grandparents cooking!”
After your rest, you suddenly remember you wanted to pop to the Market whilst here. You wipe your mouth, satisfied with your short stop at the Inn and you make your way to leave. Across the dusty track, the small Market of the Shiredom lays before you. Where do you head to first? The stall selling…
Artisanal boxes, intricate cases and well-crafted chests. Fit for all of your trinkets!
Thick gloves, ankle cuffs and gardening aprons. An entire ensemble for your gardening needs!
Ornate tankards, sturdy hip flasks and tankard wraps. The perfect vessels for your beverages!
Beautiful dresses and corsets, decorated with seasonal leaves and vines. Ready for all party business!
Pouches, pockets, sacks, purses, and bags. Any size needed for all your adventuring gear!
Blankets, shoes, hats and belts. All the essentials for you Hobbit-y needs in and around your home.
With your new purchases acquired, you turn away from the bustling market and into the fields. You look out over the verdant hills to see a beautiful sky, dappled with rich hues of purples and oranges. The sun is slowly setting over the Shiredom, how are you spending your evening?
Looking over your trinkets and treasures from adventures past.
Tending to your house plants and bringing in the vegetables from your patch.
Back to the Tavern. Your tankard topped up, your plate full and surrounded by good friends.
At a local dance, drinking delicious berry wine and finishing the evening by watching the fireworks.
You head straight back home to pack up your bag for the next adventure.
Baking delicious pastries, a bit of crafting and reading by the cosy fire.
As you’re heading to start enjoying your evenings activities, unexpectedly, a cloaked Hobbit comes rushing towards you! Panting they cry out “Help! Please help! There’s a dark threat imposing on the Woods of Wyrd, and I need your assistance!” What do you do?
A quest? It could be a way of getting more treasure or things for your collection!
The land is in danger?! You must protect the natural world - of course you must help!
A fellow Hobbit in need deserves the help. Plus after a quest there is usually a party!
It might be a bit too dangerous for you, but you know the glory will be worth it!
An adventure you say? You don’t need to be asked twice, as you brandish your short sword!
You’re not sure about that, as you still want to be home for tea, but if the Shiredom needs protecting, you’ll try your best!
What do you take with you to help you on your quest?
Your trusty coat of many pockets: you never know what treasures you'll find in the Woods!
Your trusty basket of herbs. You’ve been experimenting with brews and remedies and people might need healing.
Your trusty penny whistle and flask of mead: It’s always good to celebrate after an adventure.
Your trusty cloak of protection to keep yourself safe from the elements and pesky fae!
Your trusty pack, with everything you’ll need. Your bags are always packed and ready for any adventure.
Your trusted friend next door. Any quest is easier when shared with good company.
{"name":"An Adventure in the Shiredom", "url":"","txt":"As you walk through the Shiredom, the smells and sounds from the nearby Inn tempt you inside. The wooden sign above the door reads the Traveller’s Notch Inn. A friendly Innkeeper tends the bar, and looks up to greet you, with a ruddy face crinkled from many years of large smiles. “Hello friend! Come on in! Where do you hail from Traveller?”, The Innkeeper takes the stained rag from their shoulder and wipes the bar top down so you may sit. “Ah, well it’s lovely to meet you! What can I get you to eat?”, After your rest, you suddenly remember you wanted to pop to the Market whilst here. You wipe your mouth, satisfied with your short stop at the Inn and you make your way to leave. Across the dusty track, the small Market of the Shiredom lays before you. Where do you head to first? The stall selling…","img":""}
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