What BOTC townsfolk are you?

A colorful illustration of a diverse group of fantasy townsfolk characters, each representing different roles in a game, set in a whimsical village environment, vibrant colors and cheerful expressions.

What BOTC Townsfolk Are You?

Have you ever wondered which character you would embody in the world of BOTC? This fun and engaging quiz will help you discover your perfect townsfolk match!

  • Answer questions on your gameplay style
  • Find out your ideal role in the game
  • Learn more about your personality as a player
9 Questions2 MinutesCreated by ChoosingHero42
What's your favorite base script?
Trouble Brewing
Sects and Violets
Bad Moon Rising
Base 3? Pffff... I like to experiment!
What's your best tool to win?
Tricking the other team
Objective analysis of possible worlds
Building a circle of trust
Surviving and convincing everyone I'm good
Strong social reads
Choose one:
Having powerful info but likely dying early
Staying alive for longer to gather info, even if the info isn't the strongest on the script
Not having much info, but knowing at least 1 person I can trust
Finding an evil as soon as possible
Having my own win condition
Lying about my role to conceal it, even if that could get me executed
How would your friends describe you?
2 players are nominated: a suspected evil and a likely good player who is volunteering
Kill the suspected evil first!
I'm fine with killing the good player first if there's a benefit for town
I'm not sure
What team do you like to play for?
Good :)
Evil >:)
What's your approach on exchanging info?
I like to gather as much info as possible, so I tend to be relatively open with my own info
I don't like to share my info easily. I might stay quiet or bluff.
Not too open, not too closed. I will share with a couple people I trust.
Choose a character to philo into
Choose a phrase:
You only live once
Good things come to those who wait
Actions speak louder than words
Leave no stone unturned
Knowledge is power
Two heads are better than one
You can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs
Love your neighbor as yourself; but don't take down the fence
Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much
{"name":"What BOTC townsfolk are you?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Have you ever wondered which character you would embody in the world of BOTC? This fun and engaging quiz will help you discover your perfect townsfolk match!Answer questions on your gameplay styleFind out your ideal role in the gameLearn more about your personality as a player","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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