Challenge Your Perspectives: Social Awareness Quiz

A thought-provoking illustration of diverse groups of people engaging in conversations about social issues, with vibrant colors and expressive faces, showing a mix of emotions and discussions.

Challenge Your Perspectives: Social Awareness Quiz

Test your reactions and views on pressing social issues with this thought-provoking quiz. It’s designed to encourage self-reflection and foster discussions about gender equality, consent, and social responsibility.

  • 10 insightful questions
  • Multiple perspectives to consider
  • Learn how your views compare to others
10 Questions2 MinutesCreated by ReflectiveMind432
Your friend tells a sexist joke. Do you:
A) Laugh because it's funny?
B) Laugh to be polite even though you don't find it funny?
C) Challenge them by asking them why the joke is funny or telling them that its not.
You are with friends when a person walks past. Your friends wolf whistle and comment loudly on the person's body. Do you :
A) Join in because you fancy the person and you think it's a good way to attract them?
B) Remain silent because you don't think it's ok but you don't want to upset your friends?
C) Explain to your friends that they are being out of order?
You are queing for the cash point. The person in front of you turns around and explains that you are standing too close and asks you to give them some space. Do you:
A) Take offense, get defensive and refuse to step back because how dare someone suggest that you are some kind of threat?
B) Step back so as not to cause a scene but complain to your friends later about how someone insinuated that you were a threat?.
C) Apologise, step back and acknowledge that a complete stranger has no way of knowing what your intentions are?
You are in a crowded bar and you need to squeeze past a person of the opposite sex. Do you:
A) Do you pinch their bum to get their attention and give them a cheeky wink to excuse your behaviour?
B) Gently move them by putting your hands on their lower back or waist?
C) Say "excuse me?" and if you do need to get their attention physically, keep your contact to the shoulder/upper arm?
You are in a club and your friend is attracted to a person there. The other person is not interested but your friend is very keen. Do you:
A) Encourage your friend to keep trying. The person is just being a tease. Pester power always gets you what you want?
B) Watch and laugh as your friend continues to make advances. Its just harmless fun?
C) Explain to your friend that the person really is not interested and that they need to respect that?
Your partner is upset and you don't understand what has happened to cause this. Do you:
A) Tell them that they're being irrational/ hysterical/ unreasonable or too emotional?
B) Ignore them until they calm down?
C) Feel concerned about them and offer either comfort, help or space?
A boy at your child's school has been twanging the girls bra straps. Do you:
A) Point out that if the girls didn't have their bra straps visible, then this wouldn't be a problem.
B) Sigh - boys will be boys.
C) Take it up with the school and let the girls know that you are with them. The boy needs to be told that his behaviour is inappropriate.
You are having a beer at your friends and you see your friend's partner is still doing household jobs. Do you:
A) Comment on how well trained they are?
B) Leave them to it - it's not your house?
C) Ask if you and your friend can help with anything so that you can then all enjoy a beer together??
A woman has been murdered. Your friend thinks its a terrible shame and raises questions as to why she was out late, what she was wearing, if she knew the murderer etc. Do you:
A) Agree with them - there's two sides to every story.
B) Not really see the relevance of her clothing etc but maintain the conversation to be polite to your friend.
C) Tell your friend that all of this is irrelevant. A woman should be able to walk around in a bikini at 2am without being murdered. People should not be murdered full stop.
A female mp suggests that men should have a 6pm curfew to keep women safe. Do you:
A) Take to social media and rage. How dare this awful woman try to restrict your freedom?
B) You know women are upset but you also feel that men are being targeted and you need to explain that not all men are bad?
C) Acknowledge that women have been advised to stay indoors after dark since forever and recognise, from this one statement, how rife inequality is.
{"name":"Challenge Your Perspectives: Social Awareness Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Test your reactions and views on pressing social issues with this thought-provoking quiz. It’s designed to encourage self-reflection and foster discussions about gender equality, consent, and social responsibility.10 insightful questionsMultiple perspectives to considerLearn how your views compare to others","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}
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