Help us decide what should be in Londonmoji! Vote below.

LANDMARKS - Which London landmark has to be in this emoji sticker story of the Capital? We’ve got tall buildings, old buildings, famous streets, museums and the like. What else has to make the cut?
Canary Wharf
The Globe Theatre
FACES - Which famous London face should we include in emoji sticker form? The Queen’s guard, hipster and friends need company in there; who else should join them?
The angry commuter
The befuddled tourist
A pesky mouse
FOOD & DRINK - Which of London’s many food crazes or traditional staples has to be represented?
A smoothie/juice bar
Jellied Eels
Pop Up restaurant
PHRASES - A tough call this one, should we be more cockney rhyming slang, modern street slang or everyday life? We weren’t sure, so PICK YOUR TOP THREE in this one, and the favourites will win!
Quick drink?
You mug
Rosie Lee
{"name":"Help us decide what should be in Londonmoji! Vote below.", "url":"","txt":"Help us decide what should be in Londonmoji! Vote below.","img":"","accounts":"@fanmoji","hash":"#Londonmoji "}
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