Partial exam

What is the meaning of the following sentence:
Which of the following expressions are related to anger?
Be up in arms
Ready to ring the jingle
Be a piece of cake
Hit the roof
Charlie has a sharp tongue and a short fuse. Please explain what does de sentence mean.
"She got really angry." What does the verb GET, in this sentence, mean?
Have the opportunity
A substitute of passive form
"The kids got to speak to the pilot." What does the verb GET, in this sentence, mean?
To persuade someone
To start doing something
Have an opportunity
"Have knowledge about how one should behave." What is the correct concept of the past definition.
Know something like a book
Know the tricks of the trade
Know better
Know one's ABC
Which expression would be the best for an exam preparation?
Know something by sight
Know something inside out
Know something by memory
Know one's abc
What is the definition of know-how?
To understand how a task should be done
To possess the skills and knowledge
To have something memorized
Be able to recognize someone
"I don't believe you..."
Get away!
Get a bang
Be my friend
"Don't worry about such a stupid thing..."
Get a life!
Get out of my face!
Get lucky
Write a complete sentence with "could"
-I passed Jane down the street and she didn't speak to me
-She must have seen you
-She couldn't have seen you
-That suit looks fantastic
-You must have paid a lot for it
-You couldn't have paid a lot for it
It is used to talk about routines or general truth
Zero conditional
First conditional
Second conditional
First conditional: If + subject + present tense , subject + will+ verb. Following the structure write a sentence in first conditional.
Write a parragraph (MIN 5 sentences) about what you have learnt in the course.
{"name":"Partial exam", "url":"","txt":"What is the meaning of the following sentence:, Which of the following expressions are related to anger?, Charlie has a sharp tongue and a short fuse. Please explain what does de sentence mean.","img":""}
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