Mucular dystrophy

A detailed illustration of muscular dystrophy, showing affected muscle fibers, therapy sessions, and children engaging in physical therapy exercises, with a medical professional guiding them.

Muscular Dystrophy Quiz

Test your knowledge on muscular dystrophy with this engaging quiz designed for healthcare professionals and students alike. From understanding pathophysiology to recognizing clinical presentations, this quiz covers crucial aspects of muscular dystrophies such as Duchenne and Becker’s MD, as well as Fascioscapulohumeral MD.

  • 10 insightful multiple-choice questions
  • Explore differential diagnoses and clinical manifestations
  • Assess understanding of treatment implications
10 Questions2 MinutesCreated by AssessingMuscle45
1. A 7 month old child presents to physical therapy with low tone, poor head control and supported sitting balance. As a clinician you begin to suspect a diagnosis of down syndrome and spinal muscular atrophy. All of the following information can help you with your differential diagnosis EXCEPT :
Assessing functional movements in relation to age
Analyzing the pathophysiology between the two
Assessing deep tendon reflex
Observation of muscle tone and response to antigravity movements
1. A 4 year old child presents to physical therapy with the following: immature running and walking pattern, lack of reciprocal arm swing going up and down the stairs and can stand on one leg for 1 second. As a clinician you suspect a diagnosis of DCD or Emery-Dreiuss. All of the following can help you to get to a diagnosis of Emery-Dreifuss EXCEPT:
Gait analysis
Observation of sequential activities
Functional activities of overhead reaching and sit to stand
1. What is the pathophysiology for Duchenne and Becker’s MD?
Dystrophin complex
Merosin deficiency
1. All of the following diseases are associated with an intellectual impairment EXCEPT:
Congenital myotonic MD
Duchenne MD
Down Syndrome
Childhoot onset fascioscapulohumeral MD
1. When performing a blood analysis of a patient with suspected Duchenne’s the MD notices increases in this substance in the blood:
Creatine kinase
1. All of the following are common side effects for steroids EXCEPT:
Growth suppression
Weight gain
Hair growth
True or False: Regular exercise is contraindicated in patients with Duchenne
True or False: Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy is slowly progressive and the life expectancy is long
1. All of the following are true about fascioscapulohumeral MD EXCEPT:
Fast progressive and lose the ability to walk
Can be dominant or recessive
Weakness of facial muscles
Weakness of shoulder girdle muscles
A 30 year old male present to physical therapy with the following: excessive knee hyperextension in stance, 30 second sit to stand total of 2, troubles walking up and down the stairs, and observational signs of muscle atrophy and weakness. As a clinician you begin to suspect ALS or Limb girdle muscle atrophy. All of the following can be used to rule in a diagnosis of limb muscle atrophy EXCEPT:
Deep tendon reflex
Modified ashworth scale
Observation of fasciculations
{"name":"Mucular dystrophy", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on muscular dystrophy with this engaging quiz designed for healthcare professionals and students alike. From understanding pathophysiology to recognizing clinical presentations, this quiz covers crucial aspects of muscular dystrophies such as Duchenne and Becker’s MD, as well as Fascioscapulohumeral MD.10 insightful multiple-choice questionsExplore differential diagnoses and clinical manifestationsAssess understanding of treatment implications","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}
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