NENIW Podcast Quiz!

1. In Xander Johnston's 'Amazing Ants' podcast, what ant did he say was his favourite?
A) The honeypot ant
B) The bullet ant
C) The slave-maker ant
D) None. He doesn't like ants
2. In Dr Fabio Manfredini's 'Ferocious Fire Ants' podcast, fire ant colonies can be established by up to how many queens?
A) Only 1
B) 30
C) 300
D) 3000
3. In Ashleigh Whiffin's 'Baby Burying Beetle' podcast, what other creature does the burying beetle give free rides to?
A) Phoretic mites
B) Smaller burying beetles
C) Their larvae
D) Woodlice
4. In Dr Juliano Morimoto's 'Insect larvae for dinner?' podcast, insects like caterpillars can be categorised as?
A) Heterometabolous
B) Maggots
C) Holometabolous
D) Grubs
5. In Craig Macadam's 'Fantastic Freshwater Insects' podcast, which freshwater insect makes a loud 'drumming' sound?
A) The stonefly
B) The water drummer
C) The caddisfly
D) The water cricket
6. In Dr Jeremy Sternberg's 'Trypanosomiasis - the Deadly Disease and Kissing Bugs' podcast, what is the only vector for Human African Trypanosomiasis?
A) The tsetse fly
B) The horse fly
C) The African mosquito
D) All of these flies
7. In Dr John Baird's 'Mosquitoes, Humans and Other Pests' podcast, which of these conditions is NOT required for mosquitoes to spread malaria?
A) There has to be a water source
B) The mosquitoes have to bite someone who already has malaria
C) The mosquito has to be a male
D) The mosquito needs warm weather
8. In Gemma Hare's 'Saving Insects Through Art' podcast, what inspired Gemma to create insect themed art?
A) Her pet bees
B) The media and the interest on protecting bees
C) Her work as a part-time beekeeper
D) The fact that bees are so colourful
9. In Jack and Leanna's 'Butterfly Beauty' podcast, why should you avoid holding butterflies?
A) They can bite
B) Their wing scales are poisonous
C) They're just shy
D) They have very fragile wings
{"name":"NENIW Podcast Quiz!", "url":"","txt":"1. In Xander Johnston's 'Amazing Ants' podcast, what ant did he say was his favourite?, 2. In Dr Fabio Manfredini's 'Ferocious Fire Ants' podcast, fire ant colonies can be established by up to how many queens?, 3. In Ashleigh Whiffin's 'Baby Burying Beetle' podcast, what other creature does the burying beetle give free rides to?","img":""}
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