Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in cond-mat on Wed, 18 Nov 20
[2011.08187] Nikhil Seshadri, Michael Galperin: Entropy and information flow in quantum systems strongly coupled to baths
[2011.08207] Tsz Chun Wu, Hridis K. Pal, Matthew S. Foster: Topological Anomalous Skin Effect in Weyl Superconductors
[2011.08209] Vladislav Borisov, Yaroslav O. Kvashnin, Nikos Ntallis et al.: Theory of Heisenberg and anisotropic exchange interactions in magnetic materials with correlated electronic structure and signific...
[2011.08215] Wojciech Tarnowski: Transient amplification in balanced neural networks
[2011.08218] Federica Maria Surace, Matteo Votto, Eduardo Gonzalez Lazo et al.: Exact many-body scars and their stability in constrained quantum chains
[2011.08226] J. Vucicevic, P. Stipsic, M. Ferrero: Analytical solution for time-integrals in diagrammatic expansions: application to real-frequency diagrammatic Monte Carlo
[2011.08234] Robert Twyman, Stuart J Gibson, James Molony et al.: Principal Component Analysis of Diffuse Magnetic Scattering: a Theoretical Study
[2011.08241] Asaf Miron, Shlomi Reuveni: Diffusion with Local Resetting and Exclusion
[2011.08246] R. Murugesan, M. S. Eldeeb, M. Yehia et al.: Interplay of electron correlations, spin-orbit couplings, and structural effects for Cu centers in the quasi-two-dimensional magnet InCu$_{2/3}$V$_{...
[2011.08263] Kim Pöyhönen, Daniel Varjas, Michael Wimmer et al.: Minimal Zeeman field requirement for a topological transition in superconductors
[2011.08301] Taro Kimura: ABCD of Kondo effect
[2011.08318] Nicholas W. Lundgren, Giuseppe Barbalinardo, Davide Donadio: Mode Localization and Suppressed Heat Transport in Amorphous Alloys
[2011.08323] Jeremy Lee-Hand, Alexander Hampel, Cyrus E. Dreyer: First-principles study of the electronic, magnetic, and crystal structure of perovskite molybdates
[2011.08331] Amartya Bhattacharjee, Ryan C. Hurley, Lori Graham-Brady: Predicting high rate granular transition and fragment statistics at the onset of granular flow for brittle ceramics
[2011.08335] Siyuan Chen, Mario Motta, Fengjie Ma et al.: Ab initio electronic density in solids by many-body plane-wave auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo calculations
[2011.08359] Cameron Kopas, Madhu Krishna Murthy, Christopher Gregory et al.: Characterization of the Chemical and Electrical Properties of Defects at the Niobium-Silicon Interface
[2011.08390] Seiya Suzuki, Takuya Iwasaki, K. Kanishka H. De Silva et al.: Direct growth of germanene at interfaces between van der Waals materials and Ag(111)
[2011.08391] Qiuyuan Wang, Yi Zeng, Kai Yuan et al.: High-efficiency magnetism modulation of a single Co3Sn2S2 layer directly by current
[2011.08416] Jamie M. Booth: An SU(3) Yang-Mills Structure for Electron-Phonon Interactions Resulting from Strong Electron Correlations in 2D hexagonal lattices
[2011.08426] Artem K. Pimachev, Sanghamitra Neogi: First-Principles Prediction of Electronic Transport in Experimental Semiconductor Heterostructures via Physics-Based Machine Learning
[2011.08440] Paul C Bressloff: Asymptotic analysis of target fluxes in the three-dimensional narrow capture problem
[2011.08457] Zheng Yan: Improved Sweeping Cluster Algorithm for Quantum Dimer Model
[2011.08478] Meera M. Parish, Haydn S. Adlong, Weizhe E. Liu et al.: Thermodynamic signatures of the polaron-molecule transition in a Fermi gas
[2011.08494] Malthe Andersen, Frederik Nørfjand, Nikolaj Thomas Zinner: The Real-Time Correlation Function of Floquet Conformal Fields
[2011.08506] Kazumitsu Watanabe, Nobuyuki Kurita, Hidekazu Tanaka et al.: Coupled spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic chain Cs$_2$LiRuCl$_6$ with partially disordered crystal lattice
[2011.08526] Zheng Chen, Zhongran Liu, Yanqiu Sun et al.: Observation of two-dimensional superconductivity at the LaAlO3/KTaO3(110) heterointerface
[2011.08556] Anshul Sharma, Irvine Lian Hao Ong, Anupam Sengupta: Time dependent lyotropic chromonic textures in PDMS-based microfluidic confinements
[2011.08560] Fabio Müller, Stefan Schnabel, Wolfhard Janke: Nonflat Histogram Techniques for Spin Glasses
[2011.08570] Phu Tuan Anh Nguyen, Matthieu Vandamme, Artem Kovalenko: Collapse and cavitation during drying of water-saturated PDMS sponges with closed porosity
[2011.08574] Florian Lange, Satoshi Ejima, Junji Fujimoto et al.: Generation of current vortex by spin current in Rashba systems
[2011.08587] Kolja Zoller, Szilvia Kalácska, Péter Dusán Ispánovity et al.: Microstructure evolution of compressed micropillars investigated by in situ HR-EBSD analysis and dislocation density simulations
[2011.08589] Richard Schlitz, Sergey Granovsky, Sebastian T. B. Goennenwein: Non-local magnon-based transport in yttrium iron garnet/platinum heterostructures at high temperatures
[2011.08594] Y. Magnin, N. Chanut, D.A. Pantano et al.: Granular-like behavior of molecular flow in constricted nanopores
[2011.08600] Suguru Hosoi, Takuya Aoyama, Kousuke Ishida et al.: Dichotomy Between Orbital and Magnetic Nematic Instabilities in BaFe2S3
[2011.08601] Dongwook Go, Daegeun Jo, Tenghua Gao et al.: Orbital Rashba effect in surface oxidized Cu film
[2011.08610] M. T. Islam, M. A. J. Pikul, X. S. Wang et al.: Thermally assisted magnetization reversal of a magnetic nanoparticle driven by a down-chirp microwave field pulse
[2011.08619] Aakanksha Kapoor, Apurva L.Patrike, Nitesh Singh et al.: Synthetically Encapsulated \& Self-Organized Transition Metal Oxide Nano Structures inside Carbon Nanotubes as Robust Li-ion Battery A...
[2011.08624] Emilio N.M. Cirillo, Alessandro Ciallella, Barbara Vantaggi: Localization of defects via residence time measures
[2011.08638] V.V. Kabanov: Adiabatic theory of the polaron spectral function
[2011.08654] Martin Dressel, Silvia Tomić: Molecular Quantum Materials: Electronic Phases and Charge Dynamics in Two-Dimensional Organic Solids
[2011.08657] Corneel Casert, Tom Vieijra, Stephen Whitelam et al.: Dynamical large deviations of two-dimensional kinetically constrained models using a neural-network state ansatz
[2011.08665] Shengyou Yang, Pradeep Sharma: A tutorial on the stability and bifurcation analysis of the electromechanical behaviour of soft materials
[2011.08677] G. Gandus, A. Valli, D. Passerone et al.: Smart local orbitals for efficient calculations within density functional theory and beyond
[2011.08681] M.A. Rakitskii, K.S. Denisov, I.V. Rozhansky et al.: Fingerprints of the electron skew-scattering on paramagnetic impurities in semiconductor systems
[2011.08686] G. George, L. Klochko, A.N. Semenov et al.: Ensemble fluctuations matter for variances of macroscopic variables
[2011.08696] Péter Gurin, Szabolcs Varga, Gerardo Odriozola: Three-step melting of hard superdisks in two dimensions
[2011.08709] Eva Grimaldi, Viola Krizakova, Giacomo Sala et al.: Single-shot dynamics of spin-orbit torque and spin transfer torque switching in three-terminal magnetic tunnel junctions
[2011.08710] S. Di Napoli, C. Helman, A.M. Llois et al.: Strong interfacial electron-phonon coupling at the BaPbO$_3$/BaBiO$_3$ bilayer
[2011.08730] Dominik M. Juraschek, Derek S. Wang, Prineha Narang: Sum-frequency excitation of coherent magnons
[2011.08736] M. B. Christensen, T. Vibel, A. J. Hilliard et al.: Observation of Microcanonical Atom Number Fluctuations in a Bose-Einstein Condensate
[2011.08739] Thomas Scheike, Qingyi Xiang, Zhenchao Wen et al.: Exceeding 400% tunnel magnetoresistance at room temperature in epitaxial Fe/MgO/Fe(001) spin-valve-type magnetic tunnel junctions
[2011.08744] L. Ziegler, E. Tirrito, M. Lewenstein et al.: Correlated Chern insulators in two-dimensional Raman lattices: a cold-atom regularization of strongly-coupled four-Fermi field theories
[2011.08745] Federico Paolucci, Nadia Ligato, Gaia Germanese et al.: Fully superconducting Josephson bolometers for gigahertz astronomy
[2011.08748] I. Abaloszewa, P. Gierłowski, A. Abaloszew et al.: Properties of YBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_{7-δ}$ films grown by pulsed laser deposition on CeO$_2$-buffered sapphire
[2011.08759] Nathan Holman, D. Rosenberg, D. Yost et al.: Dispersive measurement of a semiconductor double quantum dot via 3D integration of a high-impedance TiN resonator
[2011.08780] Erik G. C. P. van Loon: Second-order dual fermion for multi-orbital systems
[2011.08782] Vahagn Mkhitaryan, Eduardo J. C. Dias, Fabrizio Carbone et al.: Ultrafast Momentum-Resolved Probing of Plasmon Thermal Dynamics with Free Electrons
[2011.08812] Yunyi Zang, Felix Küster, Jibo Zhang et al.: Competing energy scales in topological superconducting heterostructures
[2011.08818] Marwa Mannaï, Sonia Haddad: Twistronics {\it vs} straintronics in twisted bilayer graphene
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Wed, 18 Nov 20","img":""}