IOSPD exam - Methods for I/O Operations

A visually engaging illustration of I/O processors interacting with peripheral devices and a CPU, showcasing data transfer and interrupt signaling in an abstract, tech-inspired style.

Master I/O Operations: The Ultimate Quiz

Test your knowledge on I/O processors and operations with this comprehensive quiz designed for advanced learners in computer architecture. Get ready to deep dive into concepts applied in real-world systems!

  • Cover critical questions on I/O program execution.
  • Explore interrupt handling techniques.
  • Understand bus architectures and their implications.
14 Questions4 MinutesCreated by CodingTiger57
I/O processors:
- Executes I/O programs that may also include DMA transfers.
- Communicate with peripheral devices instead of letting the CPU do that.
- Communicate with CPU through control lines and a common memory.
- Only communicate with the CPU by sharing access to a common memory.
- Communicate with CPU only through lines and control signals.
- Do not need the intervention of the main processor to start executing an I/O program.
- Generate an interrupt request to the CPU at the end of a DMA transfer.
I/O processors:
- Executes I/O programs that may also include DMA transfers.
- Communicate with peripheral devices instead of letting the CPU do that.
- Communicate with CPU through control lines and a common memory.
- Only communicate with the CPU by sharing access to a common memory.
- Communicate with CPU only through lines and control signals.
- Do not need the intervention of the main processor to start executing an I/O program.
- Generate an interrupt request to the CPU at the end of a DMA transfer.
An I/O program executed by an I/O processor:
- May contain several DMA transfers, and the CPU is only interrupted at the end of the I/O program.
- May contain several DMA transfers, and the CPU is only interrupted at the end of each transfer.
- May not contain DMA transfers, since these are executed by DMA controllers.
With daisy-chain priority interrupts:
- Each device that receives the interrupt acknowledge signal is able to block the propagation of this signal to the next device.
- The priority of a device is given by its position in the daisy-chain of devices.
- Device priorities can be changed under software control.
With the parallel priority interrupt lines interconnection:
- A priority encoder is used for generating a part of the interrupt vector.
- Priority of a device is given by the position of the associated bit from the interrupt register.
- Interrupt requests of the devices cannot be deactivated individually, but only by a global control of the interrupt system.
With the hardware polling technique for identifying the interrupt source:
- The speed is increased compared to the software polling technique.
- The CPU executes a general interrupt service routine when it detects an interrupt request.
- The interrupt request signal is daisy-chained through the I/O modules.
- The interrupt request line is chained through I/O modules.
- Se utilizează un lanț de dispozitive format cu ajutorul liniei de achitare a întreruperii.
- Se utilizează o linie de comanda separată pentru interogarea modulelor, de exemplu, TEST I/E.
At software polling interrupt identification technique:
- The processor addresses I/O modules one by one in order to identify the device/module that generated the interrupt.
- I/O modules transmit to the processor their state register content in an order given by their priority.
- A higher speed is obtained compared to hardware pooling technique because the CPU has higher speed compared to I/O modules.
La arbitrarea centralizata prin conectarea în lant a dispozitivelor:
- Apare susceptibilitatea la defectele liniei de achitare a întreruperii.
- Dispozitivele sunt conectate într-un lanț prin linia de achitare a întreruperii.
- Sunt necesare doar doua linii de control pentru arbitrajul de magistrala.
CPU Execution time:
- It does not include the time required for executing I/O operations.
- Allows measuring global performance of the computer system.
- Includes the time required for access to the memory.
CPU Response time:
- Does include the necessary time for I/O operations execution.
- Does include the necessary time for memory access.
- Does not include the necessary time for OS executed operations.
The data-break DMA transfer method:
- Increases the transfer rate compared to the cycle-stealing DMA transfer method.
- Suspends the CPU operations during the transfer.
- Only uses the bus when the CPU does not need it.
- Transfers large blocks of data by interspersing DMA bus transactions with CPU bus transactions.
Cycle-Stealing DMA transfer method:
- The DMA controller can be designed so that bus cycles are stolen only when the CPU doesn’t use the bus.
- Maximum transfer rate is being reduced in comparison to DMA block transfer.
- Large data blocks are being transmitted while the CPU activity is suspended.
- The method is used for slower peripherals.
(Asynchronous Buses) Magistralele asincrone:
- Necesita mai multe linii comparativ cu magistralele sincrone.
- Permit utilizarea ciclurilor de magistrala cu orice durata, dar aceasta trebuie sa fie aceeași intre toate perechile de dispozitive.
- Necesita alegerea vitezei în funcție de dispozitivul cel mai lent de pe magistrala.
- Are more advantageous than synchronous buses, because they do not use a clock signal, and therefore the number of wires needed is reduced.
- Are more advantageous than synchronous buses, since bus cycles can have any duration.
- Are not as advantageous as synchronous buses, because they do not use a clock signal, and therefore synchronization is difficult to achieve.
With a synchronous bus:
- A delay occurs when a transfer is completed before an integral number of clock cycles.
- A logical protocol is needed between the source and destination units.
- The speed has to be chosen according to the slowest device on the bus.
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