Which member of Cornley Polytechnic Drama Society are you?

During a group activity I prefer to...
Take charge and have others follow my lead
Take charge but listen to and act on the suggestions of others
Take a participatory role and be directed
Take a participatory role but offer suggestions where neccessary
Do my own thing
Don't know
If I make a mistake I...
Get frustrated with myself but continue
Get upset
Accept my mistake calmly and move on
Do not make mistakes
Tend not to notice
Don't know
When others make mistakes I...
Become quietly frustrated with them
Become loudly frustrated with them
Try to help them recover
Don't worry. We all make mistakes.
Tend not to notice
Don't know
The word people would use to describe me is
Don't know
My favourite genre of film is...
Period drama
Don't know
My ideal date location is...
The theatre
A rock concert
A cinema
My house
A fancy restaurant
Don't know
During my free time I like to...
Go jogging
Play on my computer
Watch television or listen to music
Meet up with my friends
Don't know
My greatest fear is...
Enclosed spaces
Letting down others
The unknown
I am never afraid
My ideal job would be...
A distinguished actor
A musician
A supermodel
A children's entertainer
A doctor
Don't know
At the end of the day, life is all about...
Achieving success
Enjoying yourself
Making others feel happy
Finding new experiences
Don't know
{"name":"Which member of Cornley Polytechnic Drama Society are you?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"During a group activity I prefer to..., If I make a mistake I..., When others make mistakes I...","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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