Have you lost some of your zeal for academics
Not at all!
Rate this statement as it applies to you, agree, indifferent, or disagree: "Grad school is a big commitment, I'd like some time to think before committing to the pursuit of an advanced degree."
Rate this statement as it applies to you, agree, indifferent, or disagree: I knew I wanted to be a scientist since I was a kid and when I learned that would mean I needed a Ph.D., I've been full steam ahead on that path.
{"name":"Have you lost some of your zeal for academics", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Have you lost some of your zeal for academics, Rate this statement as it applies to you, agree, indifferent, or disagree: \"Grad school is a big commitment, I'd like some time to think before committing to the pursuit of an advanced degree.\", Rate this statement as it applies to you, agree, indifferent, or disagree: I knew I wanted to be a scientist since I was a kid and when I learned that would mean I needed a Ph.D., I've been full steam ahead on that path.","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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