Thorax - Final Year

After road side accident, thoracostomy was done of the patient. After 2 weeks air was constantly leaking out through the tube. Most probable reason for this condition is
Tension pneumothorax
Bronchopleural Fistula
Lung Contusion
Esophageal Injury
Empyema Formation
After road side accident patient was diagnosed as a case of hemothorax. Thoracostomy tube was placed in. After three days patient recovered well. X ray chest was done. Lung was completely expanded. Thoracostomy tube removed and discharged. After one-week patient proceed in emergency with right chest pain respiratory distress and fever 103 F. Most probable reason for this condition is
Recurrent Hemothorax
Empyema formation
Bronchopleural Fistula
Lung Contusion
A lactating mother proceeded with breast abscess. Incision and drainage was one. Now patient has presented with continuous milk discharge from the wound treatment option is
Antibiotics according to culture and sensitivity
Surgical Closure of milk fistula
Avoid lactation on the affected side
Suppression of lactation by prolactin inhibitor
Evacuation of affected breast with breast pump
A perimenopausal lady presented with complain of right breast pain and lumpiness of breast. O/E breast is slightly tender axillary lymph nodes not palpable likely diagnosis is
Duct Ectasia
Phyllodes Tumor
Fiboradenosis ANDI
Paradoxical respiratory movements are observed in case of
Sternal Fracture
Sternal fracture with thoracic vertebra fracture
Flail Chest
Tension pneumothorax
Lung contusion
Ideal Treatment for chronic empyema thorax is
Long term thoracostomy tube
Pleuro-cutaneous Window
Long term antibiotic according to C/S
Indication of thoracotomy in case of chest injury is
Flail Chest
Tension Pneumothorax
Massive Hemothorax
Lung Contusion
Open Pneumothorax
Important post-operative complication of decortication is
Lung Abscess
Respiratory Failure
Esophageal Injury
Forty years old female with carcinoma breast stage 2 has undergone MRM, Histopathology of MRM revealed that resected margins are not free of tumor. Post op management include
Redo Surgery
Cytotoxic Therapy
Radiotherapy to the operative field
Wait and see policy
Hormonal Therapy
Conservative breast surgery is contraindicated in case of
Female more than 40 years of age
Estrogen receptors negative cases
Lobular carcinoma on trucut needle biopsy
Positive family history of Carcinoma Breast
Mammography detected carcinoma breast
A 30-year-old lady presented with fungating mass in right breast. O/E breast is mobile on chest wall. Axillary lymph nodes are enlarged. Treatment protocol is
MRM followed by chemotherapy
Radiotherapy to breast
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by MRM
Toilet mastectomy followed by radiotherapy
Hormonal Therapy
The treatment option for fibroadenoma breast is
Simple mastectomy
Radiotherapy to the lesion
Intracapsular enucleation of tumor
Hormonal Therapy - Antiestrogen
Regarding phyllodes tumor which statement is true
It is always benign tumor
After local excision recurrence is less likely
No regional lymph nodes involvement
It arises from stroma of breast
Blood discharge from nipple is leading symptom of the discharge
In case of carcinoma breast upper limbs edema commonly occurs in conditions
Stage 4 – Carcinoma Breast
After MRM
Axillary Clearance of lymph nodes followed by radiotherapy to axilla
Cytotoxic therapy
Conservative breast surgery with Axillary clearance
A patient with penetrating injury to the chest should undergo thoracotomy if
There is more than 500 ml of blood which drains from the chest tube when placed
There is more than 200 ml/hr of blood for 3 hours from the chest tube
There is an air leak that persists for >48 hours
There is documented lung injury on CT scan
There is open wound on left side of chest
{"name":"Thorax - Final Year", "url":"","txt":"After road side accident, thoracostomy was done of the patient. After 2 weeks air was constantly leaking out through the tube. Most probable reason for this condition is, After road side accident patient was diagnosed as a case of hemothorax. Thoracostomy tube was placed in. after three days patient recovered well. X ray chest was done. Lung was completely expanded. Thoracostomy tube removed and discharged. After one-week patient proceed in emergency with right chest pain respiratory distress and fever 103 F. Most probable reason for this condition is, A lactating mother proceeded with breast abscess. Incision and drainage was one. Now patient has presented with continuous milk discharge from the wound treatment option is","img":""}
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