Software Engineering - First Partial

A modern office environment with people discussing software engineering concepts, charts and requirements specifications on a whiteboard, and computers showing code.

Software Engineering Proficiency Quiz

Test your knowledge of software engineering concepts with this comprehensive quiz designed for students and professionals alike. Whether you are preparing for a certification or simply want to refresh your understanding of software requirements, this quiz offers challenging questions to help you gauge your expertise.

  • Multiple choice format
  • Covers key software engineering topics
  • Assess your understanding of requirements, prototyping, and validation
19 Questions5 MinutesCreated by CodingWizard42
Prototyping is a kind of technique that allows us:
To reduce and save costs being an essential activity in any project.
To implement all required functionalities of a system.
To extract requirements, test potential solutions and remove risky parts.
To implement a first, complete and reliable version of a system.
Regarding the authoring of requirements, which of the following statements is INCORRECT?
The use of several negative words in the same statement can lead us to a misleading requirement statement.
The number of syllables and the number of words per statement are good indicators of the requirement quality.
The optionality of a requirement must be expressed as part of the requirement statement.
A requirement statement with several connectors can indicate that the requirement is stating more than one capability.
Given a requirement specifying a condition...
The condition must be automatically inferred by context.
It is necessary to properly specify the quantity, units of measurement and tolerance.
Conditions are not allowed in functional requirements.
Conditions are not allowed in non-functional requirements.
What is a stakeholder in the context of Software Engineering?
It is a person or entity that affects or is affected by the target software system.
It is a client representative that makesdecisions about the software system
Once the software system is in production, it is a kind of end-user that gives us feedback.
Any person that works in the management ordevelopment of the software system.
Select the correct answer to name the activities 1 and 2:
1-Validation and 2-Verification.
1-Verification and 2-Documentation.
1-Validation and 2-Documentation.
1-Verification and 2-Validation.
Regarding requirement traceability, select the CORRECT statement.
The traceability of a requirement indicates that the requirement source is clear and exists because of a reason.
The traceability of a requirement indicates that the requirement is correct.
The traceability of a requirement indicates that the requirement is atomic.
The traceability of a requirement indicates that the requirement is not ambiguous.
A Software Requirements Specification is COMPLETE iff:
It does not include any conflict.
It describes all relevant needs for all stakeholders.
Every requirement stated therein is one that the software shall meet.
When it is in a) and, partially in b).
What is a requirement?
A condition or capability needed by a user to solve a problem or achieve an objective.
A condition or capability that must be met or possesed by a system component to satisfy a contract, standard, specification or other formally imposed document.
A documented representation of a condition or capability as in (1) or (2)
All of the aforementioned answers are correct.
A non-functional requirement...
Defines a system capability
Defines a system constraint
Defines a system functionality
None of the aforementioned definitions are correct
Given the next requirement: "The MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures) of the car shall be at least 100 hours"
It's a non-functional requirement (Reliability)
It's a functional requirement (Reliability)
Why should we invest in requirements engineering?
It is always necessary to invest as much as possible becuase better requirements always imply a better final product.
It is necessary to invest but to some extent. If we invest too much time or money it will be a waste of resources.
It is a kind of investment that is not relevant for a software project.
The investment should be around 35% of the total project time.
Use cases:
They are a critical factor to get a good requirement specification.
They represent a kind of atemporal flow diagram in which activities are states connected through arrows to toher states defining a temporal workflow to fulfill a users need.
None of the aforementioned answers are correct.
The term "use case" may refer to: 1) an objective or service required by a user and 2) the set of interactions to get such objective.
Let's suppose that we have a requirements application to develop a web page from scratch. The client requests us that the web shall comply with the W3C web standards. If we have a requirement such as "the web page shall comply with the W3C recommendation for multimedia contents.", we can classify this requirement into the next category:
User requirement (functional)
User requirement (non-functional)
Software requirement (functional)
Software requirement (non-functional)
The requirements traceablity matrix must:
Explain potential conflicts, overlappings and redundancies between the different functionalities specified in the set of requirements.
Show the data workflow of our system.
Show the evolution (changes) of our requirements.
Show the relationships between requirements and the implementation units.
In which of the following stage(s) a requirement can be completely removed:
Proposed and validated
Proposed, validated and implemented
Proposed, validated, implemented and verified
Which of the following is not a requirements elicitation technique:
User histories
Choose the INCORRECT with respect to NON-functional requirements:
They don't require verification
Verification is gradual
They impose restrictions on the developed product or the development process.
They cut across functional requirements
They require implementation
They cut across only business requirements
They impose functionalities on the developed product or the development process.
Functional requirements are:
Business requirements
Maintenance requirements
Software requirements
User requirements
In the context of developing a system:
Requirements are validated in the implementation.
Requirements are verified and validated in the implementation
Requirements are verified in the implementation
Requirements are simulated in the implementation
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