Puberty quiz

What is the age category for when girls start to go through puberty?
12-15 but sometimes earlier
10-12 but sometimes it could be later
What age does puberty usually begin for males?
What are the right thing(s) to be doing during your period?
Drink lots of water
Eat junk food, it will make you feel better
Do a bit of exercise
Have a healthy diet
Every month an egg leaves the …….
Fallopian tube
Is it possible for men to develop breasts?
Around how long after a girl starts to develop breasts will they get their period?
4 months and 10 days
365 days
3 years
2 and a half years
The first sign of puberty for girls is usually?
Breast start to develop
They go much taller in a few weeks
They get their period
Give a short answer as to why you start to sweat more.
You will have the same friends for the rest of your school life
A. Yes. You will never lose any of your friends
A. No. Eventually you start drifting away from some friends. You might start getting different interests to each other and want to join other friendship groups.
Give a short answer explaining what puberty is.
Why might a person going through puberty not want to socialize with friends at a beach/pool
They hate swimming
They might begin to feel self conscious about their body.
They don’t enjoy being around their friends as much
None of the above
Give an answer as to why friends might start to act strangely during puberty?
Give an answer as to why does a boy’s genitals and private parts grow during puberty?
True or False: Girls usually go through puberty before boys.
Which one is TRUE?
The average length of a period is 5-7 days.
The more you weigh the later on in life you will get your period
Both are true
Neither are true
During their main growth spurt during puberty, girls will grow about…
3cm in 5 months
4-6cm during the year
You don’t grow at all
7-8cm during the year
Acne during puberty is worse for females than males?
In a few sentences explain what a period is
True or False: Boys develop sperm when they go through puberty, to be able to produce babies.
What is the hormone released into your body that is one of the reasons you get pimples?
Why do your hips get wider during puberty
Because you are just getting fatter during puberty
When you get your period it also makes your hips get bigger
Your hips are getting bigger to prepare you for when you are carrying/delivering a baby
Because your breasts are getting bigger, so your hips need to as well
In a few scentences describe what a wet dream is
Puberty in males is caused by?
How can you prevent acne?
Put on a lot of makeup
Wash your face regularly
Eat dark chocolate
Stay completely away from animals
Why does your voice start to change during puberty?
Our voice box becomes bigger
From talking so much in the past years
From eating to much
What are the bumps and spots that start to develop on your face during puberty?
Sun spots
Chicken pocks
Is it normal to start feeling less dependent on your parents?
No, its not normal at all.
Yes, you start feeling more indapenedent, that’s how you prepare yourself for adult hood.
What must a girl do when she has her period?
Don’t do anything
Go and get something to eat
Tell an adult you trust and get either tampons or pads
Is it normal for one breast to be bigger then the other?
Yes, it is normal
No, that's just weird
Give a detailed answer as to how breasts start to develop on a girls body.
Puberty in males is caused by?
Thyroid glan
{"name":"Puberty quiz", "url":"","txt":"What is the age category for when girls start to go through puberty?, what age does puberty usually begin for males?, What are the right thing(s) to be doing during your period?","img":""}
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