The ________ was very experienced and helped the climbers reach the summit safely.
a) islander
B) mechanic
C) mountain guide
My dad is a ________ and knows a lot about fixing engines.
a) teacher
c) mechanic
d) guide
We stayed in a ________ while camping in the woods.
A) vehicle
b) building
c) tent
I want to ________ medicine at university and become a doctor.
A) study
b) test
C) memorize
My closest ________ is my sister who I share everything with.
A) puzzle
b) challenge
C) friend
I used a ________ to cut the bread into slices.
A) knife
B) rope
c) cube
She ________ the difficult crossword puzzle in under 5 minutes.
A) camped
B) solved
c) studied
I was ________ to find my lost wallet on the bus yesterday.
A) unlucky
b) alive
C) lucky
My brother ________ his leg when he fell down the stairs.
A) broke
B) died
C) crawled
My friend is very ________ and waits calmly without getting angry.
a) positive
B) patient
C) experienced
We found a nice ________ by the lake to set up our tents.
A) building
b) cave
c) campsite
My parents are ________ and work very hard at their jobs.
A) lazy
B) unfriendly
C) hard-working
The children were playing with ________ like dolls and cars.
A) puzzles
B) ropes
C) toys
Studying ________ involves learning about plants, animals and humans.
A) art
B) history
C) biology
I want to ________ my ambition of climbing Mount Everest someday.
a) achieve
B) memorize
c) study
Last night I ________ a movie with my friends.
A) saw
B) have seen
c) am seeing
She ________ dinner when I called her.
a) makes
b) was making
c) made
Where ________ you ________ last weekend?
A) are / going
b) did / go
c) do / go
I ________ my homework while my sister ________ TV.
a) did / watched
b) was doing / was watching
c) have done / has watched
The kids ________ in the park when it started to rain.
a) play
b) are playing
C) were playing
She ________ a shower when the electricity went out.
a) was having
B) has
c) had
It ________ when I left home this morning.
A) rains
B) rained
c) was raining
Where ________ you ________ at 10 pm last night?
a) are / going
b) were / going
c) was / going
She ________ dinner when the power went out.
a) makes
B) is making
c) was making
________ it ________ when you left the office last night?
A) Is / raining
b) Was / raining
c) Did / rain
They ____ disturbing the neighbors with their loud music.
A) weren't
B) wasn't
c) didn't
I ____ when the thunderstorm started.
A) was sleeping
b) slept
c) sleep
While Lena ________ ready, Sue ________ breakfast for the family.
A) gets / made
b) got / was making
C) was getting / was making
I ________ my breakfast when I ________ I was late for work.
a) ate / realized
b) was eating / realized
c) has eaten / have realized
Why ____ he running away so fast?
a) were
B) was
c) did
{"name":"LIFE 130 UNIT 4 QUIZ 4 VOCAB & GRAMMAR MAGDI ALSAYED", "url":"","txt":"The ________ was very experienced and helped the climbers reach the summit safely., My dad is a ________ and knows a lot about fixing engines., We stayed in a ________ while camping in the woods.","img":""}
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