A well-organized desk with case management materials, including client files, a computer showing a case management system, and a coffee cup, bright and inviting atmosphere.

Case Management Refresher Quiz

Test your knowledge and skills in case management with our Refresher Quiz. This quiz is designed to assess your understanding of essential procedures and guidelines required for effective client support.

  • Learn about case documentation best practices.
  • Enhance your knowledge on verification requirements.
  • Improve your understanding of eligibility criteria.
15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by EngagingLearner542
When should case notes be documented?
Same day you interview client
After client submits the verification that was requested
It really don't matter
What does VCL stand for?
Verified check list
Verification check list
Verification check log
What cases on go the NOMI list?
NOMI list apps only
Any cases I touch
None of the above
If I send you a case to deny or update throughout the day, which worker card would you list the case on?
Ajsha's May worker Card
NOMI worker card
Riley (22) applied for Food Stamos for herself only. Lives with grandmother. They purchase and prepare apart. What info do you need about the grandmother
First and Last name
Gabriella has a March renewal. Client submitted the renewal on 3/22. Is this considered a late renewal?
When are we required to have a child's SSN?
As soon as they report the newborn to be added
Never if the mother received pregnancy Medicaid
When the child turns 1
Lee (35) applies for FS on 4/15/22. He has never had FS in the state of GA or any other state. Lee is an ABAWD. What should be coded for months 12/2020-3/2022 on the ABAWD time clock? He was just released from prison.
Employed at least 30hrs
Food stamp case/client closed
Roger (45) is applying for himself on 5/13/22. He states he lost his job on 4/10/22 but he will receive a lump sum for his vacation and sick time on 5/15/22. What verification is needed?
Separation notice
Final months pay stub
Nothing lost job over 30 days ago
Nelson (60) is applying for Food Stamps for himself. He states he is not working, but receives VA benefits. How do we verify VA BENEFITS?
When should you email me about your in and out times?
Signing on
Logging out
None of the above we grown
What should be documented in case notes?
Verification transaction numbers
Application number
When the NOMI was issued
All of the above
Kia (23) applying for food stamps for herself only. She is a fulltime student at Clark Atlanta. She lives in an apartment with 3 roommates. It is not affiliated with the school. She is not working at the moment. Parents pays her bills directly. What are the requirements for her to be eligible?
Work 20hrs a week
She will not be eligible regardless
EFC is $0
Eligible for the work study program
Lisa (31) applies for herself and 2 kids on 4/19/22. It was an unexp applicaton. VCL was sent for client and was due on 5/2/22. No documents were submitted so case was denied on 5/10/22. Client submitted verification late on 5/16/22. What day do I re-register the case from?
Client has to reapply because it's already denied
Whitney (37) is applying for herself only on 5/10/22. Worker interviews client on 5/11/22. She states she just started working on 4/25/22. Work number shows her first check was 5/6/22. She is paid biweekly. Worker sends a vcl for more pay stubs and that is due by 5/20/22. Worker search for documents on 5/25/22 but cannot find any. Checks work number and now client is shwoing 2 pay stubs. What should the worker do?
Worker should have never sent VCL
Deny case because client did not submit documents
Update pay from work number and document
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