Organizational Behaviour

What is Taylor's focus points?
Effcicency - jobs should be standardised and simplefied
Consistency (previous behaviour), Consensus (same situation same behaviour) and distinctiveness (new behaviour))
What is Fayol's four sources to management functions?
Planning, Organizing, Controlling and Leading
Inconsistency bt attitudes or an attitude and a behaviour.
What is contingency view?
Organizations with a organic strucure adapt better compared to mechanistc structered firms
One thing determines the overall I
What is halo?
One thing determines the overall impression
What is leverency person?
One thing determines the overall impression
What is Projection?
Something/one similar to me
One thing determines the overall impression
What three steps are in Kelly's attribution ?
Consistency (previous behaviour), Consensus (same situation same behaviour) and distinctiveness (new behaviour))
When presence of someone either enhance or impair one's job.
What is cognitive dissonance?
Inconsistency bt attitudes or an attitude and a behaviour.
Relates to need for competence & self-determination
What is intrisic motivation?
Relates to need for competence & self-determination
Focuses on external rewars
What is extrinsic motivation?
Focuses on external rewars
What is XY theory?
X = person who dislike work, forced to work to avoid punishment, prefer to be directed, avoidng responibility and wants security. Y= people will apply selfcontrol, accept and seek responsibility.
1) Forming 2) Storming (what is my role) 3) Noeming (relations build) 4) Performing (get the job done) 5) Adjourning (end of work)
What is Tuckman's five stage theory of group development?
1) Forming 2) Storming (what is my role) 3) Noeming (relations build) 4) Performing (get the job done) 5) Adjourning (end of work)
When presence of someone either enhance or impair one's job.
What is social facilitation?
When presence of someone either enhance or impair one's job.
Tendency to exert less individual effort as the group gets bigger
What is Social loafing?
Tendency to exert less individual effort as the group gets bigger
By product to groupdecission - arises from group pressures, dominance of arguments, which are favoured by yhe majority
What is groupthink?
By product to groupdecission - arises from group pressures, dominance of arguments, which are favoured by yhe majority
Ocus on goals, strategies, work best in stabile conditions
What are the two choices to solve a problem?
Oversight: choices before problems or Flight: wait for the problem to go away and then pick a delayed solution.
Participants, problems, solutions and choice oppurtunities
What four elements does the garbage can model consist off?
Participants, problems, solutions and choice oppurtunities
Oversight: choices before problems or Flight: wait for the problem to go away and then pick a delayed solution.
Which leadership styles does Lewin name?
Authorcratic, democratic and laizzes-faire
Relations, task-structure (either task- or relationsship orientated) and position-power
Fiedler's contingency model three steps?
Relations, task-structure (either task- or relationsship orientated) and position-power
Authorcratic, democratic and laizzes-faire
What is the four elements in the house path-goal theory?
Employees, Leadership, enviromental factors and outcomes.
Focus on goals, strategies, work best in stabile conditions
What is transactional leaders?
Focus on goals, strategies, work best in stabile conditions
Focus on establish new directions - developments. Dynamic conditions are preferred
What is tranformantonal leaders?
Focus on establish new directions - developments. Dynamic conditions are preferred
Power trough threats and punishm
What is coercive power?
Power trough threats and punishm. Outcome = resistanceent
Power trough recognised authority.
What is legimate power?
Power trough recognised authority. Outcome = comoliance
Power trough skills and knowledge and admiration
Expert power and referent power?
Power trough skills and knowledge and admiration. Outcome = commitment
Power trough threats and punishm
What are the principles of organizing?
(de)centralisation = decision making. Complexity = horizontal/vertical/spatial structure. Formalisation = rules, policies, standardisation.
It can be a barrier to change such as mergers.
What does it mean culture can be a liability?
It can be a barrier to change such as mergers.
How can a culture be created?
By Hiring certain people, indoctrinating and acting as a role model.
(de)centralisation = decision making. Complexity = horizontal/vertical/spatial structure. Formalisation = rules, policies, standardisation.
{"name":"Organizational Behaviour", "url":"","txt":"What it the 3 analysis levels?, What is Taylor's focus points?, What is Fayol's four sources to management functions?","img":""}
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