What is the due date for all SST Returns to be filed by
15th of each month
20th of each month
25th of each month
Last day of the month
Which of the following is NOT true?
SST transactions without an item code will tax
Exempt customers will calculate tax on SST transactions if they do NOT have an exemption built in AvaTax Exemptions.
SST transactions using tax amount overrides will error and not post to AvaTax
SST transactions cannot use lat/long coordinates to calculate tax
Which of the following is an SST Volunteer requirement? (Select all that apply)
Less than $50,000 of property in a state
Less than $50,000 of payroll in a state
No fixed place of business in a state
Less than 25% of total property or payroll in the state
Foreign entities cannot participate in the SST program
A company would not qualify for SST in a state they are already registered in
An entity that identifies as a Marketplace can participate in the SST program
What day of the month do customers need to approve returns by?
8th of each month
15th of each month
Last day of the month
10th of each month
Accounts that already have one entity live with SST will still need to go through go live to register a new entity for SST
What is the due date for Go Live Consultants to assign go live tasks to SST Team for new SST registrations
1st of each month
10th of the month
20th of the month
Last day of the month
Which is NOT a customer support activity the SST team is responsible for
Amended Returns
Support Cases
SST returns require DOR username and passwords to file the returns timely
{"name":"SST Onboarding Quiz", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"What are the benefit(s) of the SST Program, Which state is not an SST State, What is the filing frequency of SST returns","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}