BIO14 Exam 1 Review Questions

Which of the following is a density dependent form of population control?
Freezing temperatures
Which of the following is not needed for natural selection to occur?
Phenotypic variation
More individuals are produced than can survive
Some genotypes reproduce more than others
Rapid growth of the population
Different versions of a specific gene are called:
Homologous chromosomes
Sister chromatids
_____ defines an organism's relative capacity to produce viable offspring that pass its genes on to the next generation.
Natural selection
Trait A is associated with male primates. It's most likely that the gene for this trait is:
Dominant and located on the x chromosome
Autosomally inherited
Located on the y chromosome
Recessive and autosomally inhereted
Mendel crossed plants with round seeds with plants with wrinkled seeds. F1 offspring all had round seeds. The most likely explanation is...
Seed wrinkles are not genetically determined
Wrinkled seeds are dominant
Round seeds are dominant
Seed shape is an example of blended inheritance
The population at time "t" is 20 individuals. The net reproductive rate is 1.2. What is the population size at "t+3" (rounded to the nearest whole individual)?
As a population approaches carrying capacity "K", which of the following will not happen?
There will be increased competition for resources
Diseases will be transmitted more easily
Individuals will have more offspring to compensate for high mortality
Population growth rates will approach 0
Which of the following are diploid?
Daughter cells of meiosis 1
Daughter cells of meiosis 2
None of the above
The concept of purifying selection states:
Sexually reproducing individuals have offspring that lack deleterious alleles present in the parent
Offspring are genetically identical to their parents
Offspring of sexually reproducing individuals are less likely to survive if the environment changes
Offspring of asexual individuals are less susceptible to rapidly evolving diseases
The transmission of traits from parents to offspring is called
Inheritance of acquired characteristics
Individuals of a plant with the genotype Rr have pink flowers, individuals with RR have red flowers and rr have white flowers. Which of the following is true of the allele(s) that control flower color in this species?
R is dominant
The alleles display codominance
The trait for flower color is likely controlled by several alleles
The alleles show incomplete dominance
Which of the following is not a cost of sex?
Lower maximum reproductive potential
The costs associated with finding a mate
Decreased relatedness to your offspring
Decreased speed of evolutionary response
Which of the following is not a way that sex generates genetic variation
Independent assortment during gamete formation
Crossing over during gamete formation
Higher mutation rates in sexually reproducing organisms
Combination of parental genetic information during fertilization
Tail fluffiness for the fictitious species Fluffus maximus is controlled by a single gene, where the allele for fluffy tails is dominant to the allele for smooth tails. A litter of 8 babies is born, it contains 2 smooth tailed and 6 fluffy tailed individuals. Assuming these babies are representative, what are the most likely genotypes of the parents?
Both parents are homozygous smooth
Both parents are heterozygous
One parent is homozygous fluffy, the other is heterozygous
One parent is homozygous smooth, the other is homozygous fluffy
The population at time "t" is 50, the net reproductive rate is 1.05. What is the population size at time "t+2"? Answer is rounded to the nearest whole individual
Which of the following is not true. Evolution is...
A change in genetic sequences over generations
A change in phenotypes over generations
A change in the heritable characteristics of a population
A change in the traits of an organism over its lifetime
If a population is diploid and has 2 alleles at one locus, and genotype frequencies like the one below, what can we infer about this population and/or its history? TT = 0.81, Tt = 0.18, tt = 0.01
In relation to locus T, this population has not experienced genetic drift
In relation to locus T, this population has a long (multiple generations) history of random mating
In relation to locus T, the parents of this observed generation mated at random , but prior to this time, they could have mated non-randomly.
In relation to locus T, this population is not experiencing/ has not experienced directional selection
Which of the following is true about inbreeding
It increases the number of heterozygotes in the population
It increases the rate by which natural selection removes deleterious alleles from the population
It often leads to rapid evolutionary changes on its own
It leads directly to changes in allele frequencies
Which of the following is not true about variation in reproductive success
In species with highly skewed levels of reproductive success, all males and females get to contribute some offspring to the following generation because subordinate individuals mate with one another
Females experience relatively low levels of variation in reproductive success compared to males
Males tend to have more traits that function in courtship or competition for mates, in an effort to increase their reproductive success
In some species males that lose fights sire fewer offsring
Which of the following is not true about natural selection
Females, but not males, should be choosy about mates
Sexual selection should act more strongly on females than on males since they invest so much in eggs
Alleles that increase a male’s attractiveness should increase in a population
Males will compete with each other for mates
Which of the following is the best null hypothesis for the research question: Does playing music for a dog during a storm decrease its stress response?
Music affects dog stress during storms by blocking out stressful stimuli
Dogs that listen to music during a storm will have the same stress level as those who don't
Music increases dog stress during a storm by magnifying stressful stimuli
Music decreases dog stress during storms by blocking out stressful stimuli
Which form of selection increases trait variation?
Disruptive selection
Stabilizing selection
Directional selection
Balancing selection
Which of the following is true about genetic drift
Genetic drift only happens in small populations
It always increases the prevalence of beneficial alleles
It causes the prevalence of deleterious alleles to drift up and down
In never results in allele fixation or loss
Which of the following was not a part of the theory of special creation
Life on earth is young (~6000 years old)
Every organism is an example of a perfect type
Species are unrelated
Species can change
For a population with 2 alleles at a locus, which of the following sets of genotype frequencies are from populations that are not randomly mating? [Upper case letters = dominant alleles, lower case = recessive alleles.] (you do not need to actually calculate the allele frequencies to answer this question, but it would be an opportunity to practice)
AA= 0.25, Aa = 0.50, aa= 0.25
CC = 0.1225, Cc = 0.455, cc= 0.4225
BB = 0.81, Bb = 0.18 bb= 0.01
DD = 0.33, Dd = 0.340, dd= 0.33
Darwin and Wallace proposed that species change through time. Which of the following was not associated with this theory
Individuals with certain traits produce more offspring than others without these traits
More complex species evolved most recently
Change through time is related to variation among individuals in populations
Change through time does not follow a linear, progressive pattern
If R0 = 1.15 and Nt = 20, what are the population sizes for the first four generations (generations 0 - 3)?
20, 23, 26.5, 30.4
20, 30, 45, 675
20, 30, 45, 60
20, 21.2, 22.3, 23.5
An animal has 4 chromosomes. If you pretend that there is no crossing over, what are the chances that a gamete will get only parental chromosomes?
When Mendel crossed plants with round seeds and plants with wrinkled seeds, if the theory of blending inheritance was correct, what would you have expected the F1 offspring to look like?
50% wrinkly seeds and 50% smooth
100% with kind of wrinkly seeds
100% with smooth seeds
100% wrinkled seeds
We are designing a study to determine if eating eggs for breakfast leads to weight loss. Our control group eats cereal for breakfast. Which of the following is the best null hypothesis for our question?
Participants who eat eggs won't lose weight
Participants who eat eggs will lose the same amount of weight as those who eat cereal
Participants will not lose weight whether they eat eggs or cereal for breakfast
Participants who eat eggs will lose more weight
Claytonia virginica is a woodland herb with flowers that vary from white to bright pink. Slugs prefer to eat pink-flowering plants (due to chemical differences between the two). Plants experiencing severe herbivory were more likely to die. Bees that pollinate this plant also prefer pink to white flowers, and Claytonia with pink flowers have greater relative fruit set (reproductive success). A researcher observes that the percentage of different flower colors remains stable in the study population from year to year. If the researcher removes all slugs from the study population, what would you expect to happen to the distribution of flower colors in the population over time?
The distribution of flower colors should not change
The percentage of white flowers should increase over time
The percentage of pink flowers should increase over time
The distribution of flower colors should randomly fluctuate over time
In many species, colorful markings and other types of courtship displays signal that males have good alleles. This is an example of
Balancing selection
Male-male competition
Honest signal
Variable reproductive success
Which of the following is not true about sexual selection
Females, but not males, should be choosy about mates
Sexual selection should act more strongly on females than on males since they invest so much in eggs
Alleles that increase a male’s attractiveness should increase in a population
Males will compete with each other for mates
Which of the following is not evidence for evolution?
The fact that many organisms have vestigial traits that are similar to functional traits in closely related organisms
The fact that some bacteria have become drug resistant
The fact that we can observe transitional traits in fossil species that are intermediate between ancestral and derived traits
The fact that organisms possess complex structures like the human eye
Over the past several decades, natural selection has caused populations of Staphylococcus aureus (an infectious wound bacterium) to evolve resistance to most antibiotics. If antibiotic use were stopped, what would you predict would happen to these S. Auereus populations?
They will go extinct without the antibiotic
The frequency of resistant forms will increase in these populations
The populations will begin colonizing in new environments
The frequency of nonresistant forms will increase in these populations
Which of the following would result in sympatric speciation?
A species of frogs in a wetland being separated into two wetlands by a change in water table level
A species of moth incurring a utation to pheromones that was reinforced by associative mating
A species of fruit eating & breeding fly in which some portion of the population shifts their food preference
A species of tree whose range is separated into two fragments by a glacier
Which of the following must be nearly absent to result in speciation of isolated populations
Gene flow
Genetic drift
Natural selection
The biological species concept has disadvantages which include all of the following except
Reproductive isolation cannot be evaluated in fossils
Reproductive isolation is only useful in cases where you have no data on the extent of gene flow
Reproductive isolation cannot be evaluated in species that reproduce asexually
Reproductive isolation cannot be evaluated in populations that do not overlap geographically
Secondary contact after divergence rarely results in
creation of a hybrid zone
Formation of a new species
The rapid decline of both populations
Extinction of one population
Which is true of reinforcement?
Closely related sympatric species rarely mate in the lab
Allopatric species will not mate in the lab
The fitness of hybrids is higher than the parent species
There are rarely examples of postzygotic isolation
Which of the following is not used to determine how closely species are related to one another
Gene sequences
A morphological characteristc
A behavior
All of the above can be used
Which of the following would not likely cause an adaptive radiation
Favorable new conditions in the environment
Evolution of an a new behavior
Evolution of a key morphology
A lack of empty niches
Which of the following is not true about phenotypic plasticity?
One genotype can produce multiple phenotypes
Genotypes are influenced by the environment in a process called gene by enviroment interactions
The changes may or may not be permanent through an organism's life span
It's more important for immobile organisms
_________ make individuals more likely to survive and reproduce in a certain environment than individuals that lack those traits
Heriable traits
Trade offs
All of the following are examples of prezygotic isolation except
Two closely related species of flowering plants that release their pollen at different times
Two closely related species of squirrels, one that lives and breeds in woody meadows and another that lives and breeds in the forest interio
Two closely related species of song birds whose hybrid embryos die early in development
Two closely related species of spiders that have different, species specific, binding proteins on their gametes
Which is a criticism of sympatric speciation?
Many cases of sympatric speciation are actually microallopatry
Allopatric speciation is less common and and scientists should focus more attention on locating additional examples
Sympatric speciation is only associated with changes in ploidy, a process so rare that it's relatively unimportant
Since most examples of sympatric speciation involve post zygotic isolation, hybridization nearly always results in their reversal
Which of the following is not a potential problem when building a phylogenetic tree
Traits may be similar due to independent evolution
Traits may appear and be lost in a species, and that species might be grouped with species that never had the trait
The very rapid rate of evolution may make traits difficult to observe in individuals
Species may group with one monophyletic group based on one trait and another based on a different trait
Which of the following would result in allopatric speciation by dispersal
A river separating a previously contiguous population of salamanders
A receding wetland separating a population of frogs into two separate wetlands
Finches colonizing an island exposed by water level changes in a reservoir
A population of trees being split in two by an advancing glacier
A node (fork) in a phylogenetic tree represents
A living or extinct species
The most recent common ancestor
An outgroup used to root the tree
A population currently undergoing speciation
{"name":"BIO14 Exam 1 Review Questions", "url":"","txt":"Which of the following is a density dependent form of population control?, Which of the following is not needed for natural selection to occur?, Different versions of a specific gene are called:","img":""}
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