Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in gr-qc on Wed, 13 Apr 22
[2204.05315] Vitor Cardoso, Francisco Duque: Resonances, black hole mimickers and the greenhouse effect: consequences for gravitational-wave physics
[2204.05333] Daniela D. Doneva, Alex Vañó-Viñuales, Stoytcho S. Yazadjiev: Dynamical descalarization with a jump during black hole merger
[2204.05335] Giacomo Mascher, Kyriakos Destounis, Kostas D. Kokkotas: Charged black holes in de Sitter space: superradiant amplification of charged scalar waves and resonant hyperradiation
[2204.05404] Pau Beltrán-Palau, Sergi Nadal-Gisbert, José Navarro-Salas et al.: Renormalization and a non-adiabatic vacuum choice in a radiation-dominated universe
[2204.05414] Pau Beltrán-Palau, Sergi Nadal-Gisbert, José Navarro-Salas et al.: Ultraviolet regularity, CPT and the Big Bang quantum vacuum
[2204.05469] Ruben Cordero, Josue De-Santiago, Omar G. Miranda et al.: Perturbations and stability conditions of k-essence and kinetic gravity braiding models in two-field measure theory
[2204.05470] Wen-Xiang Chen, Yao-Guang Zheng: Thermodynamic geometry analysis of new Schwarzschild black holes
[2204.05473] Jyatsnasree Bora, Dhruba Jyoti Gogoi, Umananda Dev Goswami: Strange stars in $f(\mathcal{R})$ gravity Palatini formalism and gravitational wave echoes from them
[2204.05485] Jorge Alfaro, Alessandro Santoni: Very Special Linear Gravity: A Gauge-Invariant Graviton Mass
[2204.05498] Genly Leon, Megandhren Govender, Andronikos Paliathanasis: Lie Symmetries, Painlevé analysis and global dynamics for the temporal equation of radiating stars
[2204.05593] Barbora Bezdekova, Volker Perlick, Jiri Bicak: Light propagation in a plasma on an axially symmetric and stationary spacetime: Separability of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation and shadow
[2204.05621] Yang Zhang, Yu-bo Ma, Yun-Zhi Du et al.: Phase transition and entropy force in Reissner-Nordström-de Sitter spacetime
[2204.05640] Carlos A. R. Herdeiro: Black holes: on the universality of the Kerr hypothesis
[2204.05672] Tahere Kashfi, Mahmood Roshan: Cosmological Dynamics of Relativistic MOND
[2204.05712] A. Bose, S. Chakraborty: Does fractal Universe favour warm inflation: Observational support?
[2204.05960] Djeyrane-Sophie Erfani: Bondi news in de Sitter space-time
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in gr-qc on Wed, 13 Apr 22","img":""}