Midbrain quiz

The midbrain contains components of which systems?
Auditory and visual
Taste, hearing, and sense of balance
Regulation of circulation, respiration, and gastrointestinal motility
Integration of sensory information for the coordination of movement
What cranial nerves are located in the midbrain?
CN I and II
CN IX, X, XI, and XII
Which of the following cranial nerve nuclei of the midbrain is NOT a motor nuclei
Trochlear nucleus of CN IV
Oculomotor nucleus of CN III
Edinger-Westphal nucleus of III
Mesencephalic nucleus of CN V
Which midbrain cranial nerve nucleus has GSE/SE fibers that innervate superior oblique muscle?
Oculomotor nuclus of CN III
Trochlear nucleus of CN IV
Mesencephalic nucleus of CN V
Edinger-Westphal nucleus of III
Which midbrain nucleus when damaged causes diplopia when looking downward?
Mesencephalic nucleus of CN V
Edinger-Westphal nucleus of III
Trochlear nucleus of CN IV
Oculomotor nucleus of CN III
Which cranial nerve nucleus contains primary afferent psudounipolar neurons and recieves input from muscle spindles and the golgi tendon organs of the muscles of mastication?
Trochlear nucleus of CN IV
Mesencephalic nucleus of CN V
Oculomotor nucleus of CN III
Edinger-Westphal nucleus of III
Which nucleus GVE fibers that innervate the sphincter of the iris to produce the pupilllary light reflex and the cilliary ganglion to produce lens accommodation?
Edinger-Westphal of III
Oculomotor nucleus of CN III
Trochlear nucleus of CN IV
Mesencephalic nucleus of V
Which Cranial nerve nucleus passes through the red nucleus before exiting as CN III?
Edinger-Westphal of III
Oculomotor nucleus of CN III
Trochlear nucleus of CN IV
Mesencephalic nucleus of V
Which nucleus projects its fibers bilaterally to innervate the Motor nucleus of CN V and the reticular formation??
Edinger-Westphal of III
Oculomotor nucleus of CN III
Mesencephalic nucleus of CN V
Trochlear nucleus of CN IV
Which of the following Internal midbrain nuclei receives ascending bilateral input from the auditory relay nuclei of the medulla (cochlear nuclei) and pons (superior olivary nucleus) through the lateral lemniscus?
Superior Colliculus
Inferior Colliculus
Periaqueductal Gray (PAG)
Substantia nigra
Red nucleus
The medial longitudinal fasciculus.....
Interconnects motor nuclei of CN III, IV, and VI to coordinate function of the extraocular muscles
Sends auditory input to the inferior colliculus
Facilitates the discharge of flexor muscles
Helps regulate voluntary movement by projecting dopaminergic fibers to the neostriatum
The superior colliculus does all these things EXCEPT
Mediate audio visual reflexes
Tracking of movement of objects in visual fields (horizontal conjugate gaze)
Project to the tectospinal tract to produce reflex movements of the head and neck
Modulation of pain impulses
The Periaqueductal Gray (PAG) does all of these things EXCEPT
Regulation of autonomic functions
Discharge flexor muscle neurons
Regulation of affective and emotional processes
Modulation of pain impulses
Which Periaqueductal Gray nuclear group contains enkephalinergic neurons involved in the control of pain?
Locus Ceruleus
Dorsal Tegmental nucleus
Mesencephalic nucleus
Dorsal nucleus of Raphe
Damage to the dopaminergic fibers of which internal midbrain nuclei causes Parkinson's disease?
Superior colliculus
Red Nucleus
Periaqueductal Gray (PAG)
Substancia Nigra
Which Periaqueductal Gray nuclear group contains serotonergic neurons?
Locus Ceruleus
Dorsal Tegmental nucleus
Mesencephalic nucleus
Dorsal nucleus of Raphe
Which internal midbrain nucleus projects GABAnergic fibers to the thalamus and dopaminergic fibers to the neostriatum (caudate + putamen)?
Periaqueductal Gray
Red nucleus
Superior Colliculus
Substantia nigra
Which Periaqueductal Gray nuclear group contains noradrenergic neurons?
Locus Ceruleus
Dorsal Tegmental nucleus
Mesencephalic nucleus
Dorsal nucleus of Raphe
The damage to the red nucleus can cause....
Contralateral ataxia
Failure of eye movements
Paresis of upward gaze
Damage to the oculomotor nucleus of III and Edinger Westphal can cause all the following except....
Ipsilateral paralysis of eye movement
Contralateral hemiplegia
Eye oriented down and out
Pupil dilated and fixed
Your patient presents with paresis of upward gaze, hydrocephalus, and failure of eye movements. An MRI reveals a tumor in the pineal region. This patient most likely has...
Weber's syndrome
Benedikt's syndrome
Parinaud Syndrome
Claude's syndrome
A patient comes to your office with contralateral hemiplegia. His eye is oriented down and out on the side of the lesion. Which a lesion caused by what artery could have caused this?
Paramedian branches of posterior cerebral
Pineal tumor
Occlusion of AICA
Occlusion of PICA
Contralateral hemiplegia, ipsilateral paralysis of eye movements, and contralateral ataxia are all symptoms of....
Weber's syndrome
Benedikt's syndrome
Claude's Syndrome
Parinaud syndrome
The difference between Claude and Weber syndrome is?
Only in Claude syndrome is the paramedian branches of the posterior cerebral artery occluded
Claude syndrome has ipsilateral paresis of the eyes while Weber syndrome does not
Claude syndrome injures the corticospinal tract while weber does not
A patient with claude syndrome will not have contralateral hemiplegia but will have contralateral ataxia
{"name":"Midbrain quiz", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"The midbrain contains components of which systems?, What cranial nerves are located in the midbrain?, Which of the following cranial nerve nuclei of the midbrain is NOT a motor nuclei","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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