2DD/Physiology/Dr.Pov Buntheun/

Generate an image of a vibrant classroom with students studying human physiology, including diagrams of the respiratory and circulatory systems, along with blood cells and anatomical models.

Explore Human Physiology Quiz

Test your knowledge of human physiology with this engaging quiz designed for students and health enthusiasts! Dive into various topics such as gas exchange, blood components, and respiratory mechanisms through carefully crafted questions.

Challenge yourself and learn as you go. Here's what you can expect:

  • 30 Multiple Choice Questions
  • Detailed Explanations for Each Answer
  • Immediate Feedback on Your Performance
74 Questions18 MinutesCreated by LearningHeart247
1. កាលណាមនុស្សយើងធ្វើដំណើទៅកាន់ ទីឝ្ពស់អឝ្រា O2 មានការប្រែប្រួលដូចឝទៅ៖?
���ារធ្វើដំណើរទៅទីកាន់ឝែឝ្ពស់អឝ្រា O2កាន់ឝែកើនឡើង
���ារធ្វើដំណើរទៅទីកាន់ឝែឝ្ពស់អឝ្រា O2កាន់ឝែឝ្សឝ់
���ារធ្វើដំណើរទៅទីកាន់ឝ្ពស់ឝែ អឝ្រា O2គ្មានការប្រែប្រួល
���ារធ្វើដំណើរទៅទីកាន់ ឝែឝ្ពស់អឝ្រា O2កើនឡើងព្រមគ្នាជាមួយអឝ្រា CO2.
2. ប្រហោងទងសួឝរីក ឬ រួមដោយសារ parois របស់ទងសួឝមានfibre musculaires ដែលស្ឝិឝនៅក្រោមការបញ្ជាររបស់systeme neurovegetatif :?
Parasympatique ធ្វើអោយទងសួឝរួមឝូច (broncho-constricteur)
Sympatique ធ្វើអោយទងសួឝរួមឝូច ( broncho-dilatateur)
Parasympatique ធ្វើអោយទងសួឝរីកធំ (broncho-constricteur)
Sympatique ធ្វើឲ្យកើឝមានជម្ងឺហឺឝនាំឲ្យទងសួឝរួមឝូចព៝ក។
3. Echanges gazeux au niveau des poumons ធ្វើឡើងឝាម៖?
Membrane alveolo-capillaire
4. ក្នុង sang veineux មាន៖?
σ� pression partielle នៃ O2 មាន 40mmHg, pression partielle នៃ CO2 មាន 46mmHg
σ� pression partielle នៃ O2 មាន 95mmHg, និង pression partielle នៃ CO2 មាន 40mmHg.
σ� pression partielle នៃ O2 មាន 95mmHg, និង pression partielle នៃ CO2 មាន 40mmHg.
σ� pression partielle នៃ O2 មាន 46 mmHg, និង pression partielle នៃ CO2 មាន 40mmHg
5. ក្នុង sang arteriel មាន៖?
σ� pression partielle នៃ O2 មាន 40mmHg, pression partielle នៃ CO2 មាន 46mmHg
σ� pression partielle នៃ O2 មាន 95mmHg, និង pression partielle នៃ CO2 មាន 40mmHg
σ� pression partielle នៃ O2 មាន 40mmHg, និង pression partielle នៃ CO2 មាន 95mmHg
σ� pression partielle នៃ O2 មាន 46 mmHg, និង pression partielle នៃ CO2 មាន 40mmHg
6. នៅក្នុង air alveolaire មាន pression partielle O2 ៖?
σ� 103 mmHg
σ� 95 mmHg
σ� 46 mmHg
σ� 40mmHg
7. ក្នុងករណីដែលឝ្យល់ច៝ញ ចូល ក្នុងalveole ធម្មឝា (ហៅឝា ventilation normale) ឝែគ្មានឈាមរឝ់សោះ (absence de perfusion) ព៝លនោះគ្មានបណ្ឝូរឧស្ម៝នទ៝ ដំណើរន៝ះ គ៝អោយឈ្មោះឝា ។?
σ� Espace mort
σ� Effet shunt
σ� Asthme
8. ក្នុងករណី ដែលគ្មានឝ្យល់ច៝ញចូល ក្នុង alveole សោះឝែមានឈាមរឝ់ឆ្លងកាឝ់ធម្មឝានោះ វាក៝គ្មានបណ្ឝូរឧស្ម៝នដែរ។ sang veineux នៅឝែជា sang veineux ដដែល ហើយវាក៝ហូរចូលក្នុង grande circulation ដែលជាហ៝ឝុធ្វើអោយអឝ្រាO2 ក្នុង arteriel ចុះឝយ។ ដំណើរន៝ះ គ៝អោយឈ្មោះឝា ៖?
σ� Effet shunt
σ� Espace mort
σ� Asthme
σ� Syndrome d’epanchement Pleural
9. គ្រាប់ឈាមក្រហមអាចចាប់យក O2 បានដោយសារវាមាន?
σ� Hemoglobine (Hb)
σ� Acide folique
σ� Carboneoxide
σ� Bicarbonate
10. Mecanismes des mouvements rspiratoires មានលក្ឝណៈជា ៖?
σ� ចលនាដោយឝ្លួនឯង ដែលគ៝ហៅឝា automatisme
σ� ជាចលនារបស់ Bronchomotricite.
σ� ជាចលនា Actve
σ� ជាចលនា Passive
11. នៅព៝លមានបំលាស់ប្ឝូរឧស្មន៝ក្នុងកោសិកា Hemoglobine ចាប់យក CO2 ហើយក្លាយជា៖?
σ� Carbhemoglobine
σ� oxyhemoglobine
σ� carboxyhemoglobine
σ� Bicarbonates de sodium
12. នៅព៝លមានបំលាស់ប្ឝូរឧស្មន៝ក្នុងសួឝ Hemoglobine ចាប់យក O2 ហើយក្លាយជា៖?
σ� Carbhemoglobine
σ� oxyhemoglobine
σ� carboxyhemoglobine
σ� Bicarbonates de sodium
13. នៅក្នុងស្ឝានភាពឝ្លះឝ្យល់នៃមជ្ឈដ្ឋានជុំវិញសំបូរទៅដោយCO ហើយកាលណាយើងដកឝ្យល់ន៝ះចូល វាធ្វើអោយមានការពុលដោយCOដែលគ៝ហៅឝា : ?
σ� intoxication par oxycarbonee
σ� Intoxication par Bicarbonates de sodium
σ� Intoxication par NaCl
σ� Intoxication par Acide Lactique
14. The production of marrow cells takes place within:?
σ� The liver.
σ� The spleen.
σ� The bone marrow
σ� The kidney.
15. Patient with an artificial aortal valve was admitted to the hospital for additional observation connected with hemolythic anemia symptoms. What type of hemolysis develops in the patient?
σ� the immune
σ� the osmotic
σ� the mechanical
σ� the thermal
16. What factor promotes erythrocytes intravascular hemolysis?
σ� Blood lipids content increasing
σ� Bleeding time delay
σ� “Young” age of erythrocytes
σ� Ageing of erythrocytes
17. Erythropoietin’s secretion is caused by ...?
σ� The level of oxygenation in the kidneys
σ� Blood glucocorticoids concentration
σ� Blood catecholamines concentration
σ� Blood androgens concentration
σ� Blood estrogens concentration
18. Lymphocytes?
σ� all originate from the bone marrow after birth
σ� convert to monocytes in response to antigens
σ� interact with eosinophils to produce platelets
σ� are part of the body’s defense against cancer
19. The process of RBC production is called:?
σ� Hemopoeisis
σ� Leukopoeisis
σ� Erythropoeisis
σ� Monopoeisis
20. The process of WBC production is called:?
σ� Hemopoeisis
σ� Leukopoeisis
σ� Erythropoeisis
σ� Monopoeisis
21. The whole blood cell production is called:?
σ� Leukopoeisis
σ� Hemopoeisis
σ� Erythropoeisis
σ� Monopoeisis
22. Leukemias are:?
σ� The production of WBCs stimulated by chemical messengers.
σ� An abnormally low WBC count commonly induced by drugs.
σ� A group of cancerous conditions involving WBCs
σ� The ability of a WBC to slip out of capillary blood vessels.
23. Leukopenia is what?
σ� The production of WBCs stimulated by chemical messengers.
σ� An abnormally low WBC count commonly induced by drugs.
σ� A group of cancerous conditions involving WBCs.
σ� A type of leukemia involving abnormal myeloblasts.
σ� The ability of a WBC to slip out of capillary blood vessels.
24. The blood volume of an averaged sized male is?
σ� 3 to 4 liters.
σ� 4 to 5 liters.
σ� 5 to 6 liters
σ� 6 to 7 liters.
25. A person with blood type A has:?
σ� B antigens on the red blood cells.
σ� A antibodies in the plasma.
σ� A antigens on the red blood cells
σ� Rh antigen on the red blood cells.
26. Heredity deficiencies of coagulation is referred to as: ?
σ� anemia.
σ� hemophilia
σ� hemolysis.
σ� leukemia.
27. Stoppage of bleeding is called : ?
σ� hemostasis
σ� vascular spasm.
σ� thrombosis.
σ� coagulation.
28. An increase in the number of white blood cells is called:?
σ� anemia.
σ� leukopenia.
σ� leukocytosis
σ� polycythemia
29. The pigment in red blood cells that carries oxygen is: ?
σ� erythropoietin.
σ� melatonin.
σ� urobilinogen.
σ� hemoglobin
30. Which of the following belongs to agranular leukocytes?
σ� neutrophil
σ� basophil
σ� platelet
σ� monocyte
31. Blood flows from the right ventricle of the heart into which of the following structures?
σ� Inferior vena cava
σ� Left ventricle
σ� Pulmonary arteries
σ� Pulmonary veins
32. Which of the following allows gas exchange in the lungs?
σ� Alveoli
σ� Bronchi
σ� Bronchioles
σ� Capillaries
33. Which of the following is the lymphoid organ that is a reservoir for red blood cells and filters organisms from the blood?
σ� Thymus
σ� Gallbladder
σ� Pancreas
σ� Spleen
34. What physiological property provides the erythrocytes biconcave form?
σ� Membrane plasticity
σ� Blood antigen differentiation
σ� Glucose and heparin transport.
σ� Easier gases diffusion through membrane
35. The circulation of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood to the lungs is classified as?
σ� pulmonary circulation
σ� systematic circulation
σ� digestive system
σ� lymphatic circulation
36. Left atrium receives oxygenated blood from?
σ� right atrium
σ� lungs
σ� right ventricle
σ� right atria
37. Circulatory system is made of?
σ� veins and arteries
σ� lymph vessels and nodes
σ� blood vessels, heart and blood
σ� capillaries and veins
38. Study of blood circulation and its flow through the body is known as?
σ� physiology
σ� hemodynamic
σ� hemorheology
σ� cardiology
39. Circulation of oxygenated blood through the rest of body is classified as?
σ� pulmonary circulation
σ� systematic circulation
σ� digestive system
σ� lymphatic circulation
40. Components of human cardiovascular system are?
σ� heart
σ� blood
σ� blood vessels
σ� all of above
41. Circulation system which provides supply of blood to muscles of heart is classified as?
σ� coronary circulation
σ� lymphatic circulation
σ� bronchial circulation
σ� thebesian circulation
42. Upper chamber of heart at the right side is called?
σ� left atrium
σ� right atria
σ� right atrium
σ� right ventricle
43. Number of chambers in heart are?
σ� Three
σ� Four
σ� Two
σ� Six
44. Component through which the blood is pumped to the whole body from left ventricle is?
σ� lymph vessel
σ� capillary
σ� artery
σ� aorta
45. Oxygenated blood received from left atrium then passed to another chamber of heart called?
σ� left aorta
σ� right aorta
σ� left ventricle
σ� right ventricle
46. Circulatory system is also known as?
σ� ligament system
σ� filament system
σ� cartilage system
σ� cardiovascular system
47. Which of the following white blood cells is capable of phagocytosis?
σ� Basophil
σ� Neutrophil
σ� Lymphocyte
σ� Eosinophil
48. What would happen to red blood cells if the haem group were removed from haemoglobin?
σ� Red blood cells would not be able to bind oxygen
σ� Red blood cells would not be able to reproduce.
σ� White blood cells would not be able to reproduce.
σ� Blood clot formation would be inhibited.
49. Which of the following statements about erythrocytes is correct?
σ� They fight infection
σ� They lack a nucleus
σ� They clot blood.
σ� They are produced in the spleen
50. The hormone erythropoietin stimulates red blood cell production in the red bone marrow. Where in the body is erythropoietin produced?
σ� Kidney
σ� Spleen
σ� Liver
σ� Thyroid
51. Where does haematopoiesis take place?
σ� Lungs
σ� Bone marrow
σ� Liver
σ� Thyroid
52. Platelets are formed from what type of cell?
σ� Melanocytes
σ� Megakaryocytes
σ� Astrocytes
σ� Macrophages
53. A 45-years old man presents to the emergency with a 2-week history of diarrhea that has worsened progressively over the last several days. He has minimal urine output and is admitted to the hospital to getrehydrated. His stool specimen is positive for parasitic eggs. Which type of White Blood Cells would beelevated in number?
σ� Eosinophils
σ� Neutrophils
σ� T lymphocytes
σ� Monocytes
54. The most abundant cells of the blood are:?
σ� Platelets
σ� Erythrocytes
σ� Granulocytes
σ� Leukocytes
55. Erythropoietin:?
σ� May decrease the life span of RBCs
σ� May stimulate the stem cells
σ� Is not released on breakdown of RBCs
σ� Is lipid in nature
56. To prevent blood loss after a tissue injury, blood vessels first?
σ� Form a platelet plug
σ� Form a clot
σ� Initiate the coagulation cascade
σ� Vaso constriction
57. Which blood component plays the largest role in maintaining the osmotic pressure of blood?
σ� albumin
σ� carbon dioxide
σ� white blood cells
σ� globulins
58. Your body couldn’t breathe without this system.Which one is it?
σ� It is the Perspiration system.
σ� It is the Respiratory system
σ� It is the Photosynthsis
σ� It is the Urinary system.
59. The Respiratory system is made up of trachea, the lungs, and the ______________.?
σ� liver.
σ� diaphragm
σ� esophagus.
σ� pancreas.
60. When you breath in air, you bring oxygen into your lungs and blow out_________________.?
σ� carbon dioxide
σ� carbon monoxide.
σ� oxygen.
σ� hydrogen
61. What is the name of the tiny air sacs in the lungs?
σ� The name of the tiny air sacs in the lungs is called Bronchioles.
σ� The name of the tiny air sacs in the lungs is called Ravioli.
σ� The name of the tiny air sacs in the lungs is called Alveoli
σ� The name of the tiny air sacs in the lungs is called Bronx.
62. As you breathe, this contracts and flattens to give your lungs room to fill up with air :?
σ� Laxynx.
σ� Lung balloon.
σ� Diaphragm
σ� Bronchiole
63. Air enters your lungs through the : ?
σ� Trachea
σ� Esophagus.
σ� Alveoli.
σ� Laxynx.
64. How many lungs do humans have?
σ� Humans have four lungs.
σ� Humans have one lung.
σ� Humans have three lungs.
σ� Humans have two lungs
65. What muscles allow you to breathe in and out?
σ� The muscles that allow you to breathe in and out is the nose.
σ� The muscles that allow you to breathe in and out is the trachea.
σ� The muscles that allow you to breathe in and out is the tongue.
σ� The muscles that allow you to breathe in and out is the diaphragm
66. Actual gas exchange takes place in the?
σ� trachea
σ� diaphragm
σ� bronchi
σ� alveoli
67. How many major types of blood have scientists discovered?
σ� One: Type "O"
σ� Two: white cells and red cells
σ� Three: white cells, red cells, and plasma
σ� Four: Types A, B, AB, and O
68. Sickle cell disease is characterised by ?
σ� leukemia
σ� polycythemia
σ� mental retardation
σ� hemolytic anaemia
69. Tricuspid valve is found in between ?
σ� sinus venosus and right auricle
σ� right auricle and right ventricle
σ� left ventricle and left auricle
σ� ventricle and aorta.
70. The correct route through which pulse-making impulse travels in the heart is ?
σ� SA node —> Purkinje fibres —> bundle of His —> AV node —> heart muscles
σ� SA node —> AV node —> bundle of His —> Purkinje fibres —> heart muscles
σ� AV node —> bundle of His —> SA node —> Purkinje fibres —> heart muscles
σ� AV node —> SA node —> Purkinje fibres —> bundle of His —> heart muscles.
71. Cells formed in bone marrow include ?
σ� RBC
σ� RBC and leucocytes
σ� leucocytes
σ� lymphocytes.
72. Antibodies are produced by ?
σ� leucocytes
σ� monocytes
σ� lymphocytes
σ� spleen.
73. The antibodies are ?
σ� proteins
σ� carbohydrates
σ� lipids
σ� germs.
74. In the ABO system of blood groups, if both antigens are present but no antibody, the blood group of the individual would be ?
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