1. Are you planning to organize a party in the near future?
Yep, planning to throw a party within the next month
I'm starting to plan a party in about one or two months
I'm thinking of trowing a party in two months or more
Nope, no such plans at the moment
2. What is occasion of the party?
To celebrate a special date of mine
I'm organizing a celebration for a loved one
Nothing much, just willing to bring together my close friends and family
3. How many guests do you plan to invite?
A small event, just up to 8 people
Somewhere between 9 and 20 people
21 to 50 guests
It's a big one! More than 50 people
2. How often do you typically organize parties?
Quite frequently, I'd say about once a month
Not very often, maybe once every few months
Rarely, only once a year or so
3. What is the usual occasion for your parties?
Celebrating special occasions of mine
I organize events for my beloved ones
I simply enjoy gathering my friends&family together
{"name":"1. Are you planning to organize a party in the near future?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QCFI0P7U5","txt":"1. Are you planning to organize a party in the near future?, 2. What is occasion of the party?, 3. How many guests do you plan to invite?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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