Bowling for Columbine Quiz

Michael Moore opens a bank account so that he can get what item?
A free gun
Where did Michael Moore grow up?
Charles Heston was the President of what Organisation?
National Rifle Association (NRA)
National Rifle Association
Why does the man from the Michigan militia say you must carry a gun?
To protect you and your family
To protect your animals
What kinds of images appear in the "What a Wonderful World" montage?
Somber and gruesome scenes of American's Historically inflicting violence
Happy images of American's enjoying every-day activities
Why is this song selected?
To create satire regarding America's violent national tendencies
To create a light mood to introduce the rest of the documentary
Is Michael Moore an unbiased director?
What happened in Kosovo on April 20, 1999? What happened one hour later?
The largest bombing by the US, and then the Columbine Massacre
The Columbine Massacre, and then an NRA press conference promoting gun use
Who were the perpetrators of the Columbine shooting?
What organization held a major rally in Denver 10 days after the shooting?
American Gun Rights Association
Pro gun rally of the NRA
What were some of the responses from schools nationwide to the tragedy at Columbine?
Metal detectors in schools, arrests, changing dress code, taking people to court
Allowing students to bring their guns into schools as it is their 2nd amendment right
Who were some of the people/things blamed for the tragedy at Columbine?
Marilyn Manson
Music and movies
Video games
2nd Amendment
How does Marilyn Manson respond to allegations that he is to blame? Who does he imply was influential?
He isn’t afraid to share his type of music, his way of presenting himself (face). Consumer products are to blame.
He agrees with the allegation due to his image, however wishes they were different as he doesn't agree with the gun violence that results
What class were the boys enrolled in the morning before they killed at Columbine?
What does the news media want people to feel?
Security as they are giving us all of the information
Who is the most common suspect on television?
African American Males
White American men aged from warly 30s- early 50s
What is Michael Moore's overall purpose of the film?
There is no right or wrong answer - however he intends to draw awareness to gun violence in America, and implies certain groups/ ideologies/ history to blame
To make America look like a violent country with no hope to repair it's faulty gun legislation
How many people were killed during the massacre?
{"name":"Bowling for Columbine Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Michael Moore opens a bank account so that he can get what item?, Where did Michael Moore grow up?, Charles Heston was the President of what Organisation?","img":""}
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