THRIVING or merely survivng: What's YOUR life satisfaction rating?

A vibrant and uplifting illustration depicting a person standing at a crossroads between a thriving lifestyle filled with joy and color, and a dull, monochrome existence of merely surviving, emphasizing the contrast between the two states of being.

Thriving or Merely Surviving?

Are you genuinely thriving in your life or just getting by? This quiz will help you gauge your overall life satisfaction by exploring various aspects such as organization, clarity, energy, and more.

  • Discover areas for improvement
  • Gain insights into your well-being
  • Take actionable steps towards a more fulfilling life
15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by LivingJoyful32
1. Organization: Am I using my time wisely each day?
A. Yikes! rarely
C. Often - I try my best.
B. Ummmm, sometimes...
D. Almost always- this is a priority for me
Clarity: Am I tolerating any clutter in my life right now? (emotional or physical)
A. Oh oh- that's my life!
C.. Sometimes, but I try not to.
B. Yep, often 1 or both types
D. Rarely - this is a priority for me.
Energy: Am I waking up in the morning ready to take on the day?
A. Rarely
C. Usually
B. Sometimes
D. Almost always
Integrity: Am I taking anything or anyone for granted in my life?
A. Definitely! I can't seem to hold my $%#@ together.
C. Sometimes - when I get busy or overwhelmed
B. Probably - I don't usually stop to notice all that I have.
D. Almost never. This is important to me
Authenticity: Am I living true to myself?
A. Rarely: not sure what that would be like
C. Usually, but not in all situations.
B. Sometimes: with some people/situations
D. Almost always. This is a priority for me.
Play: Am I engaging in fun, creative or playful activities that bring me joy?
A. Rarely
C. Weekly
B. Once or twice a month
D. Daily. This is a priority for me.
Mindset: Am I thinking negative thoughts before I fall asleep?
A. Yes, almost always.
C. Not often- maybe a couple times a month
B. Yes, on a weekly basis
D. Almost never - I am at peace before bed
Human Connection: Am I putting enough effort into my relationships?
A. Rarely- I don't have many meaningful connections.
C. Often - but when I get busy they suffer
B. Sometimes - but it's usually driven by others
D. Yes- they are a priority for me.
Health: Am I taking care of myself physically? (sleep, food, exercise...)
A. Rarely- I usually push my body to it's limits
C. Often - but all 3 areas are not balanced
B. Sometimes - but I'm not very consistent
D. Almost always -this is a priority for me
Calm/grounded: Am I letting matters that are out of my control stress me out?
A. Usually, I'm a total worry-wart
C. Rarely, but depends on the issue
B. Yep, more often than I'd like.
D. Never - I don't sweat the small stuff
Focus: Am I achieving the goals that I’ve set for myself?
A. Almost never- I have no time for goals.
C. Often, but it may take me longer sometimes.
B. Sometimes - I tend to lose motivation & follow through
D. Always. My goals are a priority for me.
Growth: Am I actively extending myself beyond my comfort zone?
A. Almost never- I really don't like change
C. Often, but it's easy to settle into coast-mode
B. I try, but I never have enough time or energy.
D. Always - Learning & exploring light me up!
Meaning/purpose: Am I feeling engaged & fulfilled by my work and/or personal projects?
A. Almost never
C. Often
B. Sometimes
D. Almost always . This is a priority for me.
Gratitude: Am I aware of and appreciative of all the things that go right each day?
A. What good things???
C. I try, but I'm not consistent
B. Every once in a while
D. Always. This is a priority for me.
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