Self-Love Quiz -

A serene and empowering scene depicting a person meditating in nature, surrounded by symbols of self-love and personal growth, vibrant colors.

Self-Love Assessment

Discover how well you practice self-love with this engaging quiz! Answer a series of curated questions that will help you reflect on your relationship with yourself and highlight areas for growth.

  • Understand your self-awareness
  • Assess your boundaries
  • Evaluate your self-acceptance
9 Questions2 MinutesCreated by LovingLight25
I know who I am and who I am not. I know what makes me happy and what matters to me.
Absolutely yes
No I don't
I am willing to disappoint another to stay true to myself. I have no problem saying no to helping someone or taking something on, without guilt, because it's the best choice for me.
100% yes
Well not really
I have difficulties with this
No it's too hard for me
I connect to myself and my inner wisdom everyday. I have a strong relationship with my inner voice.
Yes this is me
Sometimes I am this way
This never happens for me
I don't compare my body to others or how it looked in the past. I don't compare myself to other's success and where they are at vs me.
I struggle with this
I do this a lot
My sexuality is sacred to me, and I only share my body with people who respect me.
I wish I had stronger boundaries with this
Not in my case...
If a relationship becomes unhealthy, or hurtful, I transform it or end it. All relationships included.
Well... depends
My happiness is not dependent upon my relationships. I feel good about myself regardless of the status of my love life, friendships, or family situation.
Sometimes I feel this
No this is not me at all
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The Ultimate Self-Love Quiz
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