Values That Matter: A Reflection Quiz

Generate an inspirational and thought-provoking image depicting themes of family, friendship, peace, and personal growth, featuring diverse people engaging in uplifting activities in a harmonious setting.

Values That Matter: A Reflection Quiz

Discover what truly resonates with you by participating in this interactive quiz. Reflect on important values and principles that guide your relationships with family, friends, and society. Your choices may reveal deeper insights into your personal beliefs and priorities.

  • Explore family values and friendships
  • Assess national and global perspectives
  • Identify personal qualities that shape your character
5 Questions1 MinutesCreated by ReflectingSoul52
Which word is more important to you? (Dari Kategori Keluarga)
Kejujuran (honesty)
Ketabahan (perseverance)
Menghargai (appreciate)
Percaya (believe)
Which word is more important to you? (Dari Kategori Kawan & Lain-Lain)
Menggalakkan (encouraging)
Iman (faith) / beriman (faithful)
Bertindak segera (acting promptly)
Menyokong (supportive)
Baik hari (kind hearted)
Which word is more important to you? (Negara)
Keamanan (peace)
Pilihan baik (good choices)
Kekuatan (strength)
Menjaga kita (care for us)
Which word is more important to you? (Dunia)
Harapan (Hope)
Yesus (Jesus)
Berproduktif (Fruitful)
Kekal Selamat (Stay Safe)
Sihat (Healthy)
Which word is more important to you? (Saya)
Gembira (happy)
Kesabaran (patience)
Keberanian (courage)
Berfokus (focuses)
Berdaya tahan (resilient)
Ketenangan (serenity)
Bersemangat (passionat/spirited)
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