College Park Food Options

Where do you live in College Park?
Student housing
Student apartments (Varsity, View, Terrapin Row, etc)
Independent housing off Route 1 (Old Town, Lakeland, Hollywood Berwyn)
Independent housing other (Acredale, College Park Woods)
I live outside College Park
How often do you buy groceries?
Often (three times a month or more)
Sometimes (twice a month)
Rarely (once a month)
If you selected sometimes, rarely, or never, what factors influence these habits? (Can select more than one)
Its inconvenient (lack of access)
I have a student dining plan
I don't own a car
I eat out a lot
Lack of grocery store options
What food options would you like more of in College Park? (can select more than one)
American Food (Sports Bar, BBQ, Steakhouses)
Mexican Food
South/Central American Food (Peruvian, Honduran, Brazilian, Argentinian, etc)
European Food (British/Irish, French, Italian, Spanish, German, Greek, etc)
Health Food (Organic, High-Nutritious, Plant-Based (vegan/vegetarian)
Asian Food (Japanese, Chinese, Indian, Vietnamese, etc)
African Food (Ethiopian, West African, etc)
Island Food (Cuban, Puerto Rican, Jamaican)
Fast Food
Grocery Stores
Produce Stands/Farmers Markets
Would you enjoy more franchises in College Park (Chipotle, Panda Express, etc) or more local restaurants?
Local restaurants
Have you heard of the Maryland Co-Op?
If yes, how often do you eat there?
More than once a week
Once a week
Once a month
1-2 times a semester
I am generally unfamiliar/this is my first time hearing about the Co-Op
Have you heard of the 133 Grocery Shopping Shuttle?
If yes, how often do you take the shopping shuttle?
Every weekend
A few times a semester
I don't take the shopping shuttle because I have a car
I don't take the shopping shuttle because its inconvenient
I am generally unfamiliar with the shopping shuttle/this is my first time hearing about it
{"name":"College Park Food Options", "url":"","txt":"Where do you live in College Park?, How often do you buy groceries?, If you selected sometimes, rarely, or never, what factors influence these habits? (Can select more than one)","img":""}
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