Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in astro-ph on Wed, 24 Jun 20
[2006.12500] Sivan Ginzburg, Eugene Chiang: Heavy-metal Jupiters by major mergers: metallicity vs. Mass for giant planets
[2006.12501] Nora Shipp, Adrian Price-Whelan, Kiyan Tavangar et al.: Discovery of Extended Tidal Tails around the Globular Cluster Palomar 13
[2006.12503] Amir Siraj, Abraham Loeb: Risks for Life on Proxima b from Sterilizing Asteroid Impacts
[2006.12504] Florian List, Nicholas L. Rodd, Geraint F. Lewis et al.: The GCE in a New Light: Disentangling the $γ$-ray Sky with Bayesian Graph Convolutional Neural Networks
[2006.12506] Dominik Zürcher, Janis Fluri, Raphael Sgier et al.: Cosmological Forecast for non-Gaussian Statistics in large-scale weak Lensing Surveys
[2006.12507] A. Savino, A. Koch, Z. Prudil et al.: The age of the Milky Way inner stellar spheroid from RR Lyrae population synthesis
[2006.12511] Yuji Kotani, Kazunari Shibata: Numerical simulation of solar photospheric jet-like phenomena caused by magnetic reconnection
[2006.12513] Alberto Mangiagli, Antoine Klein, Matteo Bonetti et al.: On the inspiral of coalescing massive black hole binaries with LISA in the era of Multi-Messenger Astrophysics
[2006.12515] Laura Sagunski, Sophia Gad-Nasr, Brian Colquhoun et al.: Velocity-dependent Self-interacting Dark Matter from Groups and Clusters of Galaxies
[2006.12517] Mattis Magg, Thomas Nordlander, Simon C. O. Glover et al.: A Minimum Dilution Scenario for Supernovae and Consequences for Extremely Metal-Poor Stars
[2006.12518] Khai Nguyen, Tamara Bogdanovic, Jessie C. Runnoe et al.: Pulsar Timing Array Constraints on the Merger Timescale of Subparsec Supermassive Black Hole Binary Candidates
[2006.12519] Takahiro Sudoh, Dmitry Khangulyan, Yoshiyuki Inoue: Physical Conditions and Particle Acceleration in the Kiloparsec Jet of Centaurus A
[2006.12521] Francesco Valentino, Emanuele Daddi, Annagrazia Puglisi et al.: CO emission in distant galaxies on and above the main sequence
[2006.12522] Merel L.R. Van 't Hoff, Edwin A. Bergin, Jes K. Jørgensen et al.: Carbon-grain sublimation: a new top-down component of protostellar chemistry
[2006.12523] Hao He, C. D. Wilson, Kazimierz Sliwa et al.: Is this an Early Stage Merger? A Case Study on Molecular Gas and Star Formation Properties of Arp 240
[2006.12524] Boy Lankhaar, Wouter Vlemmings: Collisional polarization of molecular ions: a signpost of ambipolar diffusion
[2006.12526] Romane Le Gal, Karin I. Öberg, Jane Huang et al.: A 3mm chemical exploration of small organics in Class I YSOs
[2006.12530] Hayk Hakobyan, Maria Petropoulou, Anatoly Spitkovsky et al.: Secondary Energization in Compressing Plasmoids during Magnetic Reconnection
[2006.12537] J. A. Kennea, M. J. Coe, P. A. Evans et al.: The newly discovered Be/X-ray binary Swift J004516.6-734703 in the SMC: witnessing the emergence of a circumstellar disc
[2006.12538] Husni Almoubayyed, Rachel Mandelbaum, Humna Awan et al.: Optimising LSST Observing Strategy for Weak Lensing Systematics
[2006.12566] Kevin C. Cooke, J. L. Connelly, K. M. Jones et al.: Astronomy Paper Seminar Participation Guide & Reading Walkthrough
[2006.12568] Rachel L.S. Frisbie, Megan Donahue, G. Mark Voit et al.: Properties of the Hot Ambient Medium of Early-type Galaxies Hosting Powerful Radio Sources
[2006.12574] Evangelia Ntormousi, Konstantinos Tassis, Fabio Del Sordo et al.: A dynamo amplifies the magnetic field of a Milky-Way-like galaxy
[2006.12584] Jennifer B. Bergner, Karin I. Oberg, Edwin A. Bergin et al.: An evolutionary study of volatile chemistry in protoplanetary disks
[2006.12596] R. H. D. Townsend: Improved Asymptotic Expressions for the Eigenvalues of Laplace's Tidal Equations
[2006.12611] The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, the Virgo Collaboration: R. Abbott, T. D. Abbott et al.: GW190814: Gravitational Waves from the Coalescence of a 23 M$_\odot$ Black Hole with a 2.6 M$_\odot$ Comp...
[2006.12613] I. Baronchelli, C. M. Scarlata, G. Rodighiero et al.: Identification of single spectral lines through supervised machine learning in a large HST survey (WISP): a pilot study for Euclid and WFIRST
[2006.12654] I. del Moral-Castro, B. García-Lorenzo, C. Ramos Almeida et al.: Larger $λ_R$ in the disc of isolated active spiral galaxies than in their non-active twins
[2006.12658] Sujay Nair, Krithi Koodli, Elliott Chalcraft et al.: Studies of Exoplanets with Candidate TOI 717.01 and Confirmed HAT-P-3b
[2006.12707] Anirvan Shukla, Amaresh Datta, Philip von Doetinchem et al.: Large-scale Simulations of Antihelium Production in Cosmic-ray Interactions
[2006.12710] Ryan E. Keeley, Arman Shafieloo, Dhiraj Kumar Hazra et al.: Inflation Wars: A New Hope
[2006.12711] N.-P. Liu, T. Sarotsakuchai, S. Rattanasoon et al.: Comprehensive Photometric Investigation of an Active Early K-type Contact System -- IL Cnc
[2006.12730] K.E. Harborne, J. Van de Sande, L. Cortese et al.: Recovering $λ_R$ and $V/σ$ from seeing-dominated IFS data
[2006.12744] Nathan Hadland, Ramanakumar Sankar, Raymond Paul LeBeau et al.: EPIC Simulations of Neptune's Dark Spots Using an Active Cloud Microphysical Model
[2006.12751] Rafael Garcia, Eduardo Rozo, Matthew R. Becker et al.: A Redefinition of the Halo Boundary Leads to a Simple yet Accurate Halo Model of Large Scale Structure
[2006.12755] Zacharias Roupas: Gravitational Brownian motion as inhomogeneous diffusion: black hole populations in globular clusters
[2006.12802] Sam P. Vaughan, Alfred L. Tiley, Roger L. Davies et al.: K-CLASH: Strangulation and Ram Pressure Stripping in Galaxy Cluster Members at 0.3 < z < 0.6
[2006.12821] Michiel Min, Chris W. Ormel, Katy Chubb et al.: The ARCiS framework for Exoplanet Atmospheres: Modelling Philosophy and Retrieval
[2006.12829] Andrzej Zdziarski, Barbara De Marco, Michal Szanecki et al.: Does the disk in the hard state of XTE J1752-223 extend to the innermost stable circular orbit?
[2006.12832] D. Munshi, T. Namikawa, T. D. Kitching et al.: Weak Lensing Skew-Spectrum
[2006.12836] Hayley Williamson, Hans Nilsson, Gabriella Stenberg Wieser et al.: Momentum and pressure balance of a comet ionosphere
[2006.12861] Giulia De Somma, Marcella Marconi, Santi Cassisi et al.: Updated theoretical Period-Age and Period-Age-Color relations for Galactic Classical Cepheids: an application to the Gaia DR2 sample
[2006.12865] Simona Paiano, Renato Falomo, Aldo Treves et al.: Optical spectroscopy of BL Lac objects: TeV candidates
[2006.12872] Tomaso M. Belloni, Liang Zhang, Nikolaos D. Kylafis et al.: Time lags of the type-B QPO in MAXI J1348-630
[2006.12877] R. Siebenmorgen, J. Krełowski, J. Smoker et al.: Dark Dust and single-cloud sightlines in the ISM
[2006.12879] Giulia Pagano, Otto A. Hannuksela, Tjonnie G. F. Li: lensingGW: a Python package for lensing of gravitational waves
[2006.12885] Maria Archidiacono, Stefano Gariazzo, Carlo Giunti et al.: Sterile neutrino self-interactions: $H_0$ tension and short-baseline anomalies
[2006.12886] Hao Fu, Matteo Lucca, Silvia Galli et al.: Unlocking the synergy between CMB spectral distortions and anisotropies
[2006.12895] Kyriaki I. Antoniadou, Anne-Sophie Libert: Exploiting periodic orbits as dynamical clues for Kepler and K2 systems
[2006.12913] Emilio Elizalde, Martiros Khurshudyan: An approach to the $H_{0}$ tension problem from Bayesian Learning and cosmic opacity
[2006.12935] P. Diego-Palazuelos, P. Vielva, E. Martínez-González et al.: Comparison of delensing methodologies and assessment of the delensing capabilities of future experiments
[2006.12950] K. K. Singh, P. J. Meintjes, Q. Kaplan et al.: Modelling the broadband emission from the white dwarf binary system AR Scorpii
[2006.12984] Axel Brandenburg: Hall cascade with fractional magnetic helicity in neutron star crusts
[2006.12997] Chris Fox, Paul Wiegert: Exomoon Candidates from Transit Timing Variations: Six Kepler systems with TTVs explainable by photometrically unseen exomoons
[2006.13023] PeiJin Zhang, Chuanbing Wang, Guanshan Pu: Generate Radioheliograph Image from SDO/AIA Data with Machine Learning Method
[2006.13027] Timothy R. Miller, Nahum Arav, Xinfeng Xu et al.: HST/COS Observations of Quasar Outflows in the 500-1050 Angstrom Rest Frame: VII. Distances and Energetics for 11 Outflows in Five Quasars
[2006.13037] S.B. Popov: Origin of sources of repeating fast radio bursts with periodicity in close binary systems
[2006.13088] Teresita Suarez, Avery Meiksin: Modelling intergalactic low ionisation metal absorption line systems near the epoch of reionization
[2006.13098] Michael Cretignier, Jérémie Francfort, Xavier Dumusque et al.: RASSINE: Interactive tool for normalising stellar spectra I. Description and performance of the code
[2006.13101] A. P. Milone, A. F. Marino, A. Renzini et al.: A chromosome map to unveil stellar populations with different magnesium abundances. The case of Omega Centauri
[2006.13124] M. D. Gray, S. Etoka, B. Pimpanuwat: Analysis of Methanol Maser Flares in G107.298+5.63 andS255-NIRS3
[2006.13156] F. D'Antona: Lithium in the context of Multiple Populations in Globular Clusters
[2006.13163] Mauricio Neira, Catalina Gómez, John F. Suárez-Pérez et al.: MANTRA: A Machine Learning reference lightcurve dataset for astronomical transient event recognition
[2006.13172] Santi Cassisi, Maurizio Salaris: Multiple populations in massive star clusters under the magnifying glass of photometry: Theory and tools
[2006.13178] Maya Fishbach, Reed Essick, Daniel E. Holz: Does Matter Matter? Using the mass distribution to distinguish neutron stars and black holes
[2006.13184] Dana Simard, Vikram Ravi: Scintillation can explain the spectral structure of the bright radio burst from SGR 1935+2154
[2006.13186] F. Castillo, A. Reisenegger, J. A. Valdivia: Two-fluid simulations of the magnetic field evolution in neutron star cores in the weak-coupling regime
[2006.13191] Kazuki Sato, Tetsuo Hasegawa, Tomofumi Umemoto et al.: FUGIN hot core survey. I. Survey method and initial results for $l = 10^\circ-20^\circ$
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in astro-ph on Wed, 24 Jun 20","img":""}
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