Document Control Quiz

Create an educational and professional image illustrating document control processes, compliance certificates, and a workplace setting with individuals engaged in reviewing documents.

Document Control Quiz

Test your knowledge on Document Control and compliance standards like IATF16949 with our comprehensive quiz. This quiz will help you understand the importance of document control in ensuring quality and compliance across the organization.

  • 8 engaging questions
  • Multiple-choice format
  • Designed for all employees at EGR
8 Questions2 MinutesCreated by CheckingLogic42
Why is being compliant to IATF16949 important to EGR? (only click one response)
To demonstrate EGR's ability to consistently provide products that meet customer and applicable statutory,regulatory and product safety requirements
Enhance customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system.
It is a customer requirement of supply ( sales)
Maintaining accreditation
All of the above
What is Document Control? (only click one response)
It is a software used to control documents
It is a mission to enforce controlled process and practices
It is form used to look up documents
All of the above
What is the purpose of document control? (only click one response)
To be trusted by users
To provide up to date,reliable,checked and formally approved documents
Allows for auditable records
Allows for control over documentation
All of the above
How can I access EGR registered documents? (only click one response)
Google search?
Ask someone?
From the EGR intranet document register
All of the above
What is a controlled document? (only click one response)
It is a document that has the revision and distribution of the document record, by either the QA manager or document controller.
Document with controlled stamp on it
Document that only the QA manager knows about
All of the above
What do you do if you come across a document that: (only click one response)
  • Has no title
  • No formal document ID or FNO number
  • No revision or identification
  • Is not an EGR document
Keep using it, it isn't your document.
Throw it in the bin
Tell a friend about it
Cease using the document and inform QA
All of the above
How do you know if the document you are using is the most up to date? (only click one response)
Ask a friend
Google it
Check the EGR document register
All of the above
{"name":"Document Control Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on Document Control and compliance standards like IATF16949 with our comprehensive quiz. This quiz will help you understand the importance of document control in ensuring quality and compliance across the organization.8 engaging questionsMultiple-choice formatDesigned for all employees at EGR","img":"https:/images/course3.png"}
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