** Test for Weighting** Y5 BASE TEMPLATE: Self Assessment for Employees

At the end of the day, which is most true for you?
I feel great, am prioritizing tomorrow’s projects and wrapping up the day sharing “wins” from the day with my colleagues.
I’m tired and ready to go home, but I have a positive attitude and feel good about coming back to work tomorrow to pick up the next project.
I’m still at my desk, but I’m watching the clock.
I’m exhausted and ready to leave. I’m usually trying “look busy” and might even sneak out early if I can.
Before a staff meeting begins, which is most true for you?
Staff meetings are awesome! I’m wiggling in my seat with great anticipation and ready to be a passionate participant in the meeting.
I’m focused and ready to get going, curious about what will unfold.
I’m engaged in chit-chat or playing with my tablet or phone until the meeting starts. I’m not really looking forward to the meeting.
I’m dreading the meeting and would try to get out of it, if I can. Nothing productive happens and it’s a waste of time.
Which is most accurate about your morning routine, before going to work?
I wake up with energy and am truly excited to go to work. I often arrive early.
I have a solid morning structure and a pretty good attitude going into the office.
My mood changes as soon as I start thinking about going into work. I do my best to get there on time.
I avoid getting ready for work and am often late.
When it comes to seeking a different job or workplace, which is most true for you?
I would strongly prefer to stay at the same company, even for a reduced salary than I could probably make elsewhere. The company provides me an experience that is even more important than money.
I am not actively seeking a different job, but I would be open to a new opportunity elsewhere if it came along.
I’m not truly happy in my job, but I’m not necessarily motivated to make changes. After all, it's a paycheck...
I am actively looking for a new job, sometimes even during company time.
Suppose a new advocacy project were to be introduced by your company, which would make an impact in the community while also providing positive exposure for your company. Involvement would require some extra time and effort by employees working together as a team. How would you most likely respond?
I would jump right in to take the lead and offer ideas. This is the kind of thing I love about this company – that I get to be a part of valuable service projects.
I would be excited to participate, but would not volunteer to lead anything. My plate is pretty full and I don’t feel adequately motivated to add extra work responsibilities.
I will show up, but I probably won’t be happy about being expected to do additional work.
I would ignore the request or try to get out of it. This kind of thing is really a waste of time and I wouldn’t be shy about saying so to my co-workers.
If you are given constructive criticism by your superior(s), what is your general response?
Constructive feedback is always important to me. I would take it in, ask for alternatives of what would work better, and continue the dialogue to continue to perform better for the company.
I would hear what they have to say and make an effort to make changes.
I will listen but probably not make a major change unless my job is on the line.
I avoid my superiors so that I’m never put in this situation. I don’t respect them and wouldn’t engage, unless it was me setting them straight.
If you were introduced to a new system or procedure to improve productivity:
I’d be on cloud nine! I love learning new things, especially when changes will improve productivity and the company goals.
Sure -- I’d be on board with whatever I’m told.
There is already so much to do – why would they add one more thing?
I have no interest in participating.
Regarding the values of the company:
I have embodied the values and actively demonstrate them in my actions and decision making.
I have a sense of the values and could discuss them if asked.
Does the company have values? Maybe I heard them once upon a time but I couldn’t tell you what they are.
I really do not know or care what the company values are.
When asked for input about a new project, which is most likely to be true?
I came up with the new project!
I look forward to sharing my ideas and support.
I’ll take notes about what is being shared and I might come up with something to contribute.
I’m not inclined to offer input.
When introduced to a new hire:
I would welcome them with great enthusiasm and share my personal experience of working with the company.
I would be friendly and offer to help them get settled.
I would say a simple hello, not really inclined to say anything beyond that.
I’d be sure to warn them what they are getting into!
When approaching the busy season:
I always take the initiative to go beyond the call of duty to support colleagues and the company.
I will respond positively if asked to pitch in beyond the scope of regular duties.
I would be very reluctant to increase involvement if asked.
I would try to disappear.
When given a new assignment:
I jump in immediately and initiate my own research to share with the team.
I would be open to the new project and ask for greater clarity about the assignment.
I would be reluctant to add anything to my plate.
I would complain to my co-workers about another busywork project.
When given praise by a colleague my response would be:
I would express appreciation and satisfaction for being able to contribute to the company.
I would express appreciation in the compliment.
Whatever…I don’t really care.
"It's about time you noticed."
When approached by a disgruntled employee:
I would take the time to truly hear the person and learn what is going on, and then help the person find a solution.
I would encourage the person to talk to management.e person to talk to management.
I don’t want to get involved.
I can relate.
When overhearing a conversation with information that could negatively affect the company:
I would share the conversation with management and offer feedback from an employee perspective.
I would share the conversation with management and leave it in their hands.
I would ignore it; “who really cares?”
I would share the conversation with co-workers.
When asked by a competitor how I like my job:
I would sing the praises of the company I represent, I love my job!
I would share with them the things I like about my job.
I would be curious to see if I might like working at their company, I don’t like what I’m doing.
I would share that I don’t like the company, my co-workers, or my job.
During a birthday party for a staff member:
I would give a toast with a sincere and reflective testimony to the role the person plays in the company and its success.
I would enjoy the social time with other colleagues.
Honestly? I’d just be coming for the cake.
I wouldn’t go.
If the CEO or Board Chair is visiting from out of town:
I would be eager to connect, articulate what I love about the company, share what the team is working on and ideas for growth.
I would be happy to share my work and receive input.
I would try not to be seen.
I would let them know that there are problems.
When asked what the company mission and vision are.
I have a clear understanding of our purpose and know how I personally contribute to attaining our goals.
I have a general understanding of what they are and believe we can achieve our goals.
I have no idea.
I have no idea and I don’t care.
When attending a training day focused around teamwork.
I would jump right in and be totally excited about what I will learn and how it will affect the company’s vision and success.
I would look forward to bonding with coworkers in a new way.
I would dread the day.
It's a waste of time.
When asked by a superior, “are you happy here?” I would say:
€�Absolutely! And this is why…”
€�Yes, I am. Thanks for asking.”
€�It’s OK, there are some things I’d like to change.”
"Sure,” and quickly change the subject. I’m actually not happy at all, but I wouldn’t admit it; I can’t afford to lose my job.
If an emergency came up and you had to take the day off, which of the following is most accurate for you?
I would ensure that everything was in place so that my attention can be where it needs to be.
I would feel concern about taking time off and would work hard to make up my work.
I would eventually let my manager know that I won’t be coming in.
I just wouldn’t show up, who cares if they let me go.
Which is most true about your work area?
I love my workspace, it’s a reflection of who I am.
I like my workspace, it’s comfortable and accommodating.
My workspace is sufficient, I get my work done.
It’s where I work.
When facing a task that is routine and repetitive:
I find a way to make it fun.
I persevere with focus.
I get through it.
I complain.
During meetings:
I write down all the ideas that come up with notes about how each idea might affect the company.
I write down all the ideas that come up with notes about how each idea might affect my position or team.
I write notes, but mostly doodle.
I don’t write anything down.
When I have a new idea, I:
Feel free to share it without fear and am glad to work in a place where I can do so.
Feel it’s valuable, though am still a little nervous to share it
Am not inclined to share it –- I doubt it would make a difference.
I don’t get new ideas about my work.
{"name":"** Test for Weighting** Y5 BASE TEMPLATE: Self Assessment for Employees", "url":"","txt":"At the end of the day, which is most true for you?, Before a staff meeting begins, which is most true for you?, Which is most accurate about your morning routine, before going to work?","img":""}
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