Anatomy 2 quiz - group 11

Anatomy Mastery Quiz
Test your knowledge of human anatomy with our challenging quiz designed for students, teachers, and anatomy enthusiasts alike. With 52 questions covering a wide range of anatomical topics, this quiz offers an engaging way to assess your understanding.
- Diverse question formats including multiple choice and checkboxes
- In-depth coverage of anatomy concepts
- Ideal for review and self-testing
The muscles that realize the profound layer of the perineum are:
(A) Musculus transversus perinei profundus
(B) Musculus bulbospongiosus
(C) Musculus ischiococcygeus
(D) Musculus levator ani
2. Recessus pharyngeus – or Rosenmuller dimple is situated:
A) On the lateral side
(B) Inferior to Torus tubarius
(C) Superior to Torus tubarius
(D) On the medial side
Arteria coronaria dextra
(A) Enters sulcus coronarius anterior to the right auricle, and passes onto the diaphragmatic surface of the heart
(B) Supplies all of eth following; left atrium, conus arteriosus, the superior part of the interatrial septum
(C) Supplies the upper part of the atrial septum and the left atrial wall, the majority of the left ventricular wall, the anterior two thirds of the interventricular septum
(D) Has the following major branches: Ramus marginalis dexter, Ramus nodi sinoatrialis
The following veins drain into the lower mesenteric vein
(A) Medial rectal vein
(B) The left colic vein
(C) Sigmoid veins
(D) Vena rectalis inferior
The thoracic part of the sympathetic trunk.
(A) Provides the splanchnic nerves, which arise in the abdominal cavity, but innervate the thoracic organs
(B) Has in its component the cervicothoracic ganglion
(C) Innervates the lesser pelvis organs
(D) Is placed on the two sides of the vertebral column, along the line created by the heads of the ribs, covered by pleura
The portal vein is formed by:
(A) Vena mesenterica superio
(B) Vena splenica
(C) Vena hepatica dextra
(D) Vena renalis sinistra
Arteria colica media:
(A) Participates in Riolan-Haller arterial anastomosis
(B) Participates in Drummond anastomosis
(C) Arise from Arteria mesenterica superior
(D) Arise from truncus coeliacus
Which of the following laryngeal cartilages are included in the aryepiglottic folds:
(A) The arytenoid cartilage
(B) The cuneiform cartilage (Wrisberg)
(C) The cricoid cartilage
(D) The corniculate cartilage (Santorini)
The plica spiralis called Heister’s fold or valve is located at the level of:
(A) The cystic duct
(B) Ampulla hepatopancreatica
C) Ampulla duodeni major
D) Ampulla duodeni minor
Paneth cells:
A) They are found in the gastric mucosa
B) Secret mucus
(C) They are found in the jejunal mucosa
D) They are found in the colon mucosa
Choose the right statements about the small intestine innervation:
(A) The Meissner plexus is also called the plexus mientericus
(B) The Auerbach plexus is also called the plexus mientericus
C) Auerbach plexus, a component of the entreal plexus, is found in tunica submucosa
D) The Meissner plexus, a component of the entreal plexus, is found in tunica muscularis
. In sulcus interventricularis anterior is situated:
A) Vena cordis magna
B) Vena cordis parva
C) A branch of Arteria coronaria sinistra
(D) Vena cordis media
The parotid gland has the following faces:
A) Antero-medial
(B) Postero-medial
(C) Antero-lateral
D) Anterior
The pancreatic head is irrigated by:
A) Arteria pancreaticoduodenalis superior
B) Branches of Arteria splenica
C) Arteria gastroepiploica sinistra
(D) Branches of Arteria gastroduodenalis
. On the rectum, Linea alba Hilton represents:
(A) The inferior border of the Columnae Morgagni
(B) The delimitation between Ampulla rectalis and Canalis analis
(C) The limit between the internal and external rectal sphincter
(D) A structure above the Linea pectinata
. The following arteries are branches of arteria splenica:
(A) Arteriae gastricae breves
(B) Arteria pancreaticoduodenalis superior
C) Arteria gastroduodenalis
D) Arteria gastroomentalis dextra
Cortex renalis
A) Is made from Pars convoluta
B) Is made from Papillae renalis
(C) Represents the central part of the kidney
(D) Is made from Pars radiata
Valva trunci pulmonalis:
A) Is located at the level of the left ventricle
(B) Is located at the level of the right ventricle
C) Consist of three semilunar cusps, one anterior, one right and one left cusp
D) Has three semilunar cusps, a posterior, a right and a left cusp
19. About the colon ascendens, it is true that:
(A) The veins drain into Vena mesenterica superior
(B) It presents only one muscular layer
(C) Is a very mobile segment due to its mesocolon
(D) Is irrigated by arteria colica dextra
The lateral wall of the nasal cavity consists of the following elements:
(A) The nasal part of the frontal bone
(B) The lacrimal bone
(C) The vertical plate of the palatine bone
(D) The horizontal plate of the palatine bone
The correct order of the division of the lobuli of the lungs are as follows:
(A) Sacculus alveolaris > Bronchiolus lobularis > Bronchiolus terminalis > Bronchiolus respiratorius
(B) Bronchiolus respiratorius > Bronchiolus terminalis > Bronchiolus lobularis > Ductuli alveolare
(C) Bronchiolus lobularis > Bronchiolus terminalis > bronchiolus respiratorius > Ductuli alveolares
(D) Ductuli alveolares > Sacculus alveolares> Bronchiolus lobularis > Bronchiolus terminalis
. About the rectum veins it is true that:
(A) Vena rectalis media drains into Vena iliaca interna
(B) Vena rectalis superior drains into Vena mesenterica inferior
(C) Vena rectalis superior drain into Vena mesenterica superior
(D) Vena rectalis inferior drains into Vena vesicalis inferior
. Lobus caudatus is bordered by:
(A) Vena cava inferior on the right
(B) Area nuda – anteriorly
(C) Ligamentum teres hepatis on the left
(D) Ligamentum venosus Arantzius on the left
The fallopian tube
(A) Is irrigated by Arteria ovarica
B) It is connected with the ovarium through the ligamentum proprium ovarium
(C) Consist in 4 segments
(D) Presents the most lateral part, the isthmus
. The muscle adductors of the vocal cords are
(A) Musculus crico-arytenoideus posterior
B) Musculus crico-arytenoideus lateralis
C) Musculus vocalis
(D) Musculus thyro-arytenoideus
26. In sulcus interventricularis posterior we can find:
(A) The final part of Arteria coronaria dextra
(B) Vena cordis magna
(C) Vena cordis media
(D) Fasciculus of His
Nodus atrioventricularis of Aschoff-Tawara:
(A) Descends to the inferior end of the membranous septum, and divides into two bundles heading into the right and left surfaces of the muscular interventricular septum
(B) Is located at the atrioventricular boundary, int the posteroinferior part of the interatrial septum
(C) Is located between the opening of the vena cava superior and right auricle
(D) Is a bundle extending towards the interventricular septum
The ethmoidal artery, vein and nerve are passing through
(A) Canalis incisivus
(B) The ethmoidal foramina
(C) Lamina cribrosa
D) Foramen sphenopalatinum
. Right branch of the portal vein:
(A) It is more voluminous than the left one
(B) It drains directly in inferior vena cava
C) Comes directly from truncus coeliacus
(D) Emit two branches, one anterior and one posterio

Is this a picture of a human heart?
No, it's the spleen.
The picture is too blurry, can't tell.
30. The ureter presents the following narrowing zones with the exception of:
(A) Strictura pielo-ureteralis
(B) Strictura vesicalis
C) Strictura marginalis
(D) Strictura medialis
. Ramus anterior of the renal artery gives the following branches:
(A) Arteria segmenti superioris
B) Arteria segmenti anterioris
C) Arteria segmenti posterioris
(D) Arteria segmenti anterioris-superioris
. The internal iliac artery visceral branches are:
(A) The pudendal artery
(B) The uterine artery
(C) The inferior rectal artery
(D) The middle rectal artery
The external features of the lungs are:
(A) The impression of vena azygos on the medial surface of the left lung
(B) The groove of vena cava superior on the medial surface of the right lung
(C) Basis pulmonaris covered by the pleural dome and located behind the medial third of the clavicle
(D) Impressio cardiaca on the medial surface of the left lung
. Vena renalis sinistra receive:
(A) Vena suprarenalis sinistra inferior
B) Vena pancreaticoduodenalis inferior
(C) Vena mesenterica inferior
(D) Vena ovarica sinistra
Ductus thoracicus
(A) Enters the posterior mediastinum through Hiatus aorticus
(B) Collects the lymphatic system of the right upper limb and the right side of the head and nec
(C) Travels superiorly all the way to the base of the neck in front of the pharynx, between the aorta and vena hemiazygos
(D) Starts from the abdominal lymphatic sac called Cisterna chyli (Pequet
Pancreatic arteries originate from the following vascular sources:
(A) Internal iliac artery
(B) Splenic artery
(C) Superior mesenteric artery
(D) Inferior mesenteric artery
The branches of the plexus sacralis are:
(A) The small sciatic nerve
(B) The great sciatic nerve
(C) The inferior gluteal nerve
(D) The pudendal nerve
Ramus anterior of the renal artery gives the following branches:
(A) Arteria segmenti superioris
(B) Arteria segmenti anterioris
(C) Arteria segmenti posterioris
(D) Arteria segmenti anterioris-superioris
The internal iliac artery visceral branches are:
(A) The pudendal artery
(B) The uterine artery
(C) The inferior rectal artery
(D) The middle rectal artery
. Funiculus spermaticus contains:
(A) Ductus deferens
(B) Arteria cremasterica
. Vena testicularis sinistra drains in:
A) Vena renalis sinistra
Vena cava inferior
Vena pudenda interna sinistra
Vena iliaca interna sinistra
The esophagus presents:
(A) A mucosa made by the squamous epithelium
(B) Parasympathetic autonomic innervation from nervus vagus
C) One curve in the sagittal plane
(D) Only smooth muscular fibres
Arteries of the suprarenal gland arise as:
(A) Arteria suprarenalis media – directly from Aorta abdominalis
(B) Arteria suprarenalis inferior – from Arteria mesenterica superior
(C) Arteria suprarenalis media – form Arteria mesenterica superior
(D) Arteria suprarenalis superior – from Arteria diaphragmatica inferior
Pars abdominalis of the ureter presents two segments:
(A) The visceral segment
(B) The parietal segment
(C) The iliac segment
(D) The lumbar segment
The following arteries originate directly from the abdominal aorta:
(A) Ovarian artery
(B) Splenic artery
(C) Middle adrenal artery
(D) Bronchial arteries
The tricuspid valve:
(A) Through it, the blood enter into the filling chamber of the right ventricle
B) Consist in Cuspis septalis, Cuspis anterior and Cuspis posterior
(C) Is situated in between the left atrium and left ventricle
(D) Consist of Cuspis medialis, Cuspis lateralis and Cuspis anterior
. Hilum pulmonis:
(A) Consist in two functional arteries, one nutritive artery, a bronchia and one vein
(B) Consist in one functional artery, one nutritive artery, a bronchia and one vein
(C) It is surrounded by Ligamentum of Zenker
(D) Consist in one functional artery, one nutritive artery, a bronchia and two veins
Blood supplying nutrients and oxygen to the lung tissues is carried by the:
(A) Venae pulmonales
(B) Arteria thoracica interna
(C) Arteriae bronchiales
(D) Arteriae pulmonales
The Cannon-Boehm point represents:
(A) The area between the Arteria mesenterica superior and Truncus coeliacus arterial vascularization
(B) The limit between the cranial and sacral parasympathetic innervation of the colon
(C) The transition between colon descendens and colon sigmoideum
(D) The area between Vena mesenterica inferior and Vena iliaca interna drainage
Arteria coronaria sinistra has the following branches:
(A) Ramus interventricularis anterio
(B) Ramus circumflexus
(C) Ramus nodi atrioventricularis
(D) Ramus interventricular posterior
The olphactory part of the nasal cavity is represented by the
(A) Concha nasalis superior
(B) The superior wal
(C) Concha nasalis inferior
(D) The medial wall
{"name":"Anatomy 2 quiz - group 11", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge of human anatomy with our challenging quiz designed for students, teachers, and anatomy enthusiasts alike. With 52 questions covering a wide range of anatomical topics, this quiz offers an engaging way to assess your understanding.Diverse question formats including multiple choice and checkboxesIn-depth coverage of anatomy conceptsIdeal for review and self-testing","img":"https:/images/course4.png"}