Endocrine system

A detailed illustration of the human endocrine system highlighting the major glands such as the pituitary, thyroid, and adrenal glands, with vibrant colors and clear labels for educational purposes.

Endocrine System Quiz

Test your knowledge on the fascinating endocrine system with our comprehensive quiz. This interactive quiz covers various aspects, including hormones, glands, and their functions.

Whether you're a student or a teacher, dive into these engaging questions and expand your understanding of:

  • Hormonal functions
  • Glandular structures
  • Interrelated systems in the body
16 Questions4 MinutesCreated by LearningAtlas231
What is right about POMC
Precursor for ACTH
Accumulated in colloid of thyroid follicles
Released from neurohypophysis
Produced by corticotropic cells
Find true sentence/s
Type A cells of Langerhans islets produce glucagon
Parafollicular or C cells produce and release calcitonin
Herring bodies accumulate oxotocin
Steroid-producing cells can be found in adrenal cortex
Pars intermedia of hypophysis contains acidophilic cells
Herring bodies produce gonadotropin
Find the truth about thyroid
Releases T3
Has got follicular structure
Releases T4
C-cells produce calcitonin
Colloid is storage of thyroglobulin
Find hormone/s produced in the hypothalamus and liberated into the pars nervosa of the hypophysis
Thyroid stimulating hormone TSH
Antidiuretic hormone ADH
Growth hormone-releasing hormone GHRH
Thyrotropin releasing hormone THR
Tick endocrine gland/s or structure/s that accumulate/s hormones outside of the cell
Adrenal medulla cells
B-cells of Langerhans islets
Find true sentence/s
Type A cells of Langerhans islets produce glucagon
Herring bodies accumulate oxytocin (og ADH)
Herring bodies produce gonadotropin
Pars intermedia of hypophysis contains acidophilic cells
Pars intermedia of hypophysis contains basophilic cells
Adrenal gland
Cortex is separated from medulla by connective tissue
Medulla releases and accumulates norepinephrine
Medulla releases and accumulates catecholamines
Zona reticularis of the cortex is ACTH dependent
Medulla releases and accumulates epinephrine
Chromaffin cells of adrenal medulla produce epinephrine
Zona fasciculata is located between glomerulosa and reticularis
Consist of cortex and medulla
True sentence regarding endocrine glands
Thyroglobulin is stored in colloid of thyroid follicle
Type B cells of Langerhans islets produce insulin
Adrenal medulla has 3 layers of cells
ACTH is accumulated in colloid of thyroid follicle
Endocrine system:
Neurohypophysis is composed of hormone producing cells
Adenohyphopysis is composed of hormone producing cells
Type B cells of Langerhans islets produce glucagon
Type A cells of Langerhans islets produce glucagon
Androgens are produced and released of by cells of zona glomerulosa
Parafollicular or C-cells produce and release calcitonin
Neurohypophysis contains axons of hypothalamic neurons and glial cells
Chief cells of parathyroid glands produce parathyroid hormone (PTH)
C-cells produce parahoromone
Has got follicular structure
Colloid is storage of thyroglobulin
Pick the true:
Posterior part of Rathke´s pouch develops into pars intermedia
Posterior part of Rathke's pouch develops into infundibulum
Fetal cortex (primitive cortex) of adrenal gland partly undergo involution (degeneration)
Infundibulum give rise to median eminence
Cortex of adrenal glands develop from mesothelium
Infundibulum give rise to pars intermedia
POMC (proopiomelanocortin) is:
Released from neurohypophysis
Secretory product of adrenal cortex cells
Precursor for MSH
Accumulated in Herring bodies
Accumulated in colloid of thyroid follicles
Produced by corticotropic cells
In pars intermedia POMC is also produced
Which structure/s undergoes intense involution (degeneration) during life?
Pineal gland
Pars intermedia of pituitary gland
Permanent cortex of adrenal glands
Fetal cortex of adrenal glands
Thyroid gland
Pituicytes are cells of neurohypophysis
In neurohypophysis are unmyelinated axons
Herring bodies store oxytocin and FSH
Pituicytes are cells of adenohypophysis
In pars intermedia POMC is also produced
Oxytocin is stored in Herring bodies
TSH is stored in pars intermedia
TSH is stored in pars nervosa
Herring bodies store oxytocin and ADH
Select true:
Main mass/volume of pancreas is made from dorsal pancreatic bud
Gonadotroph of adenohypophysis developed from ultimobranchial body
Langerhans islets arise from cells of excretory pancreatic ducts
Neurohypophysis arise from neuroectoderm of 3rd ventricle
C cells of thyroid arise from ultimobranchial body
Langerhans islets arise from ultimobranchial body
Main mass/volume of pancreas made of ventral pancreatic bud
Works antagostically to PTH
Produced by pars distalis of hypophysis
Produced in pineal gland
Increase storage of calcium in bones
Increase concentration of calcium in blood
{"name":"Endocrine system", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Test your knowledge on the fascinating endocrine system with our comprehensive quiz. This interactive quiz covers various aspects, including hormones, glands, and their functions.Whether you're a student or a teacher, dive into these engaging questions and expand your understanding of:Hormonal functionsGlandular structuresInterrelated systems in the body","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}
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