Anatomy head test 2020
Anatomy Head Test 2020
Take your knowledge of head and neck anatomy to the next level with this comprehensive quiz! Designed for students and professionals alike, this quiz covers a variety of topics related to head anatomy including muscles, nerves, and much more.
Test your understanding and improve your skills by exploring:
- The structure and fun
ction of anatomical features - Clinical correlations and common conditions
- Less understood aspects of head anatomy
1. Tonsillar fossa
A) Has lymph drainage from its wall that enters the jugulodigastric node
B) Is also called the piriform fossa
C) Contains the pharyngeal tonsil because it is in the oral pharynx
D) Lies just superior to the pharyngeal isthmus
E) Lies posterior to the palatopharyngeal arch
1. Tonsillar fossa
A) Has lymph drainage from its wall that enters the jugulodigastric node
B) Is also called the tonsillar sinus
C) Contains the palatine tonsils because it is in the oral pharynx
D) Lies just inferior to the pharyngeal isthmus
E) Lies anterior to the palatopharyngeal arch
2. 6 year old boy, whose medical history include a complicated delivery, has a continuous tilted head posture, with the right ear near the right shoulder and the face turned upward and to the left. Which of the following muscles was most likely damaged during birth?
A) Platysma
C) Trapezius
D) Anterior scalene
E) Omohyoid
3. In the otic ganglion
A) The parasympathetic root is formed by a branch of oculomotor nerve
B) The sympathetic root is formed by fibers from the of the internal carotid artery
C) The sensory root is made by the maxillary nerves
D) The parasympathetic root is formed by a brach of the glossopharyngeal nerve
E) The sympathetic root is formed form plexus of the carotid artery
4. Trochlear nerve
A) Transmit parasympathetic fibers
B) Goes in the middle wall of cavernous sinus
C) Goes over the common tendinous ring
D) Goes by the optic canal
E) Supplies the inferior oblique muscle
5. Parasympathetic root of ciliary ganglion comes from the
A) Greater petrosal nerve
B) Deep petrosal nerve
C) Tympanic nerve
D) Chorda tympani
E) Oculomotor nerve
6. What is false about the paranasal sinuses?
A) Ethmoidal cells open only to the middle nasal meatus
B) Sphenoidal sinus is located on the body of sphenoid bone
C) Maxillary sinus open into the semilunar hiatus in the middle nasal meatus
D) Frontal sinus drain via the frontonasal duct and ethmoid infundibulum into middle nasal meatus
E) Maxillary sinus is the largest
7. 3rd molar tooth in maxilla
A) Has only 2 tubercles
B) Has 2 roots
C) Exist only in milky dentation
D) Has 3 roots
E) Is named stupid tooth
8. The auditory tube opens directly into
A) Nose
B) Oropharynx
C) Nasopharynx
D) Internal ear
E) Laryngopharynx
9. Skeleton of the nose is NOT formed by
A) Palatine bone
B) Vomer
C) Zygomatic bone
D) Ethmoid bone
E) Maxilla
10. Which branches of external carotid artery supply the oral cavity?
A) Superior thyroid artery
B) Angular artery
C) Ascending pharyngeal
D) Inferior labial artery
E) Posterior auricular artery
11. Abducent nerve
A) Goes over the common tendinous ring
B) Goes by the optic canal
C) Innervates dilator of pupil
D) Supplies inferior oblique muscle
E) Goes in the middle part of cavernous sinus, lateral to the internal carotid artery
12. What is false about the 1st part of maxillary artery?
A) Is 1 of the 2 terminal branches of external carotid artery
B) Give off the deep temporal arteries
C) It originates adjacent to the neck of mandible
D) Give off the accessory meningeal artery
E) Give off the deep auricular artery
13. Tongue papillae
A) Fungiform are blunt ended and taste is transmitted by hypoglossal n.
B) Vallate are innervated by the hypoglossal nerve
C) Vallate are blunt ended and contain taste buds
D) Foliate are small and cone shaped
E) Filiform are small and cone shaped and contain taste buds
14. Which of the following muscles are innervated by mylohyoid nerve?
A) Anterior belly of digastric
B) Stylohyoid muscle (facial n.)
C) Part of the platysma muscle (facial n.)
D) Posterior belly of digastric (facial n.)
E) Geniohyoid muscle (branch of C1 through hypoglossal n.)
15. Oculomotor nerve
A) Supplies superior oblique muscle (trochlear n.)
B) Goes by inferior orbital fissure
C) Innervates spinchter of pupil
D) Goes over the common tendinous ring
E) Innervates dilator of pupil
15. Oculomotor nerve
B) Goes by superior orbital fissure
C) Innervates spinchter of pupil
D) Passes through the common tendinous ring
16. A 4 year old boy suffering form ankylglossia is brought to the speech therapist. The examining physician recommends that the child be admitted for operation by a plastic surgeon. Which of the following surgical procedures would be most appropriate?
A) Cutting the lingual frenulum
B) Removal of pterygomandibular raphe
C) Removal of the central segment of the hyoid bone
D) Repair of the palate
E) Resection of the pterygoid hamulus bilaterally
17. Which muscle of the palate is innervated by a branch of the trigeminal nerve?
A) Levator veli palatini
B) Muscle of uvula
C) Palatoglossus
D) Palatopharyngeus
E) Tensor veli palatini
17. Which muscle of the palate is innervated by a branch of the Vagus n.?
A) Levator veli palatini
B) Muscle of uvula
C) Palatoglossus
D) Palatopharyngeus
E) Tensor veli palatini
18. Mandibular nerve does NOT supply
A) Tensor veli palatini
B) Mucous membrane of the oral cavity
C) Tensor tympani muscle
D) Mucous membrane of both lips
E) All muscles of mastication
F) Mucous membrane of lower lip
19. Choose the false statement about pharynx
A) Oropharyngeal triangle is between the superior and middle constrictors and mylohyoid muscle
B) Choanae opens into the nasopharynx
C) Aperture of the larynx opens into the laryngopharynx
D) Pharyngeal tonsils are situated in the laryngopharynx
E) All constrictor muscles are innervated by vagus nerve
20. Maxillary nerve does not innervate
A) Teeth of the maxilla
B) Paranasal sinuses
C) Upper eyelid
D) External nose
E) Internal nose
21. Which of the following is innervated by the glossopharyngeal nerve?
A) Anterior 2/3 of tongue (posterior 1/3)
B) Stylopharyngeus muscle
C) Mylohyoid muscle (nerve to mylohyoid)
D) Styloglossus muscle (hypoglossus n.)
E) Stylohyoid muscle (facial n.)
22. Glossopharyngeal nerve
A) Goes through the foramen lacerum
B) Goes through the foramen magnum
C) Goes through the jugular foramen
D) Goes through the pterygoid canal
E) Goes through the condylar canal
23. Parotid gland
A) Secrete only mucous saliva
B) Encloses intracranial part of the facial nerve
C) Its duct perforate the buccinator muscle
D) Its duct end in main oral cavity by sublingual canal
E) Its duct end at the level of the second molar tooth of mandible
24. Ophthalmic artery
A) Give central retinal artery
B) Start in the carotid triangle
C) Is a branch of vertebral artery
D) Passes to the orbit by the carotid canal
E) Goes by the optic canal with the oculomotor nerve
25. The margins of choanae are formed by
A) Horizontal part of maxilla
B) Pyramidal process of the palatine bone
C) Lateral plate of pterygoid process
D) Cribriform plate of ethmoid bone
E) Horizontal part of palatine bone
26. Which artery is not a branch of external carotid artery
A) Facial artery
B) Posterior auricular artery
C) Deep cervical artery
D) Superficial temporal artery
E) Lingual artery
27. Which nerve does NOT innervate the nasal cavity?
A) Mandibular nerve
B) Facial nerve by greater petrosal nerve
C) Ophthalmic nerve
D) Olfactory nerve
E) Maxillary nerve
28. Which muscles belong to the longitudinal muscles of pharynx?
A) Stylopharyngeus and superior constrictor
B) Palatopharyngeal spinchter
C) Palatopharyngeus and inferior constrictor
D) Palatopharyngeus and middle constrictor
E) Salpingopharyngeus and palatopharyngeus
29. Tympanic nerve is a branch of the
A) Facial nerve
B) Glossopharyngeal nerve
C) Vagus nerve
D) Auriculotemporal nerve
E) Accessory nerve
{"name":"Anatomy head test 2020", "url":"","txt":"Take your knowledge of head and neck anatomy to the next level with this comprehensive quiz! Designed for students and professionals alike, this quiz covers a variety of topics related to head anatomy including muscles, nerves, and much more.Test your understanding and improve your skills by exploring:The structure and function of anatomical featuresClinical correlations and common conditionsLess understood aspects of head anatomy","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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