
Create an educational infographic about malaria with illustrations of the Plasmodium parasite, infected red blood cells, antimalarial drugs, and maps showing malaria-endemic regions.

Malaria Knowledge Quiz

Test your knowledge on malaria, its pathophysiology, treatment options, and prevention strategies. This quiz is designed for medical students, healthcare professionals, and anyone interested in understanding more about this global health challenge.

By participating, you will:

  • Enhance your knowledge of malaria and its implications.
  • Assess your understanding of antimalarial drugs and their effects.
  • Prepare for real-life scenarios and patient care situations.
13 Questions3 MinutesCreated by LearningMalaria101
Which among the following statements regarding the pathophysiology of Malaria is TRUE
Swollen hepatic parenchymal cells will burst, discharging motile sporozoites
Merozoites invade RBC to become trophozoites and multiple 6 to 20 fold every 48 hours for P. malariae
Cytoadherence, rosetting, and agglutination are central to the pathogenesis of P. Falciparum malaria
By the end of the intra erythrocytic life cycle, the parasitic trophozoite has consumed one third of the RBC’s hemoglobin and now called a schizont.
Which Plasmodium specie has preference for older red blood cells
P. falciparum
P. knowlesi
P. ovale
P. malariae
Which of the following gametocyte is from a P. Falciparum malaria.
This antimalarial drug can aggravate hypoglycemia
The following are manifestations of patients with severe P. Falciparum malaria EXCEPT.
47 year old male with a history of travel to Africa presenting with fever and difficulty breathing. ABG was done showing: pH 7.240 pCo2 35 pO2 89% HCo3 12 sO2 95% FiO2 21%
36 year old male who had a recent blood transfusion with extreme weakness. Verbalized that his urine is colored black
41 year old male with intermittent seizures. Ophthalmologic findings include discrete spots of retinal opacification.
50 year old male with a travel history to Borneo presenting with fever, spot CBG is 88 mg/dl
Which is the confirmatory test for Malaria?
Thin and thick smear with even thickness
Thin and thick smear with uneven thickness
PfHRP2 dipstick
Plasmodium LDH dipstick
A 40 year old male Marine employee came from South Africa. He presented with high grade fever, jaundice, decreasing urine output and abdominal distention. The doctor diagnosed him with severe malaria. Unfortunately, Artesunate is not available in your area and he prescribed Quinidine instead. What baseline diagnostic test is vital to request?
Random blood sugar
Pure Tone Audiometry
This antimalarial drug is used to kill hepatic forms of P. Vivax and P. avale
Prescription for pregnant women traveling to endemic areas with drug resistant malaria
Doxycycline up until 20 weeks AOG
Artesunate for 1st trimester of pregnancy
Mefloquine for 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy
Chloroquine are not safe for pregnant women
What instructions will you give tourists who would be traveling to malaria endemic places.
Take Chloroquine 1-2 weeks before travel to malaria- endemic place. Take weekly on the same day of the week while in the area and continue for 7 days after leaving such area.
Take Primaquine 1-2 weeks before travel to malaria- endemic place. Take daily at the same time each day and 7 days after leaving such area.
Take Artesunate 1-2 weeks before travel to malaria- endemic place. Take daily at the same time each day and 1 week after leaving such area.
Take Doxycycline 1-2 days before travel to malaria- endemic place. Take daily at the same time each day and 4 weeks after leaving such area.
Why do you want to be a doctor (insert residency program)?
Comments? Suggestion?
{"name":"Malaria", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on malaria, its pathophysiology, treatment options, and prevention strategies. This quiz is designed for medical students, healthcare professionals, and anyone interested in understanding more about this global health challenge.By participating, you will:Enhance your knowledge of malaria and its implications.Assess your understanding of antimalarial drugs and their effects.Prepare for real-life scenarios and patient care situations.","img":"https:/images/course2.png"}
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