CLUSTER 1 P6, EquipMainte, RadBio, RadPro, QA

A detailed illustration of radiation safety practices in a medical setting, featuring x-ray machines, protective shielding, and professionals wearing safety gear.

Radiation Safety Quiz

Test your knowledge on radiation safety and equipment with this comprehensive quiz designed for professionals and students alike. Dive into topics ranging from x-ray technology to radiation exposure effects.

Whether you're preparing for certification or looking to refresh your knowledge, this quiz covers essential concepts such as:

  • X-ray equipment
  • Radiation types and effects
  • Filtration and shielding
  • Patient safety
96 Questions24 MinutesCreated by RadiatingExpert241
1. Circuit devices that will conduct electrons in only one directions are 1.) resistors 2.) valve tubes 3.) solid-state diodes
1 only
2 and 3
1 and 2
2. 2. The function of a plumbicon and vidicon is to convert: Light to an electrical signal that is sent to the tv monitor
3. The advantage of beam restriction include 1.) less scattered radiation is produced 2.) less biologic material is irradiated 3.) less total filtration will be necessary
1 and 2
2 only
1 and 3
4. Which of the following is (are) possible long-term somatic effects of radiation exposure? 1.) Nausea and vomiting 2.) carcinogenesis 3.) Leukemia
2 only
1 and 3
2 and 3
1 only
.All of the following affect patient dose except;
Added filtration
Inherent filtration
Focal spot size
. If the exposure rate to an individual standing 2.0 m from a source of radiation is 15 R/min, what will be the dose received after 2 min at a distance of 5 m from the source?
Star test patterns are used to measure:
Focal spot size
Film screen
8.Patient dose during fluoroscopy is affected by the 1.) distance between the patient and the input phosphor 2.) amount of magnification 3.) tissue density
2 and 3
1 and 3
3 only
What minimum total amount of filtration (inherent plus added) is required in x-ray equipment operated above 70 kVp?
1.5 mm Al equivalent
2.5 mm Al equivalent
2.0 mm Al equivalent
1.0 mm Al equivalent
10. Which of the following devices is (are) component(s) of a typical fluoroscopic video display system? 1.) Videotape recorder 2.) Tv camera 3.) Tv monitor
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2 and 3
1 and 2
11. Which of the following information is necessary to determine the maximum safe kVp, using the appropriate x-ray tube rating chart ? 1.) mA and exposure time 2.) Focal spot size 3.) imaging-system speed
1 and 2
2 and 3
1 only
Beam filtration is least likely to be required in designing the shielding for an x-ray room?
. Together, the filtering effect of the x-ray tube’s glass envelope and its oil coolant are referred to as
Added filtration
Port filtration
Compensating filtration
Inherent filtration
14. Guidelines for the use protective shielding state that gonadal shielding should be used 1.) if the patient has reasonable reproductive potential 2.) when the gonads are within 5 cm of the collimated field. 3.) when tight collimation is not possible
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2 and 3
1 and 2
3 only
15. What safeguards are taken to prevent inadvertent irradiation in early pregnancy? 1.) Patient postings 2.) Patient questionnaire 3.) Elective booking
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1 and 3
2 and 3
16. Sources of secondary radiation include 1.) background radiation 2.) leakage radiation 3.) scattered radiation
2 and 3
1 and 3
1 and 2
In bone, at what photon energy are photoelectric and Compton effects approximately equal?
18. The presence of ionizing radiation may be detected in which of the following ways? 1.) ionizing effect on air 2.) Photographic effect on film emulsion 3) fluorescent effect on certain crystals
2 and 3
1 and 2
1 and 3
9. Which of the following combinations would pose the least hazard to a particular anode?
1.2-mm focal spot, 92 kVp, 1.5 mAs
0.6-mm focal spot, 80 kVp, 3 mAs
1.2-mm focal spot, 70 kVp, 6 mAs
0.6-mm focal spot, 60 kVp, 12 mAs
Several types of exposure timers may be found on x-ray equipment. Which of the following types of timers functions to accurately duplicate radiographic densities? (A) Synchronous (B) Impulse (C) Electronic (D) Phototimer
A. synchronous
B. impulse
C. Electronic
D. Phototimer
The reduction in the intensity of an x-ray beam as it passes through material is termed
The symbols 138 BA are examples of which of the following?
. A mobile C-arm unit can provide 1.Fluoroscopic images 2.Dynamic images 3.Static Images
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1 and 3
2 and 3
Immature cells are referred to as 1. Undifferentiated cells 2. Stem cells 3. Genetic cells
1 and 2
2 and 3
1 only
It is the process in which an unstable atomic nucleus loses its energy
Radioactive disintegration
Electron decay
Nuclear decay
Radioactive decay
Which electromagnetic energy is produced in the orbital shells?
. STATEMENT A: In compliance with radiation safety standards, the fluoroscopic switch must be the dead-man type, STATEMENT B: Primary radiation must be at least 5ft high
Both statements are correct
A is correct, B is incorrect
B is correct, A is incorrect
Both statements are wrong
If the exposure rate to a body standing 5ft from a radiation source is 10 mR/min, what will be the dose to that body at a distance of 8ft from the source?
25.6 mR/min
16 mR/min
3.9 mR/min
6.25 mR/min
Primary radiation barriers must be at least how high?
5 ft high
6 ft high
7 ft high
8 ft high
The photoelectric process is an interaction between an x-ray photon and An inner-shell electron
Which of the following are forms of energy?
The x-interaction with matter that is responsible for the majority of scattered radiation reaching the film is
For general radiography, the acceptable repeat rate should be less than:
The types of radiation produced at the target is (are) 1. Photoelectric 2. Characteristic 3. Bremsstrahlung
1 and 3
2 and 3
1 and 2
What is the relationship between kilovoltage (kv) and the half-value layer (HVL)
As kv increases, hvl increases
As kv increases, hvl decreases
Which of the following materials is most likely to be used for mammography filtration?
According to National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) regulations, leakage radiation from the x-ray tube must not exceed
100 mR/h.
105 mR/h.
90 mR/h.
110 mR/h.
The most effective protection against radiation exposure for the radiographer is:
Lead apron
Lead gloves
Lead glass
Irradiation of water molecules within the body, and their resulting breakdown, is termed Radiolysis
. Periodic equipment calibration includes testing of the: 1. Focal spot 2. mA 3.kV
1 only
2 and 3
1 and 2
Congruence of the x-ray beam with the light field is tested using
Pinhole camera
Radiopaque objects
Star pattern
Slit camera
The skin response to radiation exposure that appears as hair loss is known as
Moist dequamation
Dry dequamation
The mass number of a stable atom is equal to: 1. Sum of protons and neutrons 2. Sum of protons and electrons 3 .Sum of electrons and neutrons
1 only
2 only
1 and 2
During a fluoroscopic examination, the milliamperage is
Less than 5
less than 4
Decreased x-ray tube output can be attributed to: 1.A roughened focal track 2.Tungsten deposits on the glass envelope 3.Excessive anode rotation
2 and 3
1 and 3
1 and 2
What occurs when radiation transfers its energy to the cellular cytoplasm?
Cell death
Indirect effect
Direct effect
Some patients, such as infants and children, are unable to maintain the necessary radiographic position without assistance. If mechanical restraining devices cannot be used, which of the following should be requested or permitted to hold this patient?
Patient's father
Patient's mother
Student radiographer
The person responsible for ascertaining that all radiation guidelines are adhered to and that personnel understand and employ radiation safety measures is the
Radiation safety officer
Radiation oncologist
Radiation therapist
Chemical symbol for an element
Which type of target interaction is responsible for most of the x-rays in the diagnostic beam?
The largest dose to the male gonads is most likely to result from which of the following exposures?
Lateral thoracic spine
Oblique lumbar spine
Cross-table lateral hip
AP axial skull
Isotopes are atoms that have the same:
Atomic number and the same mass number
Atomic number but different mass number
number of neutron but different number of protons
Number of proton but different number of neutrons
The essential function of the photomultiplier tube is to
Provide a brighter fluoroscopic image.
Automatically restrict the field size.
Terminate the x-ray exposure once the image receptor is correctly
Automatically increase or decrease incoming line voltages.
Which of the following will occur as a result of a decrease in the anode target angle? 1. Less pronounced anode heel effect 2. Decreased effective focal spot size 3. Greater photon intensity toward the cathode side of the x-ray tube.
1 and 2
2 and 3
1 and 3
Exposures less than the minimum response time of an AEC may be required when 1. Using high mA 2. Using fast film/screen combinations 3. Examining large patients or body parts
2 only
2 and 3
1 and 2
The minimum response time of an automatic exposure control
High-speed systems for small body parts
Is its shortest possible exposure time.
Image quality standardization
All of the above
When a pair of intensifying screens are mounted inside a cassette, a thicker screen may be mounted
(A) inside the front of the cassette.
(B) inside the lid (rear) of the cassette.
(C) with a water-soluble paste.
(D) using a more pliable adhesive.
It is penetrating electromagnetic radiation arising from the radioactive decay of atomic nuclei
The annual dose limit for occupationally exposed individuals is valid for
A. alpha, beta and x-radiatrions
B. X and gamma radiations only
C. beta, x-, and gamma radiations.
D. All ionizing radiations
Diagnostic x-radiation may be correctly described as low energy, low LET.
In which of the following examinations would a cassette front with very low absorption properties be especially important?
Computed Tomography
Magnetic resonance imaging
Which of the following is likely to improve image quality and decrease patient dose? 1.Beam restriction 2.Low kV and high mAs factors 3.Grids
1 only
1 and 2
3 only
2 and 3
The voltage ripple associated with a 3-phase, 12-pulse rectified generator is about
A “controlled area” is defined as one 1.That is occupied by people trained in radiation safety. 2.That is occupied by people who wear radiation monitors. 3.Whose occupancy factor is 1.
3 only
1 and 2
2 and 3
Which of the following devices is used to control voltage by varying resistance?
High voltage transformer
Biologic material is most sensitive to irradiation under which of the following conditions?
The annual dose limit for medical imaging personnel includes radiation from 1. Medical x-rays 2. Occupational exposure 3.Background radiation
2 only
1 only
1 and 2
Which of the following occurs during Bremsstrahlung radiation production?
A. An electron makes a transition from an outer to an inner electron shell
B. An electron approaching a positive nuclear charge changes direction and loses energy.
C. A high-energy photon ejects and outer-shell electron
D. A low-energy photon ejects an inner-shell electron
Which of the following refers to the regular program of evaluation that ensures proper functioning of x-ray equipment, thereby protecting both patients and radiation workers?
A. Quality assurance
B. Quality control
C. Quality management
D. Both A. and B.
Changing x-ray tube current (mA) most likely changes the x-ray:
Maximum energy
Beam intensity
Average energy
Field of view
. Which of the following are radiation protection measures that are appropriate for mobile radiography? 1.The radiographer must be at least 6 ft from the patient and the x-ray tube during the exposure. 2.The radiographer must announce in a loud voice that an exposure is about to be made and wait for personnel, visitors, and patients to temporarily leave the area. 3.The radiographer must try to use the shortest practical
1 only
1 and 2
2 and 3
Which of the following are radiation protection measures that are appropriate for mobile radiography?
All of the following are associated with the anode except:
The line focus principle
The heel effect
The focal track
The thermionic emission
Which of the following statement(s) regarding transformer laws is (are) correct? 1. The voltage and current values are increased with a step-up transformer 2. The voltage is directly related to the number of turns in the two coils 3. The product of voltage and current in the two circuits must be equal
1 and 3
2 and 3
1 and 2
The device used to test the accuracy of the x-ray timer is the:
Spinning top
. Which of the following produces scatter radiation that exits the patient that may fog the image?
Compton interaction
Photoelectric interaction
Bremsstrahlung interaction
Background interaction
Which of the following is the most sensitive personnel monitoring device?
Pocket dosimeter
TLD dosimeter
OSL dosimeter
GM counter
Which of the following is the correct formula for determining heat units for a three-phase, twelve pulse x-ray machine?
KVp x mA x time
MA x kVp x mAs
-kVp x mAs x 1.35
MA x time x kVp x 1.41
According to NCRP Report #116, what is the annual effective dose limit for radiography students older than age 18?
50 mSv
40 mSv
60 mSv
30 mSv
All of the following x-ray circuit devices are located between the incoming power supply and the primary coil of the high voltage transformer except the:
The timer
Kilovoltage meter
Milliamperage meter
A manual spin top test on a single-phase radiographic room only demonstrates half the expected number of dots. What conclusion do you draw from this test?
Faulty AEC
Faulty timer
Faulty rectification
More than one but not all
The grid uniformity test should ensure that the grid
Is not producing artifacts
Is appropriate for portable radiography
Is aligned with the table top and x-ray beam
None of the above
A thermoluminescent dosimetry system would use which of the following crystals?
Silver bromide
Silver sulfite
Lithium fluoride
Aluminum oxide
Which of the following contributes most to patient dose?
Photoelectric effect
Compton Effect
. Which of the following units would be used to describe the radiation present in a fluoroscopic room?
A thermometer is needed to perform QC monitoring
Adding aluminum filters to an x-ray beam is most likely to increase x-ray:
Beam hardening
Leakage radiation
Maximum energy
Air-kerma area product
The beam photons leaving the typical x-ray tube focus may be described as having what sort of nature?
The dose-response curve that appears to be valid for genetic and some somatic effects is the 1. linear 2. sigmoidal 3. non-threshold
2 only
1 and 2
1 and 3
Which of the following is recommended for the pregnant radiologic technologist?
Change dosimeters weekly.
Wear a second dosimeter under the lead apron at the waist level.
3. Wear a second dosimeter over the lead apron at the waist level.
Wear two dosimeters and change the dosimeter position each week.
What is the symbol for tungsten?
Tungsten alloy is the usual choice for the anode target material of radiographic equipment because it 1. Has high atomic number 2. Has high melting point 3. Can readily dissipate heat
1 and 3
2 and 3
1 only
It is the energy required to remove an electron from an atom 1.Electron binding energy 2.Ionization 3.Ionization potential
2 and 3 only
3 only
1 and 2 only
The most radiosensitive cells in the body are:
Red blood cells
Epithelial cells
A three-phase timer can be tested for accuracy using a synchronous spinning top. The resulting image looks like a:
A. Series of dots or dashes, each representative of a radiation pulse
B. Solid arc, the angle (in degrees) representative of the exposure time
C. Series of gray tones, from white to black
D. Multitude of small mesh-like squares of uniform sharpness
Which of the following will serve to increase the effective energy of the x-ray beam? 1. Increase added filtration 2. Increase in kilovoltage 3. Increase in milliamperage
1 and 2
2 and 3
1 only
{"name":"CLUSTER 1 P6, EquipMainte, RadBio, RadPro, QA", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on radiation safety and equipment with this comprehensive quiz designed for professionals and students alike. Dive into topics ranging from x-ray technology to radiation exposure effects.Whether you're preparing for certification or looking to refresh your knowledge, this quiz covers essential concepts such as:X-ray equipmentRadiation types and effectsFiltration and shieldingPatient safety","img":"https:/images/course4.png"}
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