Cluster 1 physics part 3

Create an informative and visually engaging illustration depicting radiation safety and patient exposure concepts in a medical setting, with symbols of radiation shielding and patient care.

Radiation Safety and Patient Exposure Quiz

Test your knowledge on important concepts in radiation safety and patient exposure! This quiz covers various topics including patient protection, radiation effects, and measurement units.

Whether you are a student or a professional in the field, this quiz is designed to challenge you and enhance your understanding.

  • Designed for medical professionals
  • Focus on patient safety
  • In-depth questions about radiation exposure
101 Questions25 MinutesCreated by ProtectingLight42
Which of the following have a major impact on patient exposure dose? 1. Film/screen combination 2. Filtration 3. Beam restriction
1 & 2 only
1 & 3 only
2 & 3 only
1, 2, & 3
What is the carcinogenic property of radiation?
Ability to cause genetic mutations
Probability to cell death
Ability to destroy cancer
Ability to produce cancer
Which of the following conditions should be considered when determining when to use gonad shielding? 1. Potential reproductive ability of patient 2. Reduction of primary beam field size 3. Area of diagnostic interest
1 & 2 only
1 & 3 only
2 & 3 only
1, 2, & 3
What term is used to describe ulceration, necrosis, and loss of skin cells due to radiation exposure? 1. Desquamation 2. Erythema 3. Epilation
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3 only
1 , 2, & 3
Why is free radical formation in the human body so dangerous?
Scattered radiation is produced within the body
All radiation shielding is penetrated
Carcinogenic tendencies have been proven
Toxic effects have been observed
Which of the following structures would receive the greatest radiation exposure from a PA abdomen?
Which factors determine the shielding ability of a material? 1. Atomic number 2. Thickness 3. Density
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1 & 3 only
2 & 3 only
1, 2, & 3
Which of the following is suspected of being the prime target of the target theory of cell damage?
Endoplasmic reticulum
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
Nuclear membrane
What is meant by an indirect effect of ionizing radiation?
A genetic effect is produced
Ionizations in one location may produce effects at a distant location
An organism other than the one irradiated may be effected
Potentially lethal metabolic disfunction is produced
What is the unit/s of measurement for LET?
Which of the following types of radiation shields is appropriate for use in protecting the lens of the eye? 1. Contact 2. Shadow 3. Inherent
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3 only
1, 2, & 3
Which projection affords the greatest protection to the kidney?
Left lateral abdomen
Right lateral abdomen
PA abdomen
AP abdomen
Which of the following types of patients is most radiosensitive?
Which of the following beam restriction devices provides the greatest patient protection when using edge-to-edge coverage of a square film?
Circular aperture diaphragm
Which intensifying screen factors reduces patient exposure dose? 1. Thicker phosphor layer 2. More efficient photon absorption 3. Higher conversion efficiency
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1, 2, & 3
During attenuation of the x-ray beam in the patient, which range of photon energies contributes to the highest patient dose within the first few centimeters of tissue 1. High-energy 2. Moderate-energy 3. Low-energy
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3 only
1, 2, & 3
Which of the following technical factors would result in the lowest patient exposure dose?
120 kVp, 3 mAs, 200 relative film/screen speed
120 kVp, 1.5 mAs, 400 relative film/screen speed
102 kVp, 6 mAs, 200 relative film/screen speed
102 kVp, 3 mAs, 400 relative film/screen speed
Which conditions would make a tissue relatively radioresistant?
Capillary dilation
Increased metabolic rate
Which grid factors are related to a reduction of patient exposure dose? 1. Ratio 2. Frequency 3. Type (focused or linear)
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2 & 3 only
1, 2, & 3
Which of the following are related to patient exposure dose? 1. Film speed 2. Intensifying screen speed 3. Focal spot size
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1 & 3 only
2 & 3 only
1, 2, & 3
Which of the following would penetrate most into tissue?
Alpha particles
What is the approximate dose required to produce permanent female sterility?
2 to 3 Gy
5 to 6 Gy
8 to 10 Gy
18 to 20 Gy
What is the primary indication of genetic effects of radiation?
Demonstration of immediate effects
Delayed effects
Not readily discernible
Readily discernible
Which of the following technical factors would result in the lowest patient exposure dose
80 kVp, 6 mAs, 400 relative film/screen speed
80 kVp, 12 mAs, 200 relative film/screen speed
92 kVp, 3 mAs, 400 relative film/screen speed
92 kVp, 6 mAs, 200 relative film/screen speed
If 5.2 Gy produce a particular radiobiological response in a mouse with 250 kVp x-rays and it requires 4.0 Gy to produce the same effect with neutrons, what is the RBE of the neutrons?
What term describes the fraction of time that a radiation beam is directed at a specific barrier?
Workload factor
Attenuation factor
Use factor
Occupancy factor
A radiographer receives a dose of 200 mR/wk at 100cm; in order to reduce the dose to less than 25 mR/wk, to what distance should the person move?
25 cm
50 cm
200 cm
400 cm
What is the total effective dose equivalent limit recommendation for the embryo-fetus once the pregnancy of an occupational worker has been diagnosed?
0.5 mSv
5 mSv
50 mSv
500 mSv
What is the annual effective dose equivalent limit recommendation for whole body exposure of occupational workers?
0.05 rem
0.5 rem
5 rem
50 rem
Which of the following are requirements for diagnostic radiography? 1. Only persons whose presence is necessary shall be in the radiographic room during exposure 2. The radiographer shall not hold a patient during exposure 3. The radiographer shall stand behind the barrier provided for protection during exposure
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1 & 3 only
1, 2, & 3
Which of the following affect the average photon energy, thus affecting patient exposure dose? 1. kVp 2. mA 3. Generator phase
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1 & 3 only
2 & 3 only
1, 2, & 3
What term describes the electron that is ejected from an atom during a Compton interaction?
Characteristic electron
Recoil electron
Incident electron
What type of barrier is designed to shield areas from scattered radiation?
Lead equivalent
Which interaction includes an annihilation reaction?
Photoelectric effect
Coherent (classical) scatter
Compton effect
Pair production
Which interaction is most likely to occur with photons below 40 keV in bone tissue?
Coherent (classical) scatter
Compton effect
Pair production
Which of the following rules applies when patients are being held during exposure? 1. Appropriate shielding devices such as gloves and an apron must be worn 2. No part of the holder’s body can be struck by the useful primary beam 3. The holder’s body must be as far as possible from the edge of the primary beam
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1, 2, & 3
Which demonstrates that distance is the best radiation protection?
Law of Bergonie and Tribondeau
Inverse square law
Power formula
Grid conversion formula
Which of the following types of radiation are secondary barriers not designed to protect against? 1. Primary 2. Secondary 3. Exit
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1 & 3 only
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2 & 3 only
Which of the following is a monitoring device that records exposure to radiation by recording a silver-halide-based latent image?
Pocket ionization chamber
Digital dosimeter
Film badge
Thermoluminescent dosimeter
Which of the following can be used as personnel monitoring devices? 1. Thermoluminescent dosimeter 2. Film badge 3. Digital dosimeter
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1, 2, & 3
Which of the following can be used to indicate exposure rate? 1. R/min 2. mrem/hr 3. Sv/hr
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1 & 3 only
2 & 3 only
1, 2, & 3
Which of the following is a device used for measuring the quantity of ionizing radiation?
Which of the following symbols represents radiation exposure as measured in air?
What is the rad to rem conversion factor
Which personnel monitoring system is the most accurate? 1. Pocket ionization chamber 2. Film badge 3. Thermoluminescent dosimeter
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3 only
1, 2, & 3
If the intensity of the radiation beam at 40” is 1.1 R, what will be its intensity at 72”?
340 mR
611 mR
1980 mR
3564 mR
What is the function of a control film badge?
It measures the maximum exposure for a series of film badges
It measures the average exposure for a series of film badges
It measures the base-plus-fog level for a series of film badges
It limits fog exposure for a series of film badge
Which of the following personnel monitors must be read daily? 1. Thermoluminescent dosimeter 2. Film badge 3. Pocket ionization chamber
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3 only
1, 2, and 3
Which of the following personnel must wear a radiation monitor? 1. Radiology department file room clerk 2. Radiographer 3. Administrative technologist
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1 & 3 only
2 & 3 only
1, 2, and 3
Which of the radiation units is/are used to report personnel monitoring exposure to occupational workers? 1. sieverts 2. Coulombs per kilogram 3. grays
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3 only
1, 2, & 3
Which of the following interactions between x-rays and matter result in the production of the most scattered radiation from which occupational exposure occurs? 1. Photoelectric effect 2. Coherent scatter 3. Compton effect
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3 only
1, 2, & 3
When is it appropriate to wear a personnel monitoring device? 1. While assisting with a fluoroscopic procedure 2. During a personal dental examination 3. While having a personal chest radiograph done
3 only
1 only
2 only
1, 2, & 3
Which of the following best adheres to the ALARA concept?
Convincing patients not to have procedures
Using high kVp and low mAs exposure factors
Using high ratio and frequency grids
Developing films longer
For what type of protection are secondary barriers designed?
High-energy primary beam
Filtered primary beam
Low-energy scattered radiation
Neutron emissions
If a pocket dosimeter indicates that a radiographer received a dose of 22 mrem for a single cardiac catherization procedure when the average distance from the patient was 12”, what would the approximate dose have been if the radiographer had been able to maintain an average distance of 3’?
2.4 mrem
5.5 mrem
22 mrem
352 mrem
What is the primary requirement for the production of x-rays?
High-speed photons from a tungsten filament
High-speed electrons striking a target
Electrons moving at high speed along wire
Massive resistance to current flow
What material within the x-ray tube is most likely to cause tube failure by vaporizing and forming a layer on the inside of the tube envelope?
Which of the following radiographic units will produce the greatest effective tube current when identical exposure factors are used?
Single-phase, half-wave
Single-phase, full-wave
Three-phase, six-pulse
Three-phase, twelve-pulse
What is the most probable cause of a loud grinding noise emitting from the housing of a rotating anode x-ray tube?
Tube arcing
Improperly seated guide shoes
Damaged rotor bearings
Insufficient insulating oil
What effect does a large-diameter conductor have on resistance?
Alternately increase and decrease
It has no effect
Which of the following factors are included in Ohm’s Law? 1. Resistance 2. Capacitance 3. Current
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1, 2, & 3
What is the normal rotational speed of a diagnostic x-ray tube rotating anode that is not equipped for high-speed rotation?
20,000 to 30,000 rpm
10,000 to 12,000 rpm
2,000 to 3,000 rpm
D. 100 to 200 rpm
What is the maximum voltage across an x-ray tube during an exposure of 80 kVp with a three-phase, six-pulse generator?
80,000 volts
77,600 volts
108 kilovolts
80 volts
Which of the magnetic classifications most strongly repels magnetic fields?
Which of the following are correct differences between series and parallel circuits? 1. Resistances are added in a series circuit 2. Amperage is added in a parallel circuit 3. Voltage is added in a series circuit
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1, 2, & 3
What term is used to describe the process where an atom gains or losses an electron?
How many heat units are generated by a single-phase generator operating at 75 kVp, 100 mA, for 0.4 seconds?
Which of the following are functions of the oil that surrounds the x-ray tube? 1. Heat dissipation 2. Shock prevention 3. Primary beam filtration
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1, 2, & 3
What is the primary effect observed if a conductor is moved through magnetic lines of force? 1. Magnetic fields strength is increased 2. Electricity is generated 3. X-rays are created
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3 only
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Where in the basic x-ray circuit is the autotransformer located?
Between incoming line and exposure switch
In filament circuit between incoming line and step-down transformer
Between exposure switch and step-up transformer
Separate circuit to stator of anode motor
Which of the following is/are step-up transformer/s? 1. 10,000 turns on primary coil, 4,000 turns on secondary coil 2. 20,000 turns on primary coil, 40,000 turns on secondary coil 3. 1,000 turns on primary coil, 400 turns on secondary coil
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If a transformer receives 80 volts into 10,000 turns on the primary coil and the secondary coil has 100 turns, what is the voltage in the secondary coil?
0.00008 volts
0.8 volts
1.3 volts
1.3 kilovolts
What term describes the phenomena where the intensity of primary beam radiation is slightly greater at the cathode end of the x-ray tube?
Line-focus principle
Anode-heel effect
Lenz’s Law
The fractionation effect
Which types of magnets can be turned on and off at will?
Superconducting magnet
Which of the following charts assist in avoiding damage to x- ray tubes? 1. Housing cooling 2. Anode cooling 3. Cable heating
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1, 2, & 3
Which of the following is the difference between an ordinary and a grid-biased x-ray tube?
Higher kVp settings are available to penetrate high ratio grids
High kilowattage ratings are possible to avoid biasing the anode grid
A third wire is added to the cathode assembly to change the charge on the focusing cup
The stator windings are grid-biased to permit them to rapidly slow a high speed anode disk
Which of the following will prolong x-ray tube life? 1. Using lower mA stations 2. Pressing the exposure switch before the rotor when possible 3. Warming up the tube before first use
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Which terms are used to describe the area of the anode that is struck by the high-speed electrons from the cathode filament? 1. Focal point 2. Focal spot 3. Target
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1, 2, & 3
At what temperature does an x-ray tube filament exhibit significant thermionic emission?
Which of the following are located in the filament circuit? 1. Exposure switch 2. Step-down transformer 3. Amperage control
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2 & 3 only
1, 2, & 3
Which of the following is another term for a generator?
Why is a charger applied to the focusing cup?
It increases the repulsion of electrons, thus producing higher-energy x-ray photons
It repels electrons from the focusing cup, focusing them into a narrow beam
It attracts electrons to the focusing cup, eliminating leakage radiation
It pulses electrons, reducing voltage ripple
Which type of x-ray generator configuration permits the mA to decrease as the tube load increases?
Single-phase, two-pulse
Three-phase, six-pulse
Falling load
Capacitor discharge
What device is designed to vary the x-ray tube circuit current prior to the high-voltage, step-up transformer?
Primary step-up transformer
Filament step-down transformer
Rectification circuit
Which of the following is capable of measuring both voltage and amperage in a DC circuit?
What is the primary effect observed if the strength of magnetic lines of force is varied through a stationary conductor? 1. Magnetic field strength is increased 2. Electricity is generated 3. X-rays are created
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3 only
1, 2, & 3
What will be the expected output in mR/mAs if the x-ray unit emits 5 mR in a 10 mAs setting?
The most likely characteristics x-ray energy (keV)used for chest radiography is:
Which will be the average photon energy (keV) produced by a 100 kVp x-ray machine?
The invisible image is composed of:
Sodium carbonate crystals
Metallic silver grains
Hydroquinone and elon
Potassium bromide crystals
What is electrostatics?
It concerns resting electric charges
It is the conversion of kinetic energy
It is a movement of electric charges in a conductor
It is the study of photon radiation
Which best describes when electrons move in a copper wire?
Ionization occurs
Electron move down the middle of the wire
The condition is called electrostatics
Resistance to electron flow exist
There is a 10% reject films out of 2,000 films in the department. However, 2% of this reject films is caused by darkroom related errors. How many films are caused by darkroom related errors?
Which is NOT a known type of transformer?
Shell type
Closed core
High voltage transformer
The Roentgen is a unit of measure that specifies this property.
Intensity of x-ray
Quality of x-ray
Absorption of x-ray
Attenuation of x-ray
Which is higher for a single phase high voltage generator than for a 3 phase high voltage generator?
Voltage ripple
X-ray quality
Purchase price
Adequate film drying is necessary to __.
Ensure collimation
Complete fixation
Strengthen the base
Complete development
Which is the BEST method to use for reducing radiation doses for a radiographic procedure?
Time, distance, shielding
A pregnant patient with low back pain is scheduled for lumbo sacral x-ray examination. As she is pregnant, she asked the radiographer if this will affect her pregnancy. What will be the FIRST thing the radiographer does?
Seek advice from the radiologist before proceeding
Refuse to do the x-ray examination
Ignore the patient and do the procedure
Use a high kV technique and gonadal shield
In the rule of thumb, what is the effect in the mAs of increasing the kVp by 15%?
The TVL of a diagnostic x-ray energy:
Independent of voltage supply
The depth at which maximum x-ray energy has fallen to one tenth
Greater on materials with high Z
The depth which beam intensity has fallen to one tenth
{"name":"Cluster 1 physics part 3", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on important concepts in radiation safety and patient exposure! This quiz covers various topics including patient protection, radiation effects, and measurement units.Whether you are a student or a professional in the field, this quiz is designed to challenge you and enhance your understanding.Designed for medical professionalsFocus on patient safetyIn-depth questions about radiation exposure","img":"https:/images/course6.png"}
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