When the hurricane hit, there was a _________ in wind speed.
A) reach
B) rise
C) drop
D) cover
The weather forecaster warned people to be _________ during the storm.
A) decreased
B) careful
C) almost
D) reached
Lightning _________ the tree during the thunderstorm.
A) struck
B) decreased
C) dropped
D) reached
The city _________ new measures to prepare for flooding.
A) believed
B) implemented
C) lasted
D) decreased
The hurricane _________ significant damage before moving offshore.
A) caused
B) believed
C) carefully
D) reached
The drought _________ several months, ruining crops.
A) lasted
B) dropped
C) believed
D) implemented
Officials _________ citizens to prepare emergency kits.
A) shocked
B) urged
C) lasted
D) decreased
We should _________ our natural resources like forests and wildlife.
A) look after
B) cut down on
C) harm
D) prefer
Deforestation can _________ the local climate and environment.
A) save
B) change
C) look after
D) implement
More people are getting _________ about climate change.
A) interested
B) worried
C) maximum
D) usual
We should _________ carbon emissions to slow global warming.
A) increase
B) invoke
C) save
D) decrease
Humans are _________ many animal species through deforestation.
A) saving
B) endangering
C) implementing
D) dropping
Cutting down rainforests _________ natural habitats for wildlife.
A) increases
B) destroys
C) saves
D) prefers
Deforestation _________ when trees are cleared for farmland.
A) occurs
B) implements
C) saves
D) shocks
We should _________ on fossil fuels to reduce carbon emissions.
A) rely
B) implement
C) save
D) cut down
The snowstorm is _________ to cause dangerous road conditions.
A) going
B) goes
C) will
D) is
I'm _________ my scarf and mittens to stay warm.
A) wear
B) wearing
C) wears
D) worn
It's ____________ in here; could you open a window?
a) cooler
B) hot
c) warmest
d) cold
She enjoys ____________ in the winter.
a) skiing
b) to ski
c) skis
d) ski
They promised ____________ with the project.
A) to help
b) help
C) helping
d) helped
He agreed ____________ us at the restaurant.
a) meet
B) meeting
c) to meet
D) met
I think it ____________ rain later, so bring an umbrella.
a) won't
b) is going to
c) would
d) have
Alaska is ____________ state in the United States.
a) the colder
b) colder
C) the coldest
d) cold
Summer is ____________ than winter.
a) the hotter
b) hotter
C) the hottest
D) hot
This coffee is ____________ I've ever tasted.
a) hot
b) the hotter
c) hotter
D) the hottest
He was late for work ____________ his car wouldn't start.
a) but
b) so
C) because
D) therefore
The road was slippery, ____________ many accidents occurred.
a) but
B) and
c) because
D) so
The ____________ of the oven is set to 350 degrees.
a) warmth
b) hot
c) temperature
d) cold
_________ the snowstorm, schools closed for the day.
A) Due to
B) Despite
C) Furthermore
D) Likewise
This is the _________ winter we've had in years.
A) cold
B) colder
C) coldest
D) more cold
{"name":"UNLOCK 2 UNIT 4 QUIZ 1 MAGDI ALSAYED", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"When the hurricane hit, there was a _________ in wind speed., The weather forecaster warned people to be _________ during the storm., Lightning _________ the tree during the thunderstorm.","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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