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New submissions in astro-ph on Mon, 22 Jun 20
[2006.10752] Kaili Cao, David J. Barnes, Mark Vogelsberger: Studying galaxy cluster morphological metrics with Mock-X
[2006.10753] R. J. Ivison, A. D. Biggs, M. Bremer et al.: ALMA unveils wider environment of distant red protocluster core
[2006.10756] Eric R. Moseley, B. T. Draine, Kengo Tomida et al.: Turbulent dissipation, CH$^+$ abundance, H$_2$ line luminosities, and polarization in the cold neutral medium
[2006.10757] Desika Narayanan, Matthew J. Turk, Thomas Robitaille et al.: Powderday: Dust Radiative Transfer for Galaxy Simulations
[2006.10759] T. Ruiz-Lara, C. Gallart, M. Monelli et al.: The Large Magellanic Cloud stellar content with SMASH: I. Assessing the stability of the Magellanic spiral arms
[2006.10760] Samson A. Johnson, Matthew T. Penny, B. Scott Gaudi et al.: Predictions of the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope Galactic Exoplanet Survey II: Free-Floating Planet Detection Rates
[2006.10761] Anna Y. Q. Ho, Daniel A. Perley, Paz Beniamini et al.: ZTF20aajnksq (AT2020blt): A Fast Optical Transient at $z \approx 2.9$ With No Detected Gamma-Ray Burst Counterpart
[2006.10763] Ting S. Li, Sergey E. Koposov, Denis Erkal et al.: Broken into Pieces: ATLAS and Aliqa Uma as One Single Stream
[2006.10764] Cecilia Bacchini, Filippo Fraternali, Giuliano Iorio et al.: Evidence for supernova feedback sustaining gas turbulence in nearby star-forming galaxies
[2006.10765] Dana R. Louie, Norio Narita, Akihiko Fukui et al.: Simulations Predicting the Ability of Multi-Color Simultaneous Photometry to Distinguish TESS Candidate Exoplanets from False Positives
[2006.10768] Bethan L. James, Nimisha Kumari, Andrew Emerick et al.: Exploring Chemical Homogeneity in Dwarf Galaxies: A VLT-MUSE study of JKB 18
[2006.10770] J. Bodensteiner, T. Shenar, L. Mahy et al.: Is HR 6819 a triple system containing a black hole? -- An alternative explanation
[2006.10771] Kyle Kremer, Mario Spera, Devin Becker et al.: Populating the upper black hole mass gap through stellar collisions in dense star clusters
[2006.10775] M. Heyer, J. D. Soler, B. Burkhart: The relative orientation between the magnetic field and gradients of surface brightness within thin velocity slices of 12CO and 13CO emission from the Taurus mol...
[2006.10777] Andrej Dvornik, Henk Hoekstra, Konrad Kuijken et al.: KiDS+GAMA: The weak lensing calibrated stellar-to-halo mass relation of central and satellite galaxies
[2006.10778] Pierre Burger, Peter Schneider, Vasiliy Demchenko et al.: An adapted filter function for density split statistics in weak lensing
[2006.10781] Giulia Capurri, Nicola Bartolo, Davide Maino et al.: Let Effective Field Theory of Inflation flow: stochastic generation of models with red/blue tensor tilt
[2006.10784] Stefan Kraus, Jean-Baptiste LeBouquin, Alexander Kreplin et al.: Spin-orbit alignment of the $β$ Pictoris planetary system
[2006.10794] Brian E. Wood, Samuel Tun-Beltran, Jason E. Kooi et al.: Inferences About the Magnetic Field Structure of a CME with Both In Situ and Faraday Rotation Constraints
[2006.10806] David J. Wilson, J. J. Hermes, Boris T. Gaensicke: Optical detection of the 1.1-day variability at the white dwarf GD 394 with TESS
[2006.10809] Deovrat Prasad, G. Mark Voit, Brian W. O'shea et al.: Environmental Dependence of Self-Regulating Black-hole Feedback in Massive Galaxies
[2006.10813] Alexandra V. Shelest, Federico Lelli: From spirals to lenticulars: evidence from the rotation curves and mass models of three early-type galaxies
[2006.10832] Huazhi Ge, Cheng Li, Xi Zhang et al.: A Global Non-Hydrostatic Atmospheric Model with a Mass and Energy Conserving Vertically-Implicit-Correction (VIC) Scheme
[2006.10857] Samuel Brieden, Héctor Gil-Marín, Licia Verde et al.: Blind Observers of the Sky
[2006.10862] B. J. Anthony-Twarog, C. P. Deliyannis, B. A. Twarog: WIYN Open Cluster Study LXXXI. Caught in the Act? The Peculiar Red Giant NGC 2243-W2135
[2006.10868] Aldo Serenelli, Achim Weiss, Conny Aerts et al.: Weighing stars from birth to death: mass determination methods across the HRD
[2006.10896] Jordan K. Steckloff, Jason M. Soderblom, Kendra K. Farnsworth et al.: Stratification Dynamics of Titan's Lakes via Methane Evaporation
[2006.10902] Brent Belland, James Gunn, Dan Reiley et al.: Focal ratio degradation for fiber positioner operation in astronomical spectrographs
[2006.10934] David Bogensberger, Gabriele Ponti, Chichuan Jin et al.: An underlying clock in the extreme flip-flop state transitions of the black hole transient Swift J1658.2-4242
[2006.10939] Silvia Maria Giuliatti Winter, Gustavo Madeira, Rafael Sfair: Neptune's ring arcs confined by coorbital satellites: dust orbital evolution through solar radiation
[2006.10998] S.A. Korotin, S.M. Andrievsky, E. Caffau et al.: Study of the departures from LTE in the unevolved stars infra-red spectra
[2006.11019] Guilherme Brando, Kazuya Koyama, David Wands: Relativistic Corrections to the Growth of Structure in Modified Gravity
[2006.11049] Katarzyna Rusinek, Marek Sikora, Dorota Kozieł-Wierzbowska et al.: On the diversity of the jet production efficiency in Swift/BAT AGNs
[2006.11051] Takashi Yoshizaki, William F. McDonough: Earth and Mars -- distinct inner Solar System products
[2006.11058] René Kiefer, Anne-Marie Broomhall: Empirical Relations for the Sensitivities of Solar-like Oscillations to Magnetic Perturbations
[2006.11072] Albert Wai Kit Lau, Ayan Mitra, Mehdi Shafiee et al.: Constraining HeII Reionization Detection Uncertainties via Fast Radio Bursts
[2006.11089] E. Daddi, F. Valentino, R. M. Rich et al.: Three Lyman-alpha emitting filaments converging to a massive galaxy group at z=2.91: a case for cold gas infall
[2006.11092] R.C. Laithwaite, S.J. Warren: The absolute magnitudes $M_J$, the binary fraction, and the binary mass ratios of M7 to M9.5 dwarfs
[2006.11101] Maria Lugaro, Borbála Cseh, Blanka Világos et al.: Origin of large meteoritic SiC stardust grains in metal-rich AGB stars
[2006.11111] Andreas Burkert: Fuzzy Dark Matter and Dark Matter Halo Cores
[2006.11121] A. Choplin, N. Tominaga, B. S. Meyer: A strong neutron burst in jet-like supernovae of spinstars
[2006.11127] Mihwa Jin, Robin T. Garrod: Formation of Complex Organic Molecules in Cold Interstellar Environments through non-diffusive grain-surface and ice-mantle chemistry
[2006.11157] B. A. Twarog, B. J. Anthony-Twarog, C. P. Deliyannis et al.: Intermediate-to-Low Mass Stars in Open Clusters and the Evolution of Li
[2006.11160] Romain Fétick, Laurent Mugnier, Thierry Fusco et al.: Blind deconvolution in astronomy with adaptive optics: the parametric marginal approach
[2006.11172] Karsten Jedamzik: Primordial Black Hole Dark Matter and the LIGO/Virgo observations
[2006.11177] G. Principe, A.M.W. Mitchell, S. Caroff et al.: Energy dependent morphology of the pulsar wind nebula HESS J1825-137 with Fermi-LAT
[2006.11179] Jari J. E. Kajava, Margherita Giustini, Richard D. Saxton et al.: Rapid late-time X-ray brightening of the tidal disruption event OGLE16aaa
[2006.11180] Gudmundur Stefansson, Ravi Kopparapu, Andrea Lin et al.: A Mini-Neptune and a Venus-Zone Planet in the Radius Valley Orbiting the Nearby M2-dwarf TOI-1266: Validation with the Habitable-zone Planet...
[2006.11215] Giacomo Venturi, Alessandro Marconi: The physical properties and impact of AGN outflows from high to low redshift
[2006.11229] Gaia Fabj, Syeda S. Nasim, Freddy Caban et al.: Aligning Nuclear Cluster Orbits with an Active Galactic Nucleus Accretion Disk
[2006.11235] Mikhail M. Ivanov, Evan McDonough, J. Colin Hill et al.: Constraining Early Dark Energy with Large-Scale Structure
[2006.11276] Yadira Gaibor, Peter Garnavich, Colin Littlefield et al.: An Improved Spin-Down Rate for the Proposed White-Dwarf Pulsar AR Scorpii
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in astro-ph on Mon, 22 Jun 20","img":""}
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