How Much Do You Know About Hillary Clinton's Scandals?

What is Hillary's legal full name?
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Hillary Diane Clinton
Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton
When was the first time Hillary legally changed her last name?
When she married Bill Clinton.
After Bill lost re-election for Governor.
When she became first lady.
When she ran for Senate.
Which of these women did not accuse Bill of sexual assault or rape?
Gennifer Flowers
Paula Jones
Monica Lewinsky
Juanita Broaddrick
Kathleen Willey
Which scandal was Hillary's "stayed home and baked cookies" line, a response to?
Rose Law Firm
Bill's Co-presidency Advertising: 2 for the price 1
Which of these are related specifically to the "Travelgate" scandal?
Hillary fired White House travel staff that had served under 7 previous presidents on both sides.
Bill got a hair cut on Air Force One.
Bill groped a female Air Force enlisted member while aboard Air Force One.
Bill fondles an Air Force One stewardess .
Bill takes the most expensive overseas trip ever taken by a president, costing US taxpayers $50 million.
Hillary had the FBI investigate Billy Dale, the head of the travel office, ruining his career who was found to do nothing wrong.
Which of these are related specifically to the "Chinagate" scandal?
Clinton-Gore campaign in 1996 allegedly took bribes from Chinese banks.
The Chinese embassy in D.C. Helped siphon funds into the DNC.
Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown, reportedly sold seats on department trade missions to China at Hillary's instruction.
Clinton passed legislation in 1996 to put a tariff on Chinese imports.
Which of these are related specifically to the "Whitewater" scandal?
Improper campaign contributions.
Political and financial favors.
Tax benefits for associates.
Methane gas found in the water in Arkansas when Bill was Governor
How many deportations total (including removals and returns) occurred during the Clinton Administration?
Over 12 Million
Over 9 Million
Over 6 Million
Over 3 Million
Over 1 Million
After stealing furniture from the White House, how much were the Clintons forced to pay back?
What is Hillary's alleged connection to Bill's sexual crimes?
She ignores it and looks the other way.
She intimidates the victims into staying silent.
She joins Bill in taking sexual advantage of women.
What vandalism and pranks occurred in the White House during the transition from Clinton to Bush?
Theft of a presidential seal.
Computer keyboards with damaged or missing “W” keys.
Glue smeared on desks.
Broken furniture.
Graffiti in a men’s restroom stall that disparaged Bush.
Missing doorknobs.
Missing office signs.
The Clintons were proven to have sold which of these taxpayer-financed government goods and services in exchange for political campaign contributions and personal profit?
Seats on overseas trade missions
Export licenses for high technology sales to communist China and elsewhere.
Commissionerships and judgeships
Rides on Air Force One
Overnight stays in the White House’s Lincoln Bedroom
Graves at Arlington Cemetery
Meetings with key Clinton-Gore administration leaders
Road and Bridge Closures
Which of these are related specifically to the "Filegate" scandal?
Clintons illegally obtained FBI files on perceived adversaries
Clintons illegally obtained and released personal files and papers to discredit the women accusing Bill of sexual harassment and worse.
Which news network exposed Clinton's "landing under fire in Bosnia" lie since they accompanied her at the time?
ABC News
CBS News
Fox News
Which of these criminals were pardoned by Bill Clinton in the "Pardongate" scandal (including Hillary's brothers taking money from criminals for pardons by Bill)?
Marc Rich, FBI’s Most Wanted List for fraud, racketeering, trading with Iran during the U.S. Embassy hostage crisis and evading more than $48 million in income taxes.
Almon Glenn Braswell, convicted mail fraud and perjury (later money laundering and tax evasion).
11 members of FALN, a terrorist group that had planted 36 bombs in Chicago.
Edgar and Vonna Jo Gregory, convicted of bank fraud.
Susan McDougal, convicted of contempt charges for refusing to testify about Clinton's role in the Whitewater scandal.
Dan Rostenkowski, convicted for his role in the Congressional Post Office scandal.
Roger Clinton (Bill's half-brother), drug charges.
Joseph Occhipinti, Federal drug agent convicted of violation of civil rights, perjury and depravation of rights.
Charles Winters, Posthumous pardon for smuggling three B-17 Flying Fortress heavy bombers to Israel in the late 1940s
James Bernard Banks, of Liberty, Utah, sentenced to two years of probation in 1972 for illegal possession of government property.
What is proven true in regards to Hillary's involvement with Benghazi?
Hillary reduced security in Libya despite requests for additional security.
Hillary signed waivers that allowed the facility to be legally occupied, despite that it did not meet the minimum official security standards set by the State Department.
Hillary knew while the attack was under way, that it was being carried out by terrorists.
Hillary falsely blamed the attack on “rage and violence over an awful Internet video” when she spoke at a ceremony at Andrews Air Force Base on Sept. 14, 2012, as the remains of the four Americans were returned to the U.S.
Hillary was asleep when the phone rang at 3 A.M.
Why was Hillary fired from the staff of the House Judiciary committee investigating the Watergate scandal in 1974 (by a lifelong Democratic Supervisor)?
She lied about drafting and advocating new rules of procedure for the impeachment inquiry without permission.
She advocated denying President Nixon representation by counsel.
She removed Supreme Court Justice files without permission; making them inaccessible to the public.
She advocated against denying President Nixon representation by counsel.
Hillary, as Senator, voted for and supported legislation to add more fencing along the southern (US-Mexico) border.
Which of these is proven true in regards to Hillary's 1975 Rape Case and 1980 Voice Recording regarding it?
The rapist “wanted a woman lawyer” to defend him and the case was recommended for Hillary by a friend of hers.
The 12 yr old victim lost her virginity in the rape and was hospitalized as a result.
When the rapist passed his polygraph test, Hillary said it "forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs" and laughed.
Hillary used victim-shaming as a defense technique against the 12yr old victim, which the little girl denied.
Hillary gave a written appeal to be taken off the case at the time.
Hillary believed her client was innocent.
Clinton has factually received donations from employees of oil and gas companies.
Hillary supported the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996, and consistently advocated against gay marriage in 2002, 2008 and 2012 until finally changing her position in 2013.
In 2002, Hillary voted against the war in Iraq as Senator.
Hillary hired Debbie Wasserman Schultz to her campaign after Schultz was fired from the DNC for colluding against Bernie Sanders.
Hillary's top aide from the State Department, Huma Abedin, also works for the Clinton Foundation - which is a conflict of interest.
How many states have accused Clinton, her staff and/or the DNC of election fraud?
Which of these voter fraud accusations have been made against Hillary and/or the DNC this year?
Targeted Voter Suppression
Registration Tampering
Illegal Voter Purging
Hackable Machines & Exit Polling Discrepancies
Caucus Irregularities
Pledged Delegates Lost
How much money has the Clinton campaigned received from the Soros Fund Management?
Over $7 Million
Over $5 Million
Over $3 Million
Over $1 Million
Less Than $1 Million
Which of these human and civil rights violators have donated to the Clinton Foundation?
Paul Kagame in Rwanda
René Preval in Haiti
Goodluck Jonathan in Nigeria
Nursultan Nazarbayev in Kazakhstan
Muammar Gaddafi in Libya
Hillary Clinton is the ONLY presidential candidate to be under investigation by the FBI while running.
The Clinton Foundation has received donations by the same people funding ISIS.
Which of the following news outlets have been found scheming with Hillary Clinton, against journalistic integrity?
ABC News
Boston Globe
CNN News
Fox News
New York Times
Wall Street Journal
{"name":"How Much Do You Know About Hillary Clinton's Scandals?", "url":"","txt":"How Much Do You Know About The Scandals Behind The Democratic Nominee? Take the quiz and find out!","img":"","hash":"#NeverHillary, #ImWithHer, #CrookedHillary, #POTUS"}
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