Anthro Final

What is cultural adaptation?
Ideas, activities, technology that enable people to survive
Example is the Tsembaga of New Guinea
What is cultural evolution?
Cultural changes over time
Example: Comanche Indians
What is cultural area?
Geographic region where a number of societies follow patterns of life
Examples are great plains vs great basin
What is cultural core?
Cultural features that are fundamental in a society
What is subsistence?
How we get our food
Who are foragers, what do they do?
People who hunt and gathers food
They live in marginal environment, nomadic lifestyle, live in small group. No social inequality, determined by carrying capacity. Men hunt games while women gathers and process plant foods.
Example is the Ju/'hoansi of South Africa
What are horticulturalists?
They practice garden cultivation, have small gardens, some surplus
Slash-and-burn cultivation
What are agriculturalists?
They practice farming, breeding of animals and plants
Technology used are irrigations and plows. Have surplus for trade
Examples are the Inca terraced field
What are Nomadic Pastoralists?
They are a wandering group of people who depends on livestock. They raise large animal herds and live where animals are.
Example is the bakhtiari. Zagros Mountains
Patterns of Subsistence conclusion
Determined by environment, technology, and cultural adaptations
What is economic system?
Organized arrangement for producing, distributing, and consuming goods
Examples are the Trobriand Islanders where yams are a sign of economic wealth and social status.
Control over Natural Resources
Land and Water
Groups include foragers, farmers, pastoralists and postindustrial
Control over technology
Groups include foragers, pastoral nomads, horticulturalists
Control over Production
Division of labor by gender, age, cooperative labor, and craft specialization
What is craft specialization?
The degree of specialization varies in industrialized societies and small societies
Examples are the Afar people, Ethiopia
What is reciprocity?
The exchange of goods and services of equal value between two parties.
Example: Kota
What are the three types of reciprocity?
Generalized, Balanced, and Negative
What is redistribution?
A form of exchange in which goods flow into a central place, where they are sorted and reallocated.
Example: Inca, Potlatch
What are the three types of market exchange?
Traditional, Industrial, Postindustrial
Traditional are personal interactions, industrial are non-personal interactions, and postindustial are non-specific and faceless interactions.
What are the classes and ranks?
Egalitarian societies, social class, caste, social mobility.
What is Power?
The ability of a person to impose their will upon others
What are uncentralized systems?
Includes bands and tribes. Based on kinship and marriage, small population, leaders have no real power.
What are the two types of centralized systems?
Chiefdom and State.
Chiefdom is where two or more groups are organized under one ruler.
State is the largest and most formal organization.
What is legitimacy?
The right of leaders to govern to hold, use, and allocate power.
Example: Big man of New Guinea
Leadership and Gender
Women as leaders are seen less often
Women play big role behind the scenes
What are the three types of controls to maintain order?
Internalized, Externalized, and Witchcraft
Why do we have war?
Males of the species are aggressive
What are the mechanisms of cultural change?
Primary and Secondary Innovations. Primary are the creations of new ideas, secondary is the modification of existing ideas.
Cultural Loss
What is diffusion?
Diffusion is the spread of certain practices from one culture to another.
What is cultural loss?
Cultural loss is the abandonment of existing practices or trait
What is acculturation?
Acculturation is the replacements of traits of one culture with another.
What is ethnocide?
Extermination of national culture
What is directed change?
When one group establishes dominance over another
What is syncretism?
Blending of traits to form a new system
What is modernization?
The process of political and socioeconomic change
What is globalization?
The development and proliferation of complex, interdependent international connections
What is convergent evolution?
Different people with different ancestral culture
What is parallel evolution?
People whose ancestral cultures are similar
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