Lifespan Final
Lifespan Final Quiz
Test your knowledge on the intricacies of aging and the factors that contribute to a successful lifespan with our engaging quiz! This quiz features a variety of questions designed to challenge your understanding of aging from a physiological and psychological standpoint.
- 41 thought-provoking questions
- Multiple choice format
- Instant feedback on your answers
Ageism is?
Judging Kevin because he is better than me
Bias based on age
A concept that causes under dosing of exercise prescription
A concept that healthcare professional are especially susceptible to
Which of the following best describes the model of successful aging?
Absence of disease and disability
High cognitive and physical function
Kicking ass in softball games
Active engagement with life
The model of optimal aging basically states what?
That it doesnt matter if you have some medical conditions, as long as you are satisfied with your health it's okay
That you have to be as fit as a fiddle
That you can have as many co-morbidities as you want as long as you are happy with you health
Smoking is okay as long as you like it
Aging in place is best described as?
Staying in the same state your whole life (never leaving Minnesota)
Remaining in the same home and community later in life
Remaining in the same living facility as you get older
Living with your parents and grandchildren forever
Which of the following does not occur in normal aging of the brain?
Decreased synaptic connections
Decreased brain volume
Increased in plaques and tangles
Increased in ventricle size
Which of the following does not occur in normal aging of cognitive processing?
No change in sensory perception
Increase in difficulty hearing low tones
Decrease in difficulty hearing high tones
Decreased in peripheral processing
Which of the following does not occur in normal aging and attention?
Decrease in divided attention
No change to sustained attention
Increase in selective attention (the old bats only pay attention to what they want)
Decrease in alternating attention
Which of the following does not occur in normal aging with memory?
Increased semantic memory
Decreased working memory
No change in short term memory
No change in episodic memory
Which of the following does not DECREASE with normal aging in regards to the cardiopulmonary system?
Chest wall rigidity
Cough force
Gas exchange
Chest wall compliance
Which of the following does not INCREASE with normal aging in regards to the cardiopulmonary system?
Connective tissue and elastin breakdown
Forced expiratory volume
Residual volume
AP chest diameter
Which of the following does not DECREASE with normal aging in regards to the cardiovascular system?
Fat constituents
O2 transport capacity
Blood flow
Cardiac output
Which of the following does not DECREASES with normal aging in regards to the visual system?
The ability to see Kevin's beauty
Tear production
Size of pupil
Processing time
Which of the following does not DECREASE in normal aging with regards to the sensory system
Hair cells in cochlea
Sensitivity of hands and feet
Ability to taste
Neurons for smelling
Which of the following is not a normal aging aspect of the skin?
Decrease in sweat glands
Decrease in fat stores
Decrease in blood vessel strength
Increase in skin elasticity
At what rate does isometric strength decline from ages 50-70?
Which has more concentric strength loss in normal aging?
Lower extremity
Upper extremity
At what rate does RELATIVE power decrease per decade?
Which if the following does not decrease with normal aging in regards to muscle?
Type 2 fibers
Type 1 fibers
Muscle mass
Total number of myfibrils
At what rate do men decrease in trabecular bone with normal aging?
With regards to connective tissue, which of the following does normal aging not increase?
Cross linakge of collagen fibers
Stiffness of cartilage
Fibrous growth
What age group does ROM peak and what rate does it decline at per decade?
20s and 7%
20s and 6%
30s and 7%
30s and 6%
Which of the following do not INCREASE with normal aging in regards to the nervous system?
CSF fluid
Lipofuscin granules
Which of the following is not a common posture change for normal aging?
Forward head
Increased lordotic curve
Decreased lordotic curve
Extended hips
In normal aging your gait changes, which of the following is not an aspect of this?
Decreased step length
Increased width of steps
Increased stride legth
Decreases cadence
T or F: the 30 second arm curl test is 30 seconds long?
Gotcha! Just making sure you're paying attention.
The 30 second arm curl test is 30 seconds long!
Kevin does the 30 second arm curl test with 80 lb weights
I dont care anymore I just want it to be break
Paul you should knock it off which these stupid jokes, they are terrible
T or F: the heel raise test is a functional screen of the soleus strength?
In the 2 minute step test you count what?
How many steps in total
Every other step
In the back scratch test you measure what?
From wrist to wrist
From middle finger to middle finger
From 4th MTP to 4th MTP
In the occiput to wall measure test, anything higher than what is an indication for fracture?
2 cm
2 in
4 cm
4 in
In the rib to pelvis test, a measure of how many fingers or more suggests vertebral fracture?
What is the MCID for gait speed?
0.11 m/s
0.12 m/s
0.13 m/s
0.14 m/s
For the TUG, a time less than what is needed for community dwelling adults
13.5 seconds
14.5 seconds
15 seconds
13 seconds
In the Berg balance Scale, what score out of 56 indicates a falls risk?
< 45
< 46
< 47
If the 4 square step test is not done in ____ seconds or less than there is a falls risk
A score of what or less indicates a falls risk on the ABCS?
In the SLUMS test, scoring is dependent on what?
If Kevin likes them or not
Level of education
Level of cognition
ON the MoCA test, a score of what or higher is considered normal?
Which of the following is not a benefit for physical activity in older adults?
Lower levels of depression
Improved gait speed
Maintain independence with ADLs
Lower diastolic BP number
When measuring aerobic intensity, which of the following illustrates moderate intensity on a scale of 1-10?
How many days a week is it recommended that older adults should perform resistance training?
{"name":"Lifespan Final", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on the intricacies of aging and the factors that contribute to a successful lifespan with our engaging quiz! This quiz features a variety of questions designed to challenge your understanding of aging from a physiological and psychological standpoint.41 thought-provoking questionsMultiple choice formatInstant feedback on your answers","img":"https:/images/course4.png"}
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