Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in quant-ph on Tue, 8 Feb 22
[2202.02342] Mihika Prabhu, Carlos Errando-Herranz, Lorenzo De Santis et al.: Individually Addressable Artificial Atoms in Silicon Photonics
[2202.02345] A. K. Singh, Kushagra Sachan, L. Chotorlishvili et al.: Scrambling and quantum feedback in a nanomechanical system
[2202.02364] Christopher S. Wang, Nicholas E. Frattini, Benjamin J. Chapman et al.: Observation of wave-packet branching through an engineered conical intersection
[2202.02417] Robert Schade, Carsten Bauer, Konstantin Tamoev et al.: Parallel Quantum Chemistry on Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum Computers
[2202.02482] Yunlan Zuo, Ran Huang, Le-Man Kuang et al.: Loss-Induced Quantum Revival
[2202.02554] Miloslav Znojil: Confluences of exceptional points and a systematic classification of quantum catastrophes
[2202.02593] Stefano Gherardini, Lorenzo Buffoni, Guido Giachetti et al.: Energy fluctuation relations and repeated quantum measurements
[2202.02615] Aurélien Drezet: In defense of Relational Quantum Mechanics: A note on `Qubits are not observers'
[2202.02632] Abdulsalam H. Alsulami, Irene D'Amico, Marta P. Estarellas et al.: Robust Routing, Entanglement Generation, and Phase Sensing as emergent behaviour in quantum spin networks
[2202.02648] Sarah True, Alioscia Hamma: Transitions in Entanglement Complexity in Random Circuits
[2202.02655] Santanu Manna, Huiying Huang, Saimon Filipe Covre da Silva et al.: Surface passivation and oxide encapsulation to improve optical properties of a single GaAs quantum dot close to the surface
[2202.02667] Biswanath Bhoi, Bosung Kim, Hae-Chan Jeon et al.: Coexistence of coupling-induced transparency and absorption of transmission signals in magnon-mediated photon-photon coupling
[2202.02671] Lexing Ying: Stable factorization for phase factors of quantum signal processing
[2202.02680] Xiaohui Qian, Zhe Sun, Nengji Zhou: Unveiling quantum entanglement and correlation of sub-Ohmic and Ohmic baths for quantum phase transitions in dissipative systems
[2202.02694] Qing-Wei Wang: Exact dynamical correlations of nonlocal operators in quadratic open Fermion systems: a characteristic function approach
[2202.02706] Yao-Kun Wang, Li-Zhu Ge, Shao-Ming Fei et al.: A Note on Holevo quantity of $SU(2)$-invariant states
[2202.02743] Jia-shun Yan, Jun Jing: Simultaneous cooling by measuring one ancillary system
[2202.02744] Asmita Kumari, Ujjwal Sen: Local PT-symmetric evolutions on separable states and violation of no-signaling
[2202.02750] Yanming Che, Clemens Gneiting, Franco Nori: Estimating the Euclidean Quantum Propagator with Deep Generative Modelling of Feynman paths
[2202.02774] Venkat Padmasola, Rupak Chatterjee: Optimization on Large Interconnected Graphs and Networks Using Adiabatic Quantum Computation
[2202.02789] Charis Anastopoulos, Bei-Lok Hu: Gravity, Quantum Fields and Quantum Information: Problems with classical channel and stochastic theories
[2202.02820] S. Sagar Maurya, S. Bharathi Kannan, Kushal Patel et al.: Control of dynamical localization in atom-optics kicked rotor
[2202.02871] B. Hamil, B. C. Lütfüoğlu: Thermal Properties of Relativistic Dunkl Oscillators
[2202.02909] Ken N. Okada, Keita Osaki, Kosuke Mitarai et al.: Identification of topological phases using classically-optimized variational quantum eigensolver
[2202.02962] Huang-Qiu-Chen Wang, Qi Luo, Qi-Ping Su et al.: Coordinately Assisted Distillation of Quantum Coherence in Multipartite System
[2202.02983] Guanru Feng, Shi-Yao Hou, Hongyang Zou et al.: SpinQ Triangulum: a commercial three-qubit desktop quantum computer
[2202.03028] Jernej Rudi Finžgar, Philipp Ross, Johannes Klepsch et al.: QUARK: A Framework for Quantum Computing Application Benchmarking
[2202.03035] Andrey R. Kolovsky: Josephson oscillation in the dissipative Bose-Hubbard dimer
[2202.03042] V. E. Lembessis, A. Lyras, O. M. Aldossary: Quantum States of a Two-Level Atom trapped in a Helical Optical Tube
[2202.03044] Jack Raymond, Radomir Stevanovic, William Bernoudy et al.: Hybrid quantum annealing for larger-than-QPU lattice-structured problems
[2202.03090] Adam Alfieri, Surendra B. Anantharaman, Huiqin Zhang et al.: Nanomaterials for Quantum Information Science and Engineering
[2202.03127] Tathagata Gupta, Subhendu B. Ghosh, Ardra A V et al.: Genuine Activation of Quantum Nonlocality: Stronger Than Local Indistinguishability
[2202.03197] Josep Batle, Adam Bednorz: Optimal classical and quantum real and complex dimension witness
[2202.03260] Elisha Siddiqui Matekole, Yao-Lung L. Fang, Meifeng Lin: Methods and Results for Quantum Optimal Pulse Control on Superconducting Qubit Systems
[2202.03272] Kaifeng Bu, Dax Enshan Koh, Roy J. Garcia et al.: Classical shadows with Pauli-invariant unitary ensembles
[2202.03284] Phillip W. K. Jensen, Lasse Bjørn Kristensen, Cyrille Lavigne et al.: Towards Quantum Computing with Molecular Electronics
[2202.03321] Junjun Duan, Lin Zhang, Quan Qian et al.: A characterization of maximally entangled two-qubit states
[2202.03339] George Biswas, Anindya Biswas, Ujjwal Sen: Shared purity and concurrence of a mixture of ground and low-lying excited states as indicators of quantum phase transitions
[2202.03345] Mei-Ming Zhang, Naihuan Jing, Hui Zhao: Monogamy and polygamy relations of quantum correlations for multipartite systems
[2202.03353] T. L. M. Guedes, I. Vakulchyk, D. V. Seletskiy et al.: Back action in quantum electro-optic sampling of electromagnetic vacuum fluctuations
[2202.03368] Marios Christodoulou, Andrea Di Biagio, Markus Aspelmeyer et al.: Locally mediated entanglement through gravity from first principles
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in quant-ph on Tue, 8 Feb 22","img":""}
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