Circus Quiz

What is your age?
16 - 18
19 - 21
22 - 24
Over 24
When was the last time you visited a circus?
Within the last year
2 years ago
3 years ago
Longer than 3 years ago
Think about the last time you visited a circus, what is your favourite part of the show?
Do you prefer when animals are used in circus acts?
Doesn't bother me
When you think about the circus, what naturally comes to mind?
Do you think circus shows are only for children?
Don't Know
How would you prefer a circus to be documented?
Vice style documentary
Louis Theroux documentary
Fact based documentary
If you chose other please specify, if not just type N/A
How long would you like documentaries to be?
5 Minutes
10 Minutes
15 Minutes
Longer than 15 Minutes
Finally, What is your gender?
Prefer not to say
{"name":"Circus Quiz", "url":"","txt":"What is your age?, When was the last time you visited a circus?, Think about the last time you visited a circus, what is your favourite part of the show?","img":""}
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